My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 316 Miss Shiyin wants to be gentle

In addition to kissing her master when she has nothing to do, and being addicted to Sesei, Li Shiyin is indeed learning what a wife and mother need.

Of course, she must not learn from these two guys, Tushan Youyou and Long Qiqi. In the last major showdown, these two guys' performance was extremely unreliable.

But it was a bit strange to learn how to be a mother and a wife in the spiritual world, so she looked for some books to read, learned book knowledge, and recalled how her mother did it.

Combining the two, she finally had some understanding.

And when she recalled her mother from such a perspective, she discovered some great details about her mother in her past life.

When will people truly understand filial piety? When he had a child of his own.

And Li Shiyin was surprised to find that she could actually calm down and read a book.

I have to praise hormones here.

One day in late spring, when Zhui Feng came back from outside, he saw someone reading a book on a rocking chair under the old locust tree from a distance. The back of the rocking chair faced outside and he couldn't see the front. He subconsciously thought it was Kieran and shouted: " Dad, what’s for dinner tonight? We haven’t had barbecue for a long time. How about barbecue tonight?”

But when he got closer and walked around the back of the chair, he was shocked to realize that the person on the chair was not Kieran, but Li Shiyin!

Li Shiyin is leaning on the back of the chair and reading a book, a quiet girl reading under the shade of a tree...

"Shi... Shiyin?" Zhui Feng said in surprise, "Why is it you?!"

Li Shiyin raised her head, looked at the angry Zhui Feng, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You, you, you... why are you reading?" Zhui Feng felt that the sun was rising in the west, "Have you really been snatched away?!"

"What are you talking about?" Li Shiyin looked at him angrily, "Master said, the book has its own beauty, the book has its own golden house, and there is a lot of knowledge in the book. I used to be calm and couldn't calm down, but now I am calm. After reading the book, I gained many extraordinary insights.”

She further suggested, "Zhui Feng, you should also read a book."

"I'll forget it!" Zhui Feng shook his head repeatedly.

Li Shiyin's tone of voice was getting closer to Qin Ran. From this, Zhui Feng knew that Li Shiyin should not have been taken away.

When he heard Li Shiyin say that he had a new understanding, he hurriedly said: "You have a new understanding? Just in time, I have also learned a new magical power in the past few days. Come on, come on, come on, let's have a fight!"

"Fight?!" Li Shiyin shook her head and sighed, "Zhui Feng, why do you only know how to fight all day long? When will you be as mature as me!? Sigh..."

Zhuifeng looked at Li Shiyin again and again, raised his big paws, clenched and spread them, and finally put them in his mouth and licked them.

He vaguely felt that something was far away from him... If he were in modern society, he would know the call, and the bird of youth would never come back. It's a pity that he is not here, he just feels sad for no reason.

When a person becomes mature, should he be happy? Or should I be sad?

Li Shiyin looked helpless when she saw Zhui Feng licking her paws, and reprimanded her softly: "Your paws are trampling on the ground, they are so dirty, and you have to cut your mouth!

"It's just that I didn't teach you seriously when you were a child... so that you got into such a bad habit... Sigh... don't lick dirty paws again in the future. The master said that diseases enter from the mouth..."

Her nagging look is already the prototype of a mother, and she is 45% similar to Yang Yanqi. And this level of skill was already unbearable for Zhui Feng. He only felt that several mosquitoes flew to his ears...

"Huh?" He was surprised, "It's just summer, why are there mosquitoes?!"

He questioned, groped, and searched, and gradually walked away from the old locust tree and away from Li Shiyin.

"Huh..." Seeing Zhui Feng walking away, Li Shiyin also breathed a sigh of relief.

She covered her face with the book in her hand and lay down directly on the recliner. It's really hard to read books and stuff like that. It's really not her Li Shiyin style!

Kieran stood in front of the window of the study room on the second floor, looking at Li Shiyin who was as messed up as ever, and smiled knowingly. He shook his head and took a sip of the refreshing tea without making a sound.

In the evening of midsummer, Long Qiqi finished his work and walked out of the research building. She enjoyed the cool breeze by the river on the mountain and walked slowly along the river.

Not long after, she came to the position between the creek and Xijian Lake. She stretched in front of the cat climbing frame.

She looked towards the peach blossom forest across the lake. This is the season when the peach blossoms are withering, but it is also the season when the peach blossoms are in full bloom. In the peach blossom forest, when the evening wind blows, peach blossoms like butterflies are flying and landing in the peach blossom forest. The picture is very beautiful.

The so-called fallen heroes are colorful.

And in the peach blossom rain in the peach forest, she saw a graceful girl sitting cross-legged under a peach blossom tree, with her back to this side, her head lowered, not knowing what she was doing.

Long Qiqi recognized that it was Li Shiyin's back, but she really didn't know what Li Shiyin was doing. Driven by curiosity, she walked around the lake and came to the front of Li Shiyin.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously when she saw Li Shiyin holding a long piece of wood and carving seriously. She didn't know what he was doing.

Li Shiyin raised her head and smiled gently: "Is it Qiqi? I am making a guzheng!"

"Guzheng?" Long Qiqi looked at the long piece of wood whose material she didn't know. It did look like a zither or a harp, but...

"Okay, why are you doing the guzheng?"

She still remembered that when Qin Ran started to learn the flute, the whole Danfeng was filled with sobbing sounds in the evening. If you didn't know, you would think that someone was dying in Danfeng every night. Would she have to go through Li Shiyin's guzheng torture again?

"When my father asked me to learn the guzheng, he wanted me to look like a lady from a scholarly family. Recently, I think my father is right. Girls who can play the guzheng are really gentle." Li Shiyin said, "Master once said that it would be great if I could play the guzheng, so that we can play "Swordsman" together."

Long Qiqi looked Li Shiyin up and down, with a little disdain in her little look. She asked, "Can you play the guzheng?"

"I can!" Li Shiyin was not angry at all, and smiled mysteriously, "I have been playing the guzheng since I was a child, and I am just a little bit away from being a master."

Long Qiqi didn't believe it, but she still asked, "What's the difference?"

"I didn't like the guzheng at that time..." Li Shiyin said.

Long Qiqi was about to say something, but she stopped. She looked at the guzheng in Li Shiyin's hand, and turned and walked out of the peach forest. It would be better for her to not interfere in the affairs between the apostles.

But then again, Li Shiyin seems to be a little different recently... At least, she hasn't quarreled with her for a long time, and hasn't troubled her for a long time.

"Has she really changed?" She wondered in her heart, and sighed, "The power of love is really strong." Noticing that Long Qiqi had gone far away, Li Shiyin sighed, her pretty little face turned into a bitter melon face, and her brows wrinkled.

She can play the guzheng, she didn't lie about this, but... she can't make a guzheng!

Originally, she thought that the master couldn't even play the flute, but he could make a flute that could make a sound. Then she, Li Shiyin, was a guzheng master, and it wouldn't be a problem for her to make a guzheng.

Who would have thought...

The guzheng is too difficult!

She raised her head, bathed in the peach petals, and shouted silently... She wanted to maintain her ladylike image, so she didn't shout.

Qin Ran came out of the greenhouse with a branch of Zhuguo in his hand. He saw Li Shiyin looking up at the sky on the other side of Xijian Lake at a glance. He couldn't help but smile.

The silly apprentice was still the same silly look, and he hadn't changed.

It was autumn, and it was the so-called Mid-Autumn Festival of Qin Ran again. Tu Shanyouyou had finally made great progress in the formation. She walked out of the back mountain and found Qin Ran under the old locust tree.

"I have mastered the basic formation almost." She said to Qin Ran, "I want to find a place to practice."

"Okay..." Qin Ran sat at the table. There was a plate of cakes in front of him. He held a piece in his hand and said to Tu Shanyouyou, "List the materials you need, and I will bring it to you tomorrow. In addition, where are you going to experiment?"

After he finished speaking, he frowned, opened his mouth wide, stuffed the cake in his hand into his mouth, and then quickly took the tea to wash it down his stomach.

Tu Shan looked at Qin Ran's strange operation and said, "The peach forest over there! I'll plant some more and fill it up, and connect it to the mountain protection formation. I'll practice in the peach forest. I'll focus on trapping and illusion formations."

"Peach forest?" Qin Ran looked at the peach blossom forest. Those peach trees were all planted by him. They have grown up in the past two years and have peach blossoms and peaches. He nodded and said, "That's fine. But if you plant them from the beginning, you won't see the results until next year."

After he finished speaking, he picked up a piece of cake with a bitter look.

"It's okay. The last thing I lack is time." Tu Shan said leisurely. Seeing Qin Ran's operation and appearance, she couldn't help but asked, "Who made this cake?"

Before Qin Ran answered, a crisp voice came from the house, with a little pride: "I made it!"

She looked over and saw that it was Li Shiyin. Li Shiyin came out of the living room door again with a plate of strange-shaped cakes, walked over here, and said with a smile: "It's Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days, and the master is teaching me to make osmanthus cake."

"Osmanthus cake?" Tushan looked at the cakes on Li Shiyin's plate suspiciously, without judging, just nodded.

"How is it? Master, is it delicious?" Li Shiyin brought a new plate of cakes to the table, "Another basket of freshly baked cakes, Master, try it!"

"Yeah! Delicious!" Qin Ran's face naturally showed an appreciative smile. He gave Li Shiyin a thumbs up and said, "Shiyin's cooking is getting better and better. This basket, except for a slight flaw in appearance, is already eight points of my level!"

Tushan watched Qin Ran's performance in silence, and his heart was already full of admiration.

"Hehe..." Li Shiyin stuck out her tongue shyly, picked up the plate again, and warmly entertained Tushan Youyou, "It's still hot, Youyou, come, try a piece."

Tushan Youyou couldn't refuse, so she took a piece and took a small bite...

Then she quickly fled, saying that she was going to collect peach seeds.

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