In a person's life, there will always be a few geniuses as dazzling as meteors. They appear in other people's lives, and others can only look up to them. They are like meteors across the sky, passing through other people's lives without leaving any traces.

Li Shiyin is the meteor in the lives of countless cultivators.

Some people will admire her, some people will look up to her, some people will chase her, some people will feel inferior because of her, and some people will be jealous, like Zhao Yaqing, causing her heart to collapse, kneeling on her knees, looking up at her who was wielding sword energy in the sky.

Perhaps it was the influence of the formation, or perhaps Li Shiyin was so strong that she despaired. In short, she suddenly realized at this moment that even if His Majesty established a cultivation dynasty, she would become the princess of the cultivation dynasty, and get the princess's status and the spiritual cultivation blessed by countless merits, she would not be able to catch up with Li Shiyin's footsteps.

The dynasty's luck blessing, can't catch up with a person? But she just had this feeling.

"Yaqing?" Aunt Mei came over and stretched out her hand to support her.

She looked back at Aunt Mei and asked, "Does my talent suck?"

"No..." Aunt Mei shook her head and said to her as usual, "You're excellent."

Zhao Yaqing smiled and looked at Li Shiyin again. At this time, Li Shiyin was already chasing after the evil ghosts. She said, "I was affected by the formation. My mind was unstable for a while, and there were some problems with my state of mind."

Aunt Mei helped her up and looked up at the sky. There were two Yuanying cultivators in the sky. The Yuanying cultivators prevented the black cloud from gathering at all. And it was the black cloud that affected the minds of the creatures in the formation...

The evil ghosts were killed one by one by his sister. Li Shiwen stood beside his warhorse and looked up.

He found that his sister was getting stronger and stronger. She easily defeated Jiang Xiaobai, defended Wuyi City with one sword, and now she can fight against thousands of ghosts alone. In his heart, Li Shiyin's image became higher and higher, higher and higher, above the clouds, and became a fairy.

His sister is a fairy, but he is still a mortal.

What he has always been afraid of has finally happened. He finally determined from the bottom of his heart that there was a huge gap between him and his sister, and he was not from the same world as her.

There was no distinction between high and low between relatives, but once it appeared... he was not worthy of being her brother. He was no longer her brother.

He knew that Li Shiyin never cared about these things, but he knew that this matter existed objectively and could not be ignored.

He began to think, what would happen if he really brought Shiyin down the mountain back then? Or if he had kept a tighter guard and prevented Shiyin from escaping from the barracks and joining the Daojianmen, he might not have lost his sister, right?

Li Shiwen watched Li Shiyin kill the ghost, and his mind was full of random thoughts.


At a certain moment, he suddenly heard a scream that frightened him. The sound was very close, as if it was on the ground.

He was startled, came to his senses, and hurriedly looked down, just in time to see the soil on the ground turning over, and something was about to crawl out of the soil.

The mud splashed, and a hand stretched out from it, followed by a head. It was pitch black and foggy, and the face could not be seen clearly. Not long after, the monster crawled out of the ground.

Li Shiwen immediately understood that it was also a ghost, but it was not like the ghosts flying in the air that could not be touched by mortals, but a physical ghost, like a zombie.

What crawled out of the mud was not just one, but...


The entire ground, the entire ground The soil was dug up, one after another, densely packed, thousands of corpse ghosts crawled out of the soil.

Li Shiwen felt the soil under his feet loosen, and he hurriedly stepped back. There was also a corpse ghost crawling out there. In a short time, a head emerged from where he had just stood.

Seeing this, he didn't have time to think about it. He swung the sword in his hand, and with one knife, he directly lifted the head of the corpse ghost away.

The corpse ghost was not dead even without a head. It stretched out its hand to touch everywhere, and wanted to find its head back.

Li Shiwen went over again and cut off the corpse ghost's hand with two knives.

The remaining 300 or so elite cavalrymen behind him also killed the nearby corpse ghosts in fear.

"Another change?" Qin Ran's eyes flashed, and he calculated quickly.

He bent over to record while casting spells, summoning three clones, all holding swords, to kill the surrounding corpse ghosts.

There were more than 10,000 evil ghosts emerging from the air, they could fly, had no physical form, and could not be harmed by magic and magical powers related to the soul and spirit; and there were more than 100,000 corpse ghosts crawling out of the ground, they had physical forms, and ordinary swords could also harm them.

"Are there any more changes?" Qin Ran looked at the calculation method for breaking the formation on the manuscript in his hand, and he was a little worried, "If there are any more changes, I may not be able to handle it."

After all, he was not a formation master, he relied purely on calculation to break the formation, and he used a pen to calculate, so his calculation ability was limited, and there was also a limit to the formation he could break.

"Ah! Aha..." He was worried, and suddenly a man's suppressed and desperate roar sounded on the battlefield.

Qin Ran was familiar with this voice, it was Li Shiwen's voice.

"What happened?" He looked towards the place where the voice came from, but he could only see the densely packed corpse ghosts that formed a human wall, and could not see the situation on Li Shiwen's side.

His mind moved, and a clone took off into the air and flew towards Li Shiwen.

He didn't care that much at first, after all, breaking the formation was the big deal, but just as he leaned over to continue calculating, he suddenly discovered something...

Even he was stunned, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He raised his head again and looked out, looking at the corpses crawling out of the soil. The corpses were all wearing armor, armor, black and red armor, the armor of the Northern Chu Kingdom!

These corpses crawling out of the ground are all soldiers of the Northern Chu Kingdom!!


He saw the armor of the Tiance Army in the direction where Li Shiwen's voice came from!!!

After killing the corpse that had not yet completely crawled out of the ground, Li Shiwen saw countless corpses coming out of the ground. He couldn't help but feel numb on his scalp. He turned around and pulled out a horse lance from his warhorse, holding a long horse lance, ready to meet the enemy.

However, when the corpses crawled out completely, his eyes gradually dulled... He would never forget the armor style of the Tiance Army.

The corpses crawling out from the vicinity of the Northern Chu Kingdom's elite cavalry were all wearing Tiance Army armor! All of them were the dead souls of Tiance Army soldiers!!

He watched them gather around him, as if he heard them saying:

"Give me back my life!"

"You killed us..."

"We are all dead, why are you still alive? Why are you still alive! Come and stay with us!!"

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"



Li Shiwen's eyes were bloodshot, he looked up to the sky and screamed, and the horse spear in his hand fell down powerlessly!

Li Shiyin, who was killing evil spirits in the air, heard Li Shiwen's scream, leaned down and saw countless evil spirits surrounding Li Shiwen.


She shouted and rushed to where Li Shiwen was.

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