Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin who stumbled downstairs, shook his head, and thought, this should be the legendary high attack and low defense, right?

Her attack power was so high that she wanted to marry him and have children right away, which made him unable to resist; but her defense power was so low that she ran away with a blushing face after just a kiss.

Of course, he licked his lips, and there was still the fragrance of the girl between his lips, and the tip of his tongue was sweet, which felt really good.

Qin Ran stayed in the same place for a long time to savor the taste of the silly apprentice's wet and soft lips, and then turned back to sit down at the desk. He looked at the papers on the table, sorted out the broken pieces of the pen he crushed, and then took out a new pen from the drawer and leaned over to write.

There was a large piece of paper on the table, and the most conspicuous thing on the paper was a huge array effect diagram. The array lines on the array diagram were densely packed, and the array patterns were complicated and messy, which made people dizzy.

Above this effect diagram, the name of this array was written, which was "Ultra-distance One-way Transmission Array". Yes, this is the escape formation that Qin Ran has been researching for the past two years.

Although he has also made contributions to Daojianmen in the past two years, this does not conflict with his escape plan at all.

This teleportation formation has now been set up underground in Danfeng. It only needs some details and final calculations to operate normally. The reason why this formation can be set up so quickly is that Qin Ran has become the chief medicine elder, because since he took that position, he no longer lacks materials for setting up the formation.


Some people are actually asking, how did Qin Ran embezzle?

It must be embezzlement!

Don’t people still think that Qin Ran is a good person? This guy only has that layer of skin that is clean. If you peel it a little deeper, it’s all black. He sits in such a lucrative position, and he is still upright and clean?

It’s nonsense!

He just didn’t act as arrogantly and blatantly as Jian Yuanjie.

He did a good job of the accounts that should be done; but the things that should fall into his pocket, they can’t escape. After all, with the level of mathematics in this world, who can check his accounts?

He just used Dao Jianmen's money to buy the materials he needed.

So, when setting up the mountain protection formation, he begged for help from everyone and looked for materials everywhere, and only then could he barely get them together; but when setting up a teleportation formation that was much more complicated than the mountain protection formation, he had no material crisis at all.

What he was doing now was to think about what to do when teleporting to an unfamiliar place.

And below the formation effect diagram was his plan.

The first point: after teleporting to the destination, determine the surrounding environment and ensure the safety of the teleportation point;

The second point: hide and protect the teleportation point;

The third point...

There were already sixteen scattered items listed above.

But now, Qin Ran picked up the pen and wrote the seventeenth item on it: find Rongling Pill, or more conveniently refine the single recipe of Rongling Pill.

The silly apprentice took the initiative, so he had to feel the need to act. After all, his physiological functions were not impeded. Facing such a peerless beauty, his heart was burning with passion, and he wished that Li Shiyin would give him a baby immediately. So he had to quickly eliminate the little hidden danger in his heart.

Then, he wrote down 18 items on the paper: Collect the dual cultivation method...

Li Shiyin ran downstairs and rushed out of the cabin, and then she suddenly stopped and was stunned.

Because at this time, in front of the cabin, under the window of the study, four monsters of different sizes were standing neatly: Tushan Youyou, Long Qiqi, Zhuifeng and Liu Xiaoji.

They looked at Li Shiyin and ran out with her face covered, and they all said "Wow" inexplicably, with a look of excitement, enjoyment, and unsatisfied on their faces.

So Li Shiyin slowly reacted, and it turned out that these guys had been peeking and eavesdropping outside!

She was so ashamed and angry that she looked at Long Qiqi, but saw that Long Qiqi had become aloof and even tilted his head to look at the sky and whistled.


She woke up again, Long Qiqi did it on purpose! She was deliberately asked to confront the master, so she could watch the show! Ah! This black-bellied little loli is so babyish!!

"Ahhh... Qiqi, you deserve to die! I'm going to kill you!" Suddenly, the Muran Sword was unsheathed, and Li Shiyin rushed towards Long Qiqi with it.

The Muran Sword was out, and Long Qiqi was horrified and almost frightened back to her original form. She jumped and jumped directly onto Zhuifeng's big head, shouting: "Zhuifeng, run!"

Zhuifeng was watching the excitement, and in a trance, he saw Li Shiyin holding the Muran Sword and rushing towards him with murderous intent.

"No, it's none of my business!" He screamed.

But the ashamed Li Shiyin didn't care, and a star sword energy came at him, and he had to dodge. "Stupid tiger, run over there!" Long Qiqi climbed on Zhuifeng's neck, grabbed his two ears with both hands, and directed the direction like a remote control.

Zhuifeng had no time to think and could only run in the direction pointed by Long Qiqi.

So, he ran and she chased.

Another bloody fight took place at Danfeng...

Qin Ran made a plan and put the paper away. He stood in front of the window of the study with a calm face and looked out. He saw the Danfeng outside, which was a terrifying scene like the end of the world.

The eighth-level Xuanming Spirit Tiger and the peerless sword genius started fighting again, which really made the sky and the earth lose their color, the sun and the moon lose their light, and the wind and clouds suddenly change...

Of course, he was not panicked at all. If these two naughty guys didn't fight one day, he would have to think about whether something was wrong. These two are top geniuses, and they all learned from him. They are actually very restrained when fighting. They just look scary, but in fact, they don't leak any strength.

After all, they all know that with their strength, if any sword energy is chopped off or any tiger claw is scratched off, it may bring devastating damage to Danfeng.

They also love Danfeng, and they are reluctant to destroy it.

The two restless guys fought for a long time, and finally Li Shiyin gave up first.

She flew down from the sky with a sword in hand, and saw Qin Ran in front of the study window, muttering softly: "I want to be a lady, learn to be a wife, learn to be a mother, and be gentle..."

Muttering, she landed on the ground, and said in her heart: "I must be the master's wife, a qualified wife."

"Why don't you fight?" Zhuifeng landed and asked, "You are more than this strength!"

"I will be gentle in the future, and I can't be as wild and naughty as you." Li Shiyin slowed down her speech, lowered her tone, and softened her voice.

Zhuifeng frowned directly, raised his big claws and pressed them on Li Shiyin's forehead: "You won't be possessed by someone, right?"

"Your claws are so dirty, don't touch me!" Li Shiyin slapped Zhuifeng's claws away. A qualified girl loves cleanliness!

This taste is right. Although the claws were slapped away by Li Shiyin, Zhuifeng breathed a sigh of relief. It was still Li Shiyin, who was not possessed...

Qin Ran looked at this scene on the lawn in front of the window and couldn't help sighing. He didn't sigh for anything else, but thought of his previous life. In that world, everything requires a certificate. Teachers need a teaching certificate, nurses need a nursing certificate, students need a level 4 certificate and a graduation certificate, and getting married requires a marriage certificate. But the most important things - having children, raising children, and being a parent - do not require any certificates.

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