My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 342: The Golden Core Monk Wandering in Xuanqin

After leaving the village, Qin Ran changed into another body shape and continued to rush to Modu, the capital of Xuan Qin, without stopping.

After galloping all the way, it was another day. He was almost approaching Modu, and he stopped.

He remembered that Zhao Yaqing once said that there was a high priest in the imperial court, who was probably very powerful. Therefore, he couldn't fly into Modu so arrogantly.

His best option is to disguise himself as a mortal and sneak in, then wait for the opportunity.

It was already afternoon, and the sky was dim. Although it was no longer snowing, the sky was still cold.

There was a long queue at the gate of Modu City, all of them were people who wanted to enter the city. Kieran took a look from a distance and saw that most of them were old people and women.

He walked over, quietly transformed into an old man, and stood silently at the end of the line.

The ground was wet and cold, the sky was dark, and no one spoke in the long queue. It was very quiet, but it also made Qin Ran feel dead.

The team moved forward step by step in an orderly and regular manner. This kind of civilized and well-organized queue with no one cutting in line made Qin Ran feel like he was in modern times.

After visiting the territory of Xuan Qin, he truly felt that Xuan Qin was very different from Northern Chu.

Beichu was just an ordinary feudal dynasty, but Xuan Qin was more disciplined and rigid... or perhaps, she had more laws.

The procession shortened and approached the city gate. At this time, Qin Ran discovered that when everyone entered the city, they would hand a piece of paper and a black object that he did not recognize to the city gate guard. The guard would carefully hand over the paper, take the black object for inspection, and finally ask the person entering the city some questions. After confirming that everything was correct, the guard would return the paper and the black object before allowing the person to enter the city.

"What is that? Is it so strict to enter a city?!" Qin Ran frowned. This gave him the feeling that he was not entering an ancient city gate, but rather entering a modern station security gate, which required identification. You need a certificate, a ticket, and make sure you don't have any controlled knives or flammable and explosive dangerous items on you. "Is Xuan Qin's laws so strict?"

But no matter what, he didn't have those two things on him. As the team advanced, he kept paying attention to what the people in front were handing out, and then he slowly understood:

That piece of paper is a letter of introduction, explaining what the person coming to the city is doing. The letter of introduction is written by the village head, county head and other people with certain authority; the black thing is affixed to the body, really like an ID card. There is basic information about the person entering the city, such as name, gender, date of birth, place of residence, etc.; the purpose of the interrogation is to confirm whether the information you gave is accurate, and then to check whether you are carrying weapons.

"Is this something that would appear in a feudal dynasty?" Qin Ran felt a little confused.

Soon, it was his turn. He pretended to reach out and touch his arms. At a certain moment, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes lit up, and the illusion of pupil magic quietly unfolded.

The city gate guard looked at him and saw that he was holding a letter of introduction and a personal identification card in his hand. He took it naturally and checked it carefully to confirm that it was correct. He asked him as usual:

"Can I carry swords and weapons?"


"From where?"

"Anlu City."

"What are you doing here?"

"Go to relatives."

"Who are the relatives?"

"There is a vendor selling cooking cakes in Xicheng, his name is Wu Dalang."

The guard asked some similar questions and after confirming them all, he stepped aside and allowed Qin Ran to enter the city.

Qin Ran walked past him, and another guard came over to check with him briefly before letting him completely into the city.

As soon as he entered the city gate, he heard someone behind him asking: "General, why didn't that man use a guide, a personal sticker, and a letter of introduction?"

Just now he used the Illusion World on the guards under the city gate, but he did not use the Illusion World on the people behind him.

"Why didn't he wear a body patch? He did!" the guard replied loudly, "I checked everything and confirmed that it is correct. I am doing everything in accordance with the laws and regulations promulgated by His Majesty! Don't talk nonsense!"

But another person said: "I clearly saw that there was nothing in his hand! You didn't see anything!"

Seeing that several people nearby were swearing, the guard couldn't help but hesitate. He turned around to call the man with doubts, but when he turned around, he found that the man had disappeared into the crowd.

"Don't talk nonsense, I personally inspected it..." He could only turn around and scold these ignorant and cunning people.

Qin Ran had already entered the city, but he saw that although there were people on the street, most of them were old people. There was little sound coming and going, not even the sound of vendors hawking. After walking for a while, the comings and goings seemed like zombies, and he suddenly thought that Arrived at the ghost town.

"Why is this Xuan Qin so..." He frowned and thought, and it took him a while to come up with the adjective, "There is no life!"

This does not look like a prosperous, powerful and terrifying feudal empire, nor is it an ambitious country. Instead, it seems dull, old-fashioned, too regular and lifeless.

In his previous life, he heard that the ancient times were full of singing and dancing, visiting poets, civilized and martial arts, prosperous culture, and full of martial virtues...

But he didn't see any prosperity in Mocheng, the capital of the Xuan Qin Empire... He couldn't see any of the legendary dandies, young masters, and literati.

After walking around in this decadent city for a while, what he saw and heard was that most of the people were old people, which was very boring. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Qin Ran found an inn and walked in.

As expected, the inn also required registration information to be posted before he could check in. He had to pretend to be the psychedelic shopkeeper in the fantasy world before checking into the inn.

Night fell, the darkness deepened little by little, and the cold wind blew snowflakes again. The snow, which had stopped for half a day, fell happily in the middle of the night.

Qin Ran climbed out of the window and walked out of the inn, came to the street outside, wrapped the cloak tightly on his body, identified the direction, and rushed towards the direction of the palace.

As the capital of Xuanqin, Mocheng did not have a rich and colorful nightlife. Just after the hour of Xu, the official curfew was imposed. At this time, Qin Ran walked on the street. The long street was wide and wide, but there was no one in sight. Only the cold wind and snow accompanied him.

The city was the territory of the high priest. He did not dare to cast spells easily, so the speed of movement was not too fast. At most, he ran quickly in the dark corners with the divine step. He ran like this for more than an hour, and it was past the third watch before he approached the solemn and solemn palace with the main color of black.

Xuanqin respected black, the army was proud to wear black armor, the officialdom pursued a touch of black on clothes, the emperor's dragon robe was a black and gold dragon robe, and the current palace was also dominated by black.

Qin Ran stood a little further away, looking at the palace, and suddenly felt that this was a magic palace. The place where the big devil in the story would live was scary to look at.

... So, is he the hero in the story?

"I hope not!" He sighed in his heart. Nowadays, heroes and warriors are not words used to praise people.

Qin Ran stood here and looked around, looking for a way to enter the palace. After searching for a long time, he finally confirmed that with the strictness of this palace, if he didn't use magic, he really couldn't get in. He sighed, it seems that he still has to use magic... Then why not go in through the main gate!

Thinking of this, he came back to his senses and walked forward.

However, just as he started to move, a voice suddenly came from behind him, someone shouted at him: "Who is that?"

He turned around and saw a patrol team wearing black and gold armor and extremely gorgeous equipment. Xuan Qin respected black, so this was obviously the imperial city guard.

The one who shouted to him was the leader of the guard.

When he didn't answer immediately, the leader waved his hand, and someone behind him immediately took out a crossbow and aimed at him.

"Stand still, don't move!" The leader shouted, and signaled his subordinates to surround him.


Qin Ran sighed, he just stood there for a while longer, and he was discovered. Is the defense level of this imperial city so outrageous?

He shook his head, spread his cloak, used his body skills, turned into water, and disappeared from the sight of this team of guards.

"Cultivator?!" The leader frowned.

"General, do you want to notify the Spiritual Division?" A guard asked him.

"The high priest will know..." he said, but after a pause, he called someone over, "Go and inform the Spiritual Division."

The subordinates took the order and ran straight into the palace.

Qin Ran had already reached the foot of the imperial city. He was invisible and could not be seen. He stood at the foot of the wall and looked up at the city wall... The city wall was more than ten feet high. Standing here and looking up, he felt that it was soaring into the sky.

Simple and majestic, this is another temperament revealed by Mocheng.

Qin Ran cast a spell and flew to the top of the city wall. Just halfway through the flight, he suddenly felt anxious. He vaguely felt that there was something terrible on the top of the city wall. It was his spiritual perception that warned him not to go up again.

He couldn't help but stop.

If it was his real body, he would not hesitate at all and would have run away without caring about his life. But the one who came here was just a clone.

He calmed his mind and continued to fly up. He calmed his palpitations and flew to the top of the city wall in one go.

Standing on the city wall, Qin Ran looked forward, looking at the majestic, majestic, solemn and solemn palace. This mortal city made him feel a sense of majesty and fear.

...It was this imperial city that made him feel afraid.

He took a step forward, and he dared not move forward again. Because there was something in front of him.

He raised his hand and slowly probed forward. Soon, he touched something like a membrane. The moment he touched the membrane, the membrane excited him. The agitated force made the mana and spiritual energy in his body boil, making him jump up subconsciously as if he was electrocuted, and almost fell off the city wall.

"Formation!" His face changed drastically, recognizing that this was a formation that protected the entire city, and it was a formation targeting mana and spiritual energy, that is, all things with spiritual energy and mana could not pass through this formation, "What a wonderful formation!"

Qin Feng would never have thought that he would encounter such a formation in the mortal world! This is not far from the Daojian Sect's mountain protection formation!

"Who?!" At this moment, he suddenly sensed a voice coming down from the gray sky and penetrating into his ears.

It was sensed, not heard, that the voice was directed at him. It was as if the master of this sky was asking him a question.

"Transformation?" Qin Ran was horrified and no longer dared to think about entering the imperial city. He turned around and jumped off the city wall, dived into the moat, and disappeared.

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