My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 367: Just keep going forward, no matter east or west

The silly, well-behaved, silly apprentice seems to have disappeared.

Kieran lay on the recliner, looking at Li Shiyin who was looking after Li An over there, and thinking carefully.

The stupid disciple seems to be completely out of his control, not so easy to deceive... and no longer listens to his words.

So when did the problem occur?

He thought for a while and vaguely came up with the answer. The answer was probably that being clever was just an act of stupid apprentice.

You know, before she became a disciple, she was a bully in Danyang... After she became a disciple, she acted like a bully and had designs on him, even letting him fall into her trap.

Well, the stupid disciple is the most evil one. It finally dawned on him.

So he began to doubt life again.

He wondered if he had been tricked by the stupid apprentice from the beginning.

What does that sentence say? High-end hunters often appear as prey.

He always thought that he was in charge of everything, secretly seducing the stupid apprentice to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor; but in fact, it was the stupid apprentice who was tempting him, without knowing it secretly, tempting him to secretly seduce the stupid apprentice to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor!

Qin Ran realized that it turned out that he and his silly apprentice were in Mission Impossible.

"How was it?" While he was thinking in a daze, a voice from the side suddenly asked him, "Did the descent go smoothly this time? Have you settled the matter in Beichu?"

This voice is very seductive, very familiar, lazily and charming, and it sounds like Tushan Youyou's voice.

Qin Ran looked back, and what he saw was indeed Tushan Youyou, who was dressed in white and looked like a snow fairy. He didn't see the slightest bit of coquettishness. She is obviously a fox demon, and she is also a fox demon on the inside, but those who don't know it, just look at her appearance, and think she is really a fairy.

"Well, it's all taken care of." He nodded.

His answer was perfunctory, with no intention of in-depth conversation. Tushan Youyou understood very well, so he stopped asking any more questions.

She stood next to Qin Ran, looked at Li An sleeping on Zhui Feng, and suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Qin Ran was puzzled.

"I remember before I came to Danfeng, there were only you and Shiyin on Danfeng, plus a snake and a cat. The Xijian Lake over there was still a muddy pit. The whole Danfeng was actually very embarrassing, and there was no holy land for cultivation. Look like that." Tushan smiled leisurely.

"But now, the mud pit has turned into a lake. There are trees beside the lake. There are flowers and fruits on the trees. It is prosperous. There is sufficient spiritual energy and a mountain guarding formation. It is indeed a place for cultivating immortals. There are more people, Liu Xiaoji, Tushan Youyou , Phoenix-winged Hornet, Li An and the new guy over there are getting excited now.”

She sighed, "Little by little, without noticing, Danfeng has changed so much."

Qin Ran also smiled. He felt a lot of accomplishment in his heart because he had achieved this step by step.

"This is actually life. Do it bit by bit and always move forward. One day, when you look back, you will find that you have traveled a long distance." He smiled, "But the road ahead does not matter."

"But on the way forward, don't ask about the west or the east?" Tushan nodded leisurely.

Qin Ran looked at the peach forest opposite Xijian Lake and asked Tushan Youyou with a smile: "So, where is your peach forest formation?"

"It's just a framework." Tushan replied leisurely, "It still requires a lot of design and a lot of aura of peach wood."

She said, taking out a stack of paper from the Qiankun bag and handing it to Qin Ran, "This is my current idea, you can take a look if you have nothing to do."

Qin Ran took over Tu Shan Youyou's formation design, flipped through it, and found that it was not a rough structure, but a very neat formation diagram. The ideas are clear and the formation ideas are expressed step by step.

This means that Tushan Youyou has been prepared for a long time. This formation design is for him to see, and he wants his help to comment on improvements.

Qin Ran understood and nodded: "I will take a look."

"Thank you." Tushan Youyou thanked you.

After all, Li An is just a baby. He eats and sleeps every day. In the past, his excess energy was all used up in his body. Now, whenever he has time, he is led by Li Shiyin to practice.

When Qin Ran and others did not come back, he would sleep with Long Qiqi wrapped in his magic power. Now that Qin Ran and others came back, he could sleep with Zhui Feng or Li Shiyin.

Zhui Feng had rough skin and thick flesh, so ordinary sword energy could not hurt him. Needless to say, Li Shiyin could control the sword energy at will.

Needless to say, Li An is naturally more willing to sleep with Zhui Feng.

Zhui Feng got bigger and curled up. He slept on it, warm and comfortable... When he woke up, he could play with the big cat.

...Although Zhui Feng may not like playing with him.

In short, regarding sleeping, everyone will let An Li sleep however he feels comfortable.

However, that night, Li An was sleeping very comfortably, but some people couldn't sleep.

The moonlight was bright, shining through the window on someone's bed. She couldn't sleep looking at the moonlight. There are some strange things in my mind.

Then at a certain moment, she asked aloud: "Sister-in-law, how do men and women give birth to children?"

Her senses were sharp and she knew that her sister-in-law was not sleeping either.

"Huh?" The sister-in-law's voice was a little surprised, but she had been there after all, and she quickly understood why someone would ask this question. She thought for a while and asked, "There are differences between men's and women's bodies. Do you know this?"

Someone nodded, responded, and said, "You probably know, right?"

The sister-in-law thought for a while and felt that someone might not know very well. She said, "Come on, turn around."

"What to do?" Someone was puzzled, but he turned around and came face to face with his sister-in-law.

The moonlight was bright and the room was very bright. They were very close and could see clearly.

Sister-in-law stretched out her hand and pressed on the parts of someone's body that were different from men, saying, "These are the parts that are different between women and men."

These parts are very sensitive, so someone hurriedly pushed sister-in-law's hand away and asked with a red face, "But does this have anything to do with having a baby?"

"Yes!" Sister-in-law smiled meaningfully and explained to her one by one how she could have a baby with a man.

The content was detailed, and it was all sister-in-law's understanding over the past few years, which was passed on to someone, making her grow up overnight.

Some postures, formulas, and techniques were all unique secrets of others, which came out of sister-in-law's mouth, entered someone's ears, and disappeared into the night.

No one else knew about it.

In short, the key education that her mother didn't give her was eventually replaced by sister-in-law.

It's just...

Qin Ran, who was next door to them, listened to the soft whispers in their room and couldn't sleep all night. From the Big Bang, he thought of the rise of the planet of the apes, from the ancient mighty moving mountains and seas, he thought of the evolution of modern magic...

In the end, he thought, he is the master, and these should be taught by him. But he hesitated, afraid of this and that, and lost a lot of fun in his life.

The moon was very round that night, and at least three people on Danfeng stayed up all night.

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