The little witch Li Shiyin ran out to find her master to help her, and only Yuchi Zhen was left in the carriage... Well, not really, there was also a cat.

Zhuifeng's transformation skills were well practiced, and he could already change the size of his body.

At this time, he became the size of a cat and took a nap in the carriage.

Cats are like this. No matter how powerful, strong, or fierce they are, they are still lazy. It is said that if you can ride in a car, you will never walk, if you can lie down, you will never sit, and if you can sleep, you will never wake up.

... In fact, in addition to humans, other creatures are also like this. Except for hunting and reproduction, they are unwilling to do anything else that wastes energy.

After Cheng Nan left, the convoy continued to move forward.

When Li Shiyin was in the carriage, Yuchi Zhen could still chat with her casually and listen to her talk about interesting things in the cultivation world. Now that Li Shiyin has slipped away, she seems bored.

She found a book to read, but because the quality of this carriage was not very good, it was shaky when it moved, which made her uncomfortable to read.

After looking for a while, she finally gave up.

She looked around boredly, and also lifted the curtains to look outside, looking at the people busy with spring plowing on the roadside outside. After looking for a while, she didn't find much interest. She retracted her sight, looked inside the car, and finally stopped at Zhuifeng.

Just imagine, who doesn't like a snow-white, furry, cute big cat? Especially girls.

Just looking at it, she felt comfortable, and wanted to hold it in her arms to rub it, thinking about the soft, furry, slippery and warm touch of the cat. Now there is such a cat in front of her, she can't help but stretch out her hand.

But she still stopped, because she remembered what the cat in front of her looked like before. It was a white tiger that stood up as big as a small house, powerful, majestic and domineering. It held on to the city wall for another two months, and turned into the patron saint of the people of Wuyi City, and then became sacred.

Such a guardian beast, she now actually wants to hold it in her arms and play with it. This is blasphemy... blasphemy! She is really unforgivable!

So after a while, she reached out to the cat...

"Wow!" Her eyes lit up immediately. Sure enough, it was warm, soft, and felt great, exactly as she imagined, or better than she imagined.

The most important thing was that this powerful guardian (the cute cat) ignored her and let her touch it.

"Well... is this okay?"

She hesitated in her heart, and touched it more excessively. She spread her palms and combed through the cat, rubbed its belly, picked up its paws to play with it, and then grabbed its tail to shake it... She really treated it as an obedient and cute cat to play with.

In the end, she felt even more unsatisfied, and finally reached out and picked up the cat and held it in her arms.

It seemed that the noise was too loud, and finally woke the cat up. It opened its eyes lazily and looked at Yuchi Zhen.

Yuchi Zhen was shocked, knowing that she had gone too far and was so rebellious that she actually held the divine beast in her arms to play with it... The divine beast would definitely be unhappy and punish her! She quickly lowered her head, waiting for the divine punishment to come.

Zhuifeng looked at her and ignored her, closed his eyes again, and fell asleep.

Since he grew up, his father hasn't massaged him for a long time. Now, after many years, a gentle, beautiful and wife-like woman has come to massage him... It's so comfortable!

"Huh?" Seeing this, Yuchi Zhen was a little confused, "No punishment?"

After a while, she tried to put her hand back on Zhuifeng, and after a while, she started playing again...

In the chilly spring, holding a warm big cat on your thighs, like a heater, and a heater that you can play with at will, isn't it a pleasure in life?

The carriage team on this side moved forward slowly, and before reaching Danyang, Cheng Nan on the other side flew on a sword and arrived in Wuyi in a short time.

In fact, before reaching Wuyi City, Cheng Nan saw four star sword qi towering around Wuyi City from a long distance.

The sword qi was far higher than the city wall, as if it was connected to the sky.

As a sword cultivator, although his sword cultivation was low, with many years of familiarity with the sword, Cheng Nan could sense the power of those sword qi, the profound understanding of swordsmanship contained in them, and the gentle intention... sword intention?

The sharp breath of the sword qi acted on Cheng Nan from a long distance, making Cheng Nan feel only fear, but in that sharp breath, there was a gentle intention of protection.

"Which sword elder left the sword qi?" Cheng Nan asked in his heart, "This must be a sword elder from Beichu, because the intention of protection is aimed at Beichu people."

He could feel the power of the sword qi, and he could also feel that the sword qi was not aggressive to him.

"If there is a chance..." he dreamed, "It would be great to ask him for sword knowledge."

Cheng Nan flew to Wuyi City on his sword and saw that Wuyi City was bustling again.

There were many people in the city doing post-war reconstruction and cleaning up the mess in the city; it was also very busy outside the city, with many people tilling the land and preparing for spring ploughing.

In short, it was a scene of post-war reconstruction.

"The war is really over." He was in a mixed mood. On the one hand, he was happy about it, and on the other hand, he was disappointed that he had come all the way here but came to nothing.

But he was puzzled, "I heard that the top leaders of the sect fully supported Xuan Qin, so how could Bei Chu win?"

——He was a member of the Yuntian Sect.

Cheng Nan flew over Wuyi City and landed in the City Lord's Mansion in the city.

He flew all the way here at a low altitude, and he found that the people in the city were not curious about him, nor were they afraid of him, but rather had some respect for him. He vaguely understood that perhaps all this was related to the sword energy outside the city.

"When did my Northern Chu produce such a powerful sword cultivator?"

He stood in the city and looked at the sword energy outside the city, and vaguely discovered that the sword energy had a protective effect on Wuyi City. In his mind, he could not help but think of the peerless style of the senior who "turned the tide and supported the building when it was about to fall" and defeated all the cultivators of Yuntianmen alone. With one sword falling, the enemy cultivators dared not to offend again.

"Sword cultivators of our generation should be like this!" He sighed, "It's a pity that I haven't seen it."

Cheng Nan was walking in the city lord's mansion. He was going to find the person in charge of this city... He roughly knew that it was Li Shiyin's father Li Zhan.

He asked for directions all the way to the study. Before he had time to knock on the door, his keen hearing made him hear the sound in the study.

At this time, it was Li Zhan's voice. He said:

"...It is indeed possible to erect a statue for the mythical beast White Tiger. But forget about Shiyin. She is my daughter, Li Zhan, and she is a Northern Chu after all. It is reasonable for her to fight for Northern Chu."

Someone said: "Some people suggest changing the name of Wuyi City to commemorate the contribution made by Li Jianxian to Wuyi City."

"What name?"

"The Sword Immortal left four sword energies in the city. This city will be used to raise sword energies for the Sword Immortal in the future..." Someone said, "How about calling it Jian Ge?"

Li Zhan thought that this name would not involve Li Shiyin's name and would not be so exaggerated, so he agreed: "Okay."

"About the renovation of the city wall..."

The people in the house were still discussing the reconstruction of Northern Chu after the war, but Cheng Nan outside the house was already dumbfounded. He was not a fool. After listening to the words in the house, he already understood that the key to victory in this battle was Li Shiyin...

In other words, the sword cultivator who shocked and admired him was Li Shiyin.

"Li Shiyin... Li Shiyin..." He muttered, feeling that life was like a dream, like a world apart. This world was too magical, too metaphysical, too... immortal!

"Who's outside?!" He muttered in a low voice and the people in the house heard it, and someone hurried out to check.

But when the people in the house came out, they only saw a sword light flying away. The sword light was swaying in the clouds.

"It turned out to be another sword fairy..." Someone sighed, "This is really a blessing for Beichu."

"A blessing for Beichu?" Li Zhan looked at the sword light going away and sighed. Beichu Beichu, there may be no Beichu anymore, "This is the pain of Beichu."

In order to commemorate Li Shiyin's one-man sword to defend Wuyi City, Wuyi City was officially renamed Jiange City; in order to commemorate the white tiger crawling on the city wall for two months to protect Wuyi City, a crawling statue of the white tiger was set up in the city.

From then on, Jiange believed in the white tiger, the white tiger was the master of killing, and killing was the master of swordsmanship.

Because of the sword energy and sword intention outside Jiange City, many sword cultivators come here to comprehend the sword art and feel the memory of the legendary sword immortal who protects the country.

Because of the sword energy's sympathetic protection, there are many children with outstanding sword art talents in Jiange City.

Thousands and tens of thousands of years later, there are more and more sword art cultivators in Jiange, which is more in line with the name of Jiange, and it has the meaning of being the center of sword art in the world.

There was also a sword immortal who was proficient in sword art and came to Jiange to feel his feelings. He stood on the top of Jiange City, looking at the eternal star sword energy outside the city, and sighed: "Jiange is majestic and towering, one man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it."

This is to praise the great sword immortal Li Shiyin.

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