
A deep laugh suddenly sounded in the room, Qin Ran looked towards the source of the sound, it was Li Shiwen who woke up.

He sat up from the bed, looked at him jokingly, and laughed: "Brother Qin, you can't do this! I don't think you have any prestige of a master."

Among the three people present, only Li Shiyin couldn't tell that this was a joke about Qin Ran's ears.

Qin Ran could hear it, but he didn't care about whether the ears were soft or hard. He laughed and asked Li Shiwen: "So what do you think is the prestige of a master?"

Li Shiwen didn't answer him, but shouted to Yuchi Zhen: "Zhenzhen, come here." Yuchi Zhen walked to him obediently.

"Yes, kiss me." He pointed to his unshaven cheek and signaled Yuchi Zhen.

There were outsiders in the room, Yuchi Zhen was very shy, but still kissed Li Shiwen with a red face.

Li Shiwen raised his eyebrows at Qin Ran and boasted, "This is prestige."

Watching Li Shiwen show him his manliness, Qin Ran saw it in his eyes and smiled in his heart.

Li Shiwen thought he was in control of everything. Yuchi Zhen was very well-behaved, and he had the final say on all matters at home. Little did he know that in fact, Yuchi Zhen had the final say in their family.

Yuchi Zhen was a typical beauty whose soft sword could cut souls. Li Shiwen had long been controlled by Yuchi Zhen invisibly.

On the surface, the relationship between the two of them was that Li Shiwen doted on Yuchi Zhen, but in reality, it was Yuchi Zhen who doted on Li Shiwen. Perhaps, in Yuchi Zhen's eyes, Li Shiwen was just a big boy.

Qin Ran saw it clearly, smiled, and said, "Not bad."

But he was not praising Li Shiwen, but praising Yuchi Zhen.

Several people were joking back and forth, but there was a fool in the room who was puzzled. She asked, "But brother, you are not my sister-in-law's master!"

As soon as this was said, those who understood understood, and everyone in the room burst into laughter.

Li Shiwen was unconscious for a long time because of an excess of elixirs. His injuries had actually healed long ago. Now Qin Ran has extracted the excess medicinal power in his body, so he is basically fine.

It was even a blessing in disguise. His physique went a step further and became stronger... pushing the limit of mortal strength one step further.

Yuchi Zhen helped Li Shiwen put on his coat and shoes, helped him get up and get off the bed.

"What is the specific situation in Wuyi City?" Li Shiwen asked.

As Qin Ran judged, Li Shiwen was conscious when he was still unconscious. He heard some of the words in this room and knew that Li Shiyin had relieved Wuyi City.

But he only heard a few words and didn't know the specific situation.

"The situation is deadlocked." This was not said by Li Shiyin or Qin Ran, but by Yuchi Zhen.

Li Shiwen frowned and asked, "Wuyi City was not captured, and Xuan Qin did not withdraw its troops?"

"No." Yuchi Zhen said.

Li Shiwen's face became heavy. He walked to the window, opened it, and saw the snow outside. He was puzzled: "How can Xuan Qin's logistics withstand it?"

"With cultivators, logistics is not a problem." Qin Ran gave him the answer.

Li Shiwen reacted and sighed.

He looked up at the gray sky for a long time and asked Qin Ran: "Logistics... Shiyin is so powerful, can we cut off their logistics?"

"Too difficult." Qin Ran replied, "It's not a question of whether we can beat them, but we can't find them. In this vast world, we need to find a few cultivators to transport supplies..."

He shook his head, like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Li Shiyin's combat power is very high. If she doesn't have a Yuanying, there are few people she can't beat. And it is impossible for a Yuanying stage leader to transport supplies to the army, so if someone can be found, it is possible to let Li Shiyin rob supplies.

...But no one can be found.

"Could it be..." Li Shiwen looked down at the thin snow piled up on the ground and whispered, "Heaven wants to destroy Beichu."

"Where is the will of heaven..." Qin Ran was about to comfort Li Shiwen, saying that man can conquer nature, but he suddenly thought of his miserable situation when he was going through the Jindan Tribulation, and knew that there seemed to be heaven in this world. He looked out at the sky and did not continue.

"Now, Xuanqin has cultivators transporting supplies, while Beichu can only transport them by the army. On the contrary, Wuyi City is short of resources..." Li Shiwen sighed, "How many people will be frozen to death in this snow?"

Qin Ran was silent. He wanted to say that if there were water cultivators, or if the cultivation was high enough, the weather could be controlled, or the cold air could be blocked, or the clouds in the sky could be broken... But he did not say it, because he was a water cultivator, and he could not do it.

After talking here for a while, the few of them sorted themselves out and went out to the city to take a closer look. No matter how much you hear or think, it is better to see it with your own eyes.

I don’t know whether Li Shiwen’s injury has not fully recovered or the medicine is too strong and has damaged his muscles. In short, he looks like he can’t walk and always needs Yuchi Zhen to support him;

I don’t know whether Qin Ran can’t walk either, but in short, Li Shiyin also holds one of his hands and walks close to him.

The four of them left the city lord’s mansion and went to the street outside.

The street was deserted, with only a few people coming and going, all hunched over to reduce the contact between their bodies and the cold wind, and then ran quickly.

But, it’s not that there are no people on the street. On the contrary, there are a lot of people on the street!

One after another, ragged, pale and skinny refugees crowded on the street, like a mass grave, filling the street.

Some of them covered themselves with tattered coarse linen clothes to keep warm, but there was snow on the clothes; some had nothing on their bodies and huddled together to keep warm, but there was snow on their bodies. Some shivered in the cold wind, and some did not shiver.

These were the people of Northern Chu who were chased by Xuan Qin all the way to Wuyi City. Some people were sent to the rear, and these were those who were not sent away for various reasons.

This situation was truly a purgatory on earth.

When someone passed by, they would numbly stretch out their hands to beg for food, drink, and clothes.

Li Shiwen had nothing on him, so he took off his coat and handed it out. If someone else wanted it, he thought he was not afraid of the cold, so he handed out his inner clothes, leaving only a pair of trousers to cover his shame.

Li Shiyin could not take off her clothes to give them away, but walked from one end of the street to the other end of the street. Her Qiankun bag was empty, and all the food, use, and drink in it were handed out by her.

Yuchi Zhen couldn't give anything, but she was the most ordinary among the four. She was also shivering in the cold wind. She was the one who could empathize with these people the most.

And Qin Ran, he didn't speak the whole time, didn't deliver supplies, and didn't stop the childish kindness of the Li brothers and sisters. He thought he had long been numb to the various aspects of the world, but then he realized that he wasn't.

The four of them walked through the streets and finally came to the city wall. Zhuifeng lay on the top of the city, his big butt and long tail hanging on the wall, and were burnt yellow by the incense under the city wall.

They climbed up the city wall and looked towards the Xuanqin military camp. From a distance, they saw the smoke rising from there.

Qin Ran finally understood what war was.

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