Qin Ran slept soundly on the bed made by his silly apprentice.

The next day, while still dreaming, he vaguely heard someone shouting in his ear: "Master, you lazy idiot, get up!"

He lowered his head and looked at the silly apprentice in his arms. The silly apprentice suddenly smiled evilly at him, turned into a witch with horns and fangs on her head with a "hula", then opened her bloody mouth and bit him. nose.

"Ah!" He was startled and suddenly woke up from his dream.

He opened his eyes and saw the silly apprentice lying in front of his bed, smiling evilly, holding his chin with one hand, and reaching out to pinch his nose with the other.

……ah! No wonder he had nightmares like that. The silly apprentice is indeed a witch with horns!

Seeing that he was awake, the silly apprentice took back his hand as if nothing had happened. She supported her chin with both hands and just looked at his "hehehe" smile.

"Master, are you awake?" she asked with a smile.

Qin Ran slowed down and looked up at the silly apprentice in front of him. He frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I knocked on the door, but you didn't answer me..." The little witch looked innocent, "So I came in directly.

"But... Master, you slept so well! You taught me how to behave in a strange environment before..."

"Sleep to death?" Qin Ran said with a serious look on his face, "How is that possible?! People like me who are cultivators will keep one eye open even when sleeping. No slight change in the whole body can escape me. Perception.”

"Ah, yes, yes, master, everything you said is right." Li Shiyin stood up, turned around and poured some hot water into the washbasin. She wetted the towel, wrung it out, turned around, and said to Qin Ran with a playful smile. , "Just now I opened the door and came in, but you didn't react at all, master; I pinched your face and played with it, but you didn't react at all, master; then I pinched your nose for a while, and you didn't wake up."

She came over, sat on the edge of the bed, wiped Kieran's face with a towel, and lowered her voice, "Master, did you dream about me just now?"

Kieran took the towel and wiped his face. While wiping his face, he denied, "Where is that? How could I dream of you?! Haha..."

"Really?" Li Shiyin asked doubtfully, "Then you recited the poems several times just now, wasn't it me? Do you know other poems?!!"

Her eyes narrowed.

Kieran returned the towel to Li Shiyin and said with an upright look, "You must have heard wrong!"

"Oh... okay!" Li Shiyin nodded, got up and went to wash the towel. While washing, she asked, "What are those stockings, master?"

"What?!" Qin Ran was horrified. Not only was he dreaming, but he also had a bad habit of talking in his sleep?

"You asked me not to take them off... You said they look better wearing them. Are stockings socks? What kind?" Li Shiyin said, turning back to look at Kieran, and saw the sweat on Kieran's face flowing down. "Wow! Master, what's wrong with you? Are you sweating so much?"

She hurriedly wrung out the towel, came over, and while Qin Ran was in shock and had no chance to react, she put the towel on Qin Ran's face and wiped it gently.

...She said last night that she would personally serve the master, so naturally she couldn't break her promise.

When Qin Ran came back to his senses, he felt uncomfortable being served by others, so he reached for a towel, but when he turned his eyes, he suddenly saw the silly apprentice right in front of him.

The silly disciple's beautiful face was so close to him, her expression was so serious and her eyes were so gentle, it was really tempting; her breath came out, carrying the hot air from the towel, and entered his nasal cavity.

"It smells so good..."

It was early in the morning and he felt his heart pounding and his throat dry.


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, trying to moisten his throat, but in this extremely quiet environment, the sound was extremely loud.

"Shiyin..." He called out. Even if it was moistened with saliva, his voice was still hoarse.

Li Shiyin rolled her eyes slightly and drooped her eyelids. She saw her master's face was covered red by the hot towel in her hand. She saw hot fire coming out of his eyes. She pursed her lips. , squeezed out a sound from the wing of his nose: "Huh?"

This trill was the spark that fell on the gasoline. Qin Ran's heart suddenly palpitated. He raised his upper body and moved his mouth towards the silly disciple's lips.

Li Shiyin slowly closed her eyes and waited for the master's kiss.

Qin Ran tilted his head and kissed the stupid apprentice on the lips. He put his nose against the stupid apprentice's nose and smelled the warm fragrance of the stupid apprentice.

Li Shiyin's hand on Kieran's face unconsciously moved down, holding a wet and hot towel around Kieran's neck.

Qin Ran straightened up and hung there half in the air, then reached out and hugged Li Shiyin's waist.

As if a snake had been pinched by seven inches, Li Shiyin's body suddenly became weak, and her all-powerful combat power disappeared without a trace. She sat on the bed and fell into her master's arms.

Qin Ran put his hand on the silly apprentice's waist and caressed it gently, feeling the silk and satin of the silly apprentice's clothes on his fingertips.

Such important times...

"Hmm!!" Suddenly someone coughed at the door.

The two powerful monks who were obsessed with kissing didn't notice anyone coming at the door at all, so the man at the door coughed loudly again: "Cough, cough, cough!"

Kieran's "sharp" senses finally sensed danger. He stopped quickly, turned his eyes, and saw Li Shiwen standing at the door with his hands folded on his chest and a serious look on his silly apprentice's white cheeks.

"He was caught in bed?!" He was startled and quickly pulled his silly apprentice away.

"Master?" Li Shiyin didn't know what was going on yet, with a confused expression on her face and a blurred look in her eyes... so tempting.

"Ahem!" Qin Ran coughed dryly and smacked his lips. He glanced at Li Shiwen, but felt guilty and did not dare to look directly. He looked away and said, "We are practicing, yes, practicing, teaching the movement and use of poetry's sound and breath. .

Only then did Li Shiyin realize that something was going on. She turned her head and looked outside, and saw Li Shiwen with a serious face.

"Ah?!" She screamed, a little shy after all, and suddenly buried her face in Qinran's neck.

"Aura, practice?" Li Shiwen sneered, did you think he was a fool? He glared at Qin Ran and said, "It's broad daylight and you don't pay attention to the impact at all!!"

As he spoke, he walked out and said, "It's time to get up and eat... Now that you've come to Danyang City, you won't stay in your room every day, right? Come on, I'll show you the grand view of Danyang."

The villain Li Shiwen came quietly and left quietly without taking away a single cloud.

Kieran sat up from the bed, still holding Li Shiyin. Li Shiyin's face was buried in his neck, and his face was buried in his. His chin was gently placed on Li Shiyin's shoulder. His nose was in her hair, smelling the fragrance of her hair.

"Shiyin..." he called softly.

"Huh?" Li Shiyin replied.

"When you form the elixir, we will get married, okay?" he asked.

Li Shiyin struggled in his arms, and he let her go. She sat sideways on the bed, held his face with her hands, looked into his eyes and said, "Master, I can form the elixir now."

The silly disciple's face was red, and stars were shining in his wet eyes. Qin Ran laughed, reached out and pinched the naughty little witch's nose, and said, "You know what I'm talking about."

He deduced that there are limits to the realm of cultivation, and every realm has its limits. He once wanted to explore the limits of foundation building, but Li Shiyin's arrival made him form a core in advance.

Now Li Shiyin is very close to the limit of foundation building. He wanted to know what it would be like to reach the limit of a realm.

Hearing this, Li Shiyin held Kieran's face and squeezed it gently, making Kieran's mouth pout. She shook her head, broke away from Kieran's hand on her nose, and then leaned over and pressed "mua" on Kieran's mouth. "Take a bite.

She stood up and jumped out of bed, smiling: "Okay! Master!!"

But she didn't care that her limp body hadn't recovered yet, so she fell down again with an "ah" sound and fell into Qin Ran's arms.

Kieran smiled and hugged her to prevent this silly apprentice who was always confused from falling...well, getting hurt.

After being tired for a long time, Qin Ran finally got up.

After breakfast, Li Shiwen suddenly came over and took him away from Li Shiyin, saying: "You are hanging out with me these days. Don't indulge in the love of your children all day long. You are useless..."

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