My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 349: Ten Thousand Ghosts Demanding Death Formation

The wind is howling, the clouds are thick, the sun and the moon are dim, and the sky and the earth are pale!

On the battlefield, there are frightened horses neighing, and soldiers unsheathing their swords...

In a very short period of time, the world inside and outside Wuyi City went from a world of resurgent spring to a hell of sinister winds.

The strong wind stirred up dust, and Qin Ran stood in the wind and looked towards the sky.

Black clouds rolled in the sky. With his attainments in the field of formations, he could tell at a glance, formations, this was formations!

The root cause of all these strange phenomena is that someone has set up a formation in this area, a formation that can cover the sky and the earth.

This formation was not an ordinary formation, it encompassed the entire Wuyi City behind him, as well as the Xuanqin military camp in front of him.

Qin Ran was in the pupil illusion world, and he could also see that in the rolling clouds in the sky, there were sinister and evil auras such as resentment, evil spirit, demonic energy, etc. From this, he had a vague guess that this was probably the Ten Thousand Ghosts Death Formation.

The black-robed man in the Xuan Qin military camp once wanted to take away the entire Wuyi City with the Ten Thousand Ghosts Death Formation... but was stopped by Zhao Li on the grounds that it was too harmful to Tianhe.

Qin Ran has always speculated on others with the most sinister intentions, so even if Zhao Li did not use the formation of the black-robed man, he still kept asking Li Shiwen to pay attention to the vicinity of Wuyi City and notify him if there were any strange formations to prevent the black-robed man. The man secretly arranged a death-seeking formation for thousands of ghosts.

He was careful enough, but it was difficult for him to calculate that after being rejected by Zhao Li, the black runner actually included the Xuan Qin military camp. The scope of this formation exceeded his expectation, not only Wuyi City was included in the formation, but also the Xuanqin Military Camp.

However, looking back at this moment, although I don’t know who the man in black robe is and what his relationship is with the Xuan Qin military camp, he is a monk and an evil monk. He has no moral integrity and is inhumane. He is suddenly facing the sudden situation. What happened was not that surprising.

That is, I don’t know if Emperor Xuan Qin has thought about this matter.

The thousand soldiers outside the city were all elites. Although the horses were frightened, the soldiers still held their own.

However, Li Shiwen thought it was Zhao Yaqing who set up an ambush, and Zhao Yaqing thought it was Qin Ran who was deceiving him. The two sides stabilized the military formation and immediately started to attack.

Qin Ran happened to be standing between the two armies. If he didn't do something, he would be trampled to pieces by the horses' hooves.

He immediately shouted to Xuan Qin's five hundred elite cavalry: "Miss Zhao, are you familiar with this formation?!"

"Formation?" Zhao Yaqing was stunned and looked up. Then she could vaguely see some clues and knew that a formation was activated.

She didn't have much knowledge about formations. She had only seen the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Death Formation" of the man in black robe.

"Stop!" She hurriedly stopped the Xuan Qin cavalry and looked at the sky, with a look of confusion and anger on her face.

"How dare he...he won't even spare me the princess?"

Clouds piled up, covering the sky, and the sky and earth lost color. There was a howling wind on the ground, and in the wind and clouds, there were ghosts roaring.

It's like going to endless purgatory.

This howl and roar can actually capture the soul, and the minds of those in the array are gradually affected...

Outside Wuyi City, battle armor clattered, and the sound of swords scraping against battle armor resounded. The thousands of elite cavalry facing each other gradually began to feel like fighting to the death.

Li Shiyin flew out from Wuyi City, came to Qin Ran, and asked Qin Ran: "Master, what's going on?"

"Someone has set up a formation." Qin Ran replied casually.

At this time, he had left the central area where the two armies were confronting each other, found a platform, sat cross-legged, holding a pen and paper on his knees to write and draw.

"Setting up a formation?" Li Shiyin raised his head and looked back to Wuyi City from the Xuanqin military camp, in disbelief, "Who set up such a large formation?"

"The person from Xuan Qin, that person had the intention to use Wuyi City as a sacrifice from the beginning. After being rejected by Zhao Li, he even included the Xuan Qin military camp." Qin Ran replied as he wrote, " This formation should be an inherent formation, but he still deployed it for more than two months, so it was so big. "

The inherent formation refers to the formation that comes with the magic weapon formation and has the formation patterns burned into it.

"Sacrifice array?" Li Shiyin asked in shock, "Are you going to lead him to kill everyone in Wuyi City?"

Qin Ran looked up at his silly apprentice and said, "It's not Wuyi City, it's the people from Wuyi City and the Xuanqin Military Camp."

"So cruel?!"

"Cruel?" Kieran repeated the word in a low voice.

how to say? This kind of thing should be considered a daily routine in the entire spiritual practice world.

He looked towards Zhao Yaqing and saw that the guardian Aunt Mei had flown over with several Yuntianmen disciples and was also asking Zhao Yaqing about the situation.

"That's the helper Xuan Qin found..." he sighed, "I wonder if they know that person's background."

"So, it was the people Xuan Qin hired who betrayed Xuan Qin?" Li Shiyin understood clearly, "Not only the people from Wuyi City are going to be killed, but also the people from Xuan Qin are going to be killed."

As she spoke, she suddenly realized, "Are the people who set up the formation also at the Nascent Soul stage? Aren't there several Nascent Soul monks in the Xuan Qin military camp? Where have they gone? Why didn't they break the formation?"

"Who said that Nascent Soul cultivator can break the formation?" Qin Ran rolled his eyes at her and asked, pointing to the dark sky, "You try the sword energy."

Li Shiyin took out her sword as instructed and slashed a stream of sword energy into the air. The sword energy easily cut through the black clouds, but soon disappeared behind the black clouds and never appeared again. The black clouds closed again, as if the sword energy had never been there.

"You are not weak in strength. Although the two Nascent Soul stage warriors of Jian Zong are much stronger than you, the result will not be much different. As for the Nascent Soul monk of Yuntianmen, from what you said, it seems that he is more inclined to keep his life. The combat power is not as good as yours..." Qin Ran replied, "So you are stupid and have no clue about the formation. They are no better than you.

"Forget about the Nascent Soul cultivator, if you don't understand the formation, it will be useless for the Divine Transformation cultivator to come."

It is said that there is a mountain between them. Li Shiyin is an absolute genius in the field of swordsmanship and is already ahead of most swordsmen. But in the field of formation...

Li Shiyin is already like this, and other monks will not be in a better situation than her.

"Then master..." She looked away and looked at Qin Ran, who was writing and drawing while talking to her, "What are you doing? Breaking the formation?"

She knew that Tushan Youyou was writing and drawing in Houshan Cave Mansion every day in order to learn the formation.

"Hmm..." Qin Ran nodded, "I don't understand this formation at all, so now I have to infer what combination of formations it is based on the effects of the formation, and then infer based on the basic formation. Push its basic formation pattern.

“After knowing the basic formation patterns, we can integrate a new and opposite formation based on the restraint relationship of the basic formation patterns to achieve the effect of breaking the formation.

"...After all, I am not a formation mage. I cannot use magic to deduce formations, so I have to use pen and paper instead."

The master was very powerful, and Li Shiyin knew it; so the master took action to break the formation, and Li Shiyin felt relieved.

She didn't understand even a single word of Qin Ran's words, so she just nodded, hugged her sword, and sat cross-legged next to her master, waiting for him to break the formation and protect him.

However, not long after she watched her master calculate the formation, she suddenly realized that something was wrong with the movements around her...

There was a loud sound of swords clashing!

She raised her head and saw Xuan Qin's five hundred elite cavalry and Beichu's five hundred elite cavalry, and they started fighting among themselves.

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