It was originally a heartwarming moment for mother and son to meet, but no one expected that such a thing would happen.

Yuchi was seriously injured. Although she had taken the elixir, she was still a human being. The fatigue and mental damage from the journey made her sleepy.

Li Shiyin took her directly to the room to rest, and Li An was under her temporary care... Only she could control the sword energy in Li An.

Late at night, Long Qiqi finally completed the task. He had already fallen asleep with his butt sticking out, and it would be difficult to wake up without sleeping for a day or two. Zhui Feng, a feline, took advantage of the night and ran out to warn Dan. The monster of Danfeng, the boss of Danfeng is back.

And Kieran sat back in his familiar and comfortable little study. In front of the desk, he held a pen and silently wrote down a skill.

The name of the exercise is...

"The Dharma of Ten Thousand Ghosts Seeking Life".

It was exactly the technique practiced by the man in black robe under Wuyi City!

On that day, the black-robed man's ten thousand ghost death formation was broken, his body was killed by the sword energy of two Nascent Soul Stage swordsmen from the Infinite Sword Sect, his magic weapon was taken away by Zhao Yaqing, and his soul originally wanted to seize Qin Ran's body, but was killed by Qin Ran again. However, he made a plan and was devoured by Qin Ran using the "Nine Extremes of Demon Devouring Technique".

Kieran devoured his soul not for the soul power contained in his soul. Although the soul of a golden elixir monk made Qin Ran's soul a little stronger, it was for the memory of the man in black robe. To be more precise, it was for the memory of the man in black robe. , the black-robed man’s cultivation technique.

It is this unique soul technique, "The Technique of Thousand Ghosts Seeking Life".

This technique is very similar to the nameless god-refining formula passed down from Danfeng's ancestors.

The nameless god-refining formula is incomplete, leaving only the function of condensing the soul.

The "Ten Thousand Ghosts' Life-Seeking Technique" is complete. It gives the black-robed man the ability to harm souls, gives him the ability to refine souls and control souls, and also gives him... the ability to seize bodies.

Not every monk can harm the soul. If the soul is not condensed, the means of harming the soul are extremely limited.

When do monks make contact with souls?

Golden elixir period.

The golden elixir stage is the process in which monks unconsciously condense their souls into the golden elixir in their bodies. But this stage is unconscious, and monks actually have no ability to control the soul.

To truly have the ability to harm souls, one must be Nascent Soul and above.

And not every monk can seize the body. If a monk wants to seize someone else's body, he must at least have something to occupy someone else's body, such as Yuanying or Yuanshen. Below Nascent Soul, there is no ability to seize the body.

As for the man in black robe, he was only at the golden elixir stage, and he could defeat Qin Ran's soul clone with one move, and he could also seize his body with his soul.

So we can see from this the power of "The Law of Ten Thousand Ghosts Seeking Life".

When Qin Ran obtained the black-robed man's skills, he also briefly browsed his other memories...

The man in black robe, whose name is Zhao Pu, was originally the eunuch close to Zhao Zheng. Later, Zhao Zheng saw his loyalty and gave him the name Zhao Pu, leading him on the path of spiritual practice. He also gave him the "Dharma of Ten Thousand Ghosts Seeking Life."

Because of the special nature of the technique, Zhao Pu turned to the dark and did things that could not be seen in the light specifically for Zhao Zheng.

But as time went by, as Zhao Pu gained more and more trust from Zhao Zheng and his cultivation level became higher and higher, the desire in his heart gradually increased.

He began to be dissatisfied with his current status and strength.

This is commonly known as inner demon.

Therefore, he would want to refine the millions of soldiers from Northern Chu and the civilians of Wuyi City plus millions of soldiers to become his ghosts and cultivation.

At the same time, it was also the reason why he locked three Nascent Soul Stages and a dozen Golden Core Stages in the formation without knowing whether to live or die.

Zhao Pu was overwhelmed by his inner demons and swollen to the extreme. He thought he had the "Death-seeking Flag of Ten Thousand Ghosts", but Yuanying did not take it seriously.

After all, he didn't know that there were people outside the world, and he didn't understand his own position... He didn't know that he was never special. He could control the power of the soul early, and so could others.

In fact, other people's opportunities and talents are countless times better than his.

...He met Qin Ran and Li Shiyin, and then died.

Sorting through the memories of the man in black robe, Qin Ran found that besides regretting the "Death-seeking Flag of Ten Thousand Ghosts", he also had another doubt...

That is, Zhao Zheng, isn't he a mortal emperor? How come he still has some cultivation? How could he casually give such a powerful skill to the eunuch around him?

Therefore, the man Zhao Zheng became more mysterious in the eyes of Kieran.

But he could probably guess that this was the reason why the clone turned to Zhao Zheng.

Zhao Zheng and the others can even cut off the connection between the clone and the main body, allowing the clone to escape independently. This mysterious and mystical method is something Qin Ran cannot understand at this time. So he roughly knew how terrifying Zhao Zheng and the Xuan Qin court were.

Remembering the "Ten Thousand Ghosts' Life-Saving Technique", Qin Ran did not want to practice this technique. Although this technique was special and powerful, its side effects were actually too great.

Qin Ran was more interested in the spells in this technique. How to teach him not to be tempted by a spell that can hurt his soul?

He wanted to dismantle the spells and fill Danfeng's arsenal of skills.

So after a busy night, Qin Ran finally finished sorting out the "Ten Thousand Ghosts' Life-seeking Technique", and he came up with several useful spells:

The first one is the spell of collecting souls and refining souls. The spell to collect souls will make it easier for him to destroy corpses and eliminate traces in the future.

As for the spells for refining souls, they were the evil ghosts and corpses that the man in black robe showed that day. There was also a resentment ghost, which was very powerful, but the man in black robe could not refine it.

This soul refining technique requires the practice of this technique, but it is a pity that Qin Ran cannot practice it.

However, Zhuifeng has a ghost space that can control souls, so he can show Zhuifeng.

The second one is the soul search technique, which can forcibly search other people's memories.

It is equivalent to the spell that Qin Ran devoured the soul of the black robe man to obtain the black robe man's memory, but the soul search technique does not need to devour other people's souls in this way.

However, being forcibly searched by the soul search technique is extremely painful, and it is better to be devoured.

The third one is the soul worship technique, which is the spell that the black robe man used to worship Qin Ran's clone to death.

In fact, this move has great limitations: first, the caster's cultivation level must be higher than that of the recipient, second, at least the recipient's real name must be known, and third, the recipient must be defenseless.

Therefore, this is a skill that can only be used to sneak attack those with lower cultivation levels than oneself... It has great limitations and is actually useless. The most important thing is that it can only be performed by people who practice this skill.

The fourth one is the soul fusion technique. This may be the most rewarding spell for Qin Ran after such a busy night. Because the effect of this to make the soul of the cultivator merge with the body as soon as possible after taking possession of the body.

After making the record, Qin Ran put away the book and put it in the bookshelf on the upper right side of the desk. In this bookshelf, there are many skills he has collected over the years, such as the "Nine-turn Star Sword Technique" practiced by Li Shiyin, the "Water Flower Heart Sutra" he practiced, the "Nine Extremes Yuanshen Devouring Demon Technique" he got before, and so on.

Now there is also the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Demanding Life Technique".

He put the new book away, opened the formation, hid this layer of bookshelf, and revealed the ordinary books outside.

Qin Ran stretched his body, and his mood was generally excited and happy.


He looked out of the window of the study and saw another four or five-month-old baby riding a sword, chasing a white cat in the sky, passing by the window early in the morning.

"???" He felt something was wrong.

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