Qin Ran wandered around Modu for more than a month, thinking about how to sneak into the palace and become the Xuan Qin Emperor.

Just as Zhang Liang thought, the entire huge empire existed because of that one man. As long as that man was killed, the entire powerful empire would collapse in an instant. So there was the Bolangsha assassination.

Xuan Qin was also a highly centralized feudal dynasty with an ambitious emperor, so as long as Zhao Zheng was killed, all crises would disappear on their own.


He never expected that before he could think of a way to enter the palace, Emperor Xuan Qin would take the initiative to come out of the palace to find him.

At this moment, Qin Ran stood in front of Zhao Zheng and finally realized that he had made a huge mistake... he still underestimated the enemy.

Sure enough, weakness and ignorance are not the most fatal, arrogance is.

He thought he was a monk, thought he was just a water body, thought he was careful enough, but deep down in his heart, he still felt that this was a mortal country, and apart from the god-transforming monk, there was nothing noteworthy about it. He looked down at Modu with a condescending attitude.

So he deserves this calamity.

Who says that the emperor of a mortal dynasty must be a mortal?

Is there such a provision? No.

It's just that everyone has always believed that the king of a mortal kingdom will only be a mortal, and few monks are interested in the power of mortals. Qin Ran also subconsciously thought so. He came from a world without extraordinary power. The question of whether a monk could become an emperor almost ran into the blind spot of his thinking. He had not even thought about it that way.

But is this always correct?

Yes, Zhao Zheng, who is sitting at the tea table, is a cultivator. Qin Ran could see clearly that he was a monk in the late stage of foundation building, and his foundation was quite solid, not weaker than the talented disciples of the Dao Sword Sect.

Zhao Zheng made a cup of tea for Qin Ran and said loudly:

"In this world, the lives of mortals are not lives. The monks fight, and their swords and spells are rampant. They move mountains and seas, destroy cities and countries, and kill thousands, millions, and hundreds of millions of mortals. The lives of mortals are like ants. For What does Fellow Daoist Qin think of this?"

Qin Ran walked to the tea table and sat down, taking the teacup handed over by Zhao Zheng. He didn't know what Zhao Zheng was going to say for a moment, so he remained silent.

"Let's not care about accidental injuries in battle. If a monk is unhappy, he will casually destroy the city of mortals; if a monk wants to practice evil ways, he will randomly capture hundreds or even thousands of mortals and sacrifice them with blood. Regarding this, what will fellow Taoist Qin, who was once a mortal, do? Treat it?" Zhao Zheng asked again.

Qin Ran was still not sure what Zhao Zheng wanted to say. Was he trying to say that mortals' lives mattered?

He speculated for a while and finally said: "In this world, the rules of heaven are like this. The body of the golden elixir monk is completely detached, and the soul of the god-transformation monk is completely detached. When a golden elixir is swallowed, the monks and mortals are not the same. It’s a species. Monks look at mortals just like mortals look at ants.”

Zhao Zheng was stunned for a moment when he heard what Qin Ran said about scientific dialectics.

He asked again: "Monks were once mortals. People with good talents, such as fellow Taoist Qin, became golden elixir monks before they were thirty. At this time, your parents are still alive, and your brothers and sisters are still alive, so you think they are ants." Isn’t it the same species as you?”

Qin Ran had no real emotions or deep feelings for his relatives in this life, but when he thought about the relationship between Li Shiyin and her family, he shook his head unconsciously.

"There are rules among private gangs to prevent harm to their families, but there are no rules among monks." Zhao Zheng added, "In this way, the monks with the best intentions are just indifferent to fame and fortune and live in seclusion in the mountains in order not to affect mortals."

At this point, Qin Ran finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked aloud: "What do you want to say, Your Majesty?"

The two countries were at war, and a spy was caught. He didn't ask about the war, but asked the monks... He was such an emperor of Xuan Qin, but he didn't ask about the people or ghosts and gods?

"Monks should have rules, and mortals should have dignity." Zhao Zheng poured himself a cup of tea.

Qin Ran vaguely grasped something, because he remembered that Emperor Xuan Qin had something to do after he unified the Immortal Heritage Land, but he still couldn't figure out what he wanted to do.

He looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

Zhao Zheng drank a cup of hot tea, put the cup down on the table, continued to pour tea for himself, and said while gesturing for Qin Ran to drink tea:

"If it weren't for you, Beichu would have been integrated into Xuan Qin, and Yuntianmen would be fully integrated into Mo City. I only need to unify the national power of the two countries and the sects of the two countries, and then the general trend will be established and will be unstoppable from now on. Even if that By then the other five nations and other sects had reacted, and they no longer had the strength to resist. Just like the chariots and horses had started, all the mantises that stood in front of the wheels would be crushed into powder.

"You are not the first person to guess my thoughts, but those fools either don't care, or bet that I can't do it and no one takes it seriously. You are the first person to see the whole process and know what I will do. Unifying the Immortal Relics. You are a cultivator, but you have such a vision for the general trend of the world. It is amazing."

Qin Ran thought: "Because I know a person who does this."

He asked, "I want to know what you will do after you unify the Immortal Heritage Land? What will you do to make the monks behave and the mortals have dignity."

Zhao Zheng was holding tea, concentrating his words, and then said: "To practice today, you need to have spiritual roots. But among mortals, there is only one person with spiritual roots. And these people only have spiritual roots, and their virtues , The character cannot be determined. It can be inferred what a child who has been brought to a world where the weak will eat the strong will look like when he grows up. He is just another demon with great power and indifference to life.

"Those who are talented and virtuous are mortals; those who have no father and no king are monks.

"If we want monks to have rules and mortals to have dignity, we must change this status quo. And to change this status quo, we need to practice cultivation without focusing on spiritual roots.

"What is more important than spiritual roots is moral knowledge. For example, a student knows etiquette and wisdom. The higher the knowledge and the higher the cultivation level, the more he can become a moral saint in the end. For example, a soldier protects his family and country. The greater his merits, the higher his combat power. In the end, You can become a Taoist by martial arts; for example, an official can be an official and administer Taoism. The higher the official position, the higher the cultivation level, and eventually he can become famous and become an immortal. "

Qin Ran listened and got a little bit of Zhao Zheng's thoughts.

"This is the result, but how do you get to this point?"

Zhao Zheng drank another cup of hot tea and said aloud: "I am going to turn the Immortal Heritage Land into a whole, concentrate all the spiritual energy, and use the will of heaven to realize what I just said."

"How can we control the will of heaven?"

"Just create a new will of heaven yourself." Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"How to create the will of heaven?"

"Formation..." Zhao Zheng put down his teacup and looked at Qin Ran, "Chief Qin, use formation. Set up a formation to cover the entire Immortal Heritage Land."

Kieran picked up the tea cup, his hands couldn't help shaking. It took him a long time to drink a cup of hot tea.

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