On the third day after the Wuyi City Defense War ended, Qin Ran finally arrived at Wuyi City.

He was in the corridor, watching the silly apprentice running over from the other side to give him a hug and hang on him. The silly apprentice never concealed his love, just like the pure white snowflakes falling from the sky outside the corridor.

Of course, he also liked it, and he was very satisfied. Just ask, who doesn't want a girl to like him undisguisedly, when this girl is also liked by him. This is one of the happiest things in the world.

"Master, why are you here?" The silly apprentice asked in his ear.

I'm worried about you, so I came. Qin Ran didn't say that, he said: "I came to see."

"Hehe!" Li Shiyin laughed foolishly, then she remembered something, hurriedly got off Qin Ran, pulled Qin Ran up, and rushed into the study she had just come out of.

Li Shiyin took Qin Ran's hand, stood in front of Li Zhan's book, and proudly introduced to Li Zhan loudly: "Daddy, this is my master!"

Under what circumstances can you determine your position in the object's mind? See how she introduces you to friends and relatives. Being so proud of Li Shiyin, we can know how satisfied she is with Qin Ran, and we can also know that she is full of confidence that Qin Ran will satisfy her family.

However... how to say it?

Qin Ran was confused at this time.

Yes, Qin Ran is insidious, cunning, despicable, has a very flexible moral bottom line, and his mind is deeper than the Mariana Trench, but... people always have more than one side.

He is also the shy, immature, gentle master next door in Li Shiyin's memory.

Li Shiyin's perspective: On the day she became a disciple, the master used the most gentle smile to wipe away all her fears about the world of cultivation; she fell asleep on the table when she read the pharmacopoeia for the first time. When she woke up, the bright sunshine outside the window shone in and shone on the master, who sat quietly in the sun reading a book.

This is also Qin Ran, immature, shy, gentle, and delicate.

So when he had been scheming against someone's daughter for four years, and now that person was confronting him, he felt for the first time that his heart was dirty, and he dared not look at him directly, and even wanted to turn around and run away.

It's not that he hadn't thought about encountering such a scene, but... when a son-in-law meets his father-in-law, that mentality will never be stable.

Hearing this, Li Zhan hurriedly put down the things in his hands and stood up from behind the desk. He carefully examined what Li Shiyin said about her master, the legendary immortal-like person; the person who, according to his wife's analysis, stole his daughter's heart.

His first impression of Qin Ran was that he was handsome. Black hair and white face, gentle temperament, like a scholar who was well-read in poetry and books. This was not related to the words such as powerful, elixir, scheming, and immortal that he had expected.

As for the son-in-law... compared with his daughter's generous appearance, it was not certain who was the apprentice and who was the master...

Let my daughter marry him as a son-in-law!

So Li Zhan looked down on this master at first. But fortunately, he was not an ordinary person and reacted quickly. This is my daughter's master. My daughter can be so powerful. This master must not be a mortal.

He did not rely on his status as Li Shiyin's father. He lowered his posture and humbly bowed to Qin Ran, saying: "Meet the Immortal!"

Hearing Li Zhan call him the Immortal, Qin Ran suddenly realized his identity as a cultivator, and his heart was at peace. Yes, he is a cultivator, and the person in front of him is just a mortal.

"Cough!" Qin Ran coughed dryly, but did not rely on his identity as a cultivator. He returned the greeting to Li Zhan and said "Meet the General."

So at this point, the atmosphere of the first meeting between the "future father-in-law and son-in-law" seemed gentle.

Li Zhan walked out from behind the desk and smiled at Qin Ran: "I have heard of the name of the Immortal for a long time, and now I have the honor to see his true appearance... Please sit here, Immortal."

He gestured to Qin Ran to sit down and asked someone to prepare tea.

Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin next to him, calmed down again, and sat down with Li Shiyin.

In front of his father, Li Shiyin was not too arrogant after all. But she was still proud, and introduced to Li Zhan:

"Daddy, Master is the head of Danfeng of Daojianmen. Daojianmen has only four peaks, and Master is the head of one of them. And Master is the first alchemist of Daojianmen, and he is very good at alchemy. The elixirs we usually use are made by Master. And... And Master knows a lot of things, Master knows everything..."

Listening to Li Shiyin praising herself and speaking well of herself in front of Li Zhan, Qin Ran was still a little embarrassed, and just smiled awkwardly but politely.

"I have seen the immortal's elixir... Old Mo once said that the immortal's elixir should be above the fifth grade." Li Zhan smiled.

Qin Ran smiled and said modestly: "I just know a little about elixirs."

When the topic mentioned Old Mo, the monk who died in the battle to defend the city a few days ago, the atmosphere in the study slowly changed from awkward to low.

Qin Ran looked at Li Zhan and said first: "The victory or defeat of Beichu and Xuanqin is not in Beichu and Xuanqin, but in Yuntianmen."

Seeing Qin Ran talking about the war, Li Zhan asked: "What do you think, Immortal?"

"General, you don't have to call me Immortal, just call me by my name." Qin Ran said with a smile.

Li Shiyin also nodded: "Dad, it's strange for you to call Master Immortal, Master is actually only in his twenties, Master is very young."

"Haha." Li Zhan laughed tactically and said, "You don't have to call me General, just call me Uncle."

Qin Ran took the opportunity to call Li Zhan "Uncle Li", and then continued: "The national strength of Bei Chu and Xuan Qin was originally not much different, but when the Devouring Demon Willow was in chaos, Xuan Qin's losses were less than Bei Chu. But this loss of national strength is not enough to make Xuan Qin want to annex Bei Chu.

"The Emperor of Xuan Qin somehow reached a deal with Yuntianmen, which is the key point of the war at this time.

"If we solve the cultivators of Yuntianmen, we can solve the current dilemma of Bei Chu."

"Then how to solve the cultivators of Yuntianmen?" Li Zhan understood the reason, but what about the solution?

"I am currently investigating what kind of deal Xuan Qin and Yuntianmen reached..." Qin Ran said, "But Uncle Li, don't worry, leave the matters between the cultivators to me. You only need to be responsible for the military formation."

In front of his future father-in-law, this guy is still unbalanced. He takes on a lot of responsibilities and pats his chest to make promises. This is something he would never do under normal circumstances.

If Qin Ran could solve the problem of the cultivators, Li Zhan would marry Li Shiyin to him, and even Li Shiwen to him.

He was overjoyed and said, "Then I'll trouble you!"

"But Master..." At this time, Li Shiyin suddenly raised her hand and said, "It's not just Yuntianmen on Xuanqin's side!"

"Hmm?" Qin Ran's expression changed, and he hurriedly looked at Li Shiyin and asked, "Who else?"

"When I was fighting with the cultivators of Yuntianmen that night, I met people from the Wuyin Sword Sect." Li Shiyin said, "It was the two Yuanying stage people we met in the Immortal Relics Land during the time of the Devouring Demon Willow."

Qin Ran's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he instantly knew which two people Li Shiyin was talking about. And as smart as he was, he almost instantly understood that the two people were coming for him.

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