Tie Ruonan was a direct subordinate of the owner of Longjing Island, so the city they were going to was naturally the city where the owner was located... that is, the economic and cultural center of the island, the most important city.

Therefore, the dock they arrived at was the most prosperous dock on Longjing Island. It was afternoon, and it was busy. Qin Ran's ship was probably a daily patrol ship, not so important. After waiting for a long time, there was a vacancy to enter the port.

During this period, the captain let Qin Ran know the basic qualities of an old driver. From beginning to end, he never stopped swearing and never repeated it... It really surprised Qin Ran and felt the local culture of this foreign land on the sea. Probably pirate culture.

After getting off the boat and leaving the dock, the sailors on the ship either went home or went to drink, eat, and whore. In short, they soon dispersed. Only the captain and Tie Ruonan took Qin Ran to the city.

The basic tone of this city is gray and damp.

The reason is probably that the stones used to build the city were fished out of the sea. The color of the stone is grayish, and there is always a lingering dampness on it.

Then the entire city, not only the walls, but also the houses, are built with this stone.

As you can imagine, the color of the entire city is grayish, then the stone, and then the dampness, which always gives people a bad feeling.

"Whale Fall City."

Qin Ran learned the name of this city. He looked at the city wall. The city wall looked cold and had some terrifying and inexplicable patterns.

He could roughly guess those patterns. They were all variants of array patterns, similar to the runes written on paper when making talismans. This kind of pattern should have the effect of reinforcement and bonding.

Perhaps they would form a large array when combined. Seeing that the buildings in the city were all of this style and had this kind of pattern, Qin Ran, who had a deep understanding of array formations, naturally realized this.

The aesthetic design of this city did not suit him, and the architectural patterns made him feel dangerous... In short, this port city called Whale Fall City made him very uncomfortable.

Because it is a port city, and because it is just an island, the buildings in the city are a bit small, and the streets in the city are a bit narrow... Compared with national cities such as Wuyi City and Mo City, it is a bit far behind.

The captain and Tie Ruonan led the way in front, passed through the outer city, and soon came to the inner city.

Perhaps it cannot be called the inner city, it should be referred to by the corresponding name of the imperial city. The place where the emperor lives is called the imperial city, so the place where the island owner lives should be called the island city. This is an island city with a very peculiar style... or building.

In the past, this place should have been a very tall stone mountain. But the stone mountain has been hollowed out now, and the whole mountain has been hollowed out into a building.

The principle is probably similar to the cave dwellings built by the monks in Lingnan Domain. But this pure stone gives Qin Ran a feeling of a dark Gothic castle in the West in his previous life. The castle was built, and this building was directly dug out of the rocks.

It is indeed unique.

Around the stone mountain, that is, around the "castle", some low buildings were built here and there, and a wall was built, which roughly constituted the "imperial city"... the island city.

At the gate of the city, the captain came forward to explain the situation, and someone went in to report. After waiting for a long time, the person came out and led the three people into the city.

... It really felt like entering the palace to meet the emperor.

Following the person leading the way in front, they walked around in the "island city" for a long time, and the three people came to a place similar to a parade ground.

There were many knife-wielding guards around the parade ground. Qin Ran looked at the guards and found that they all had spiritual fluctuations. They were all cultivators with cultivation.

In the parade ground, a man with a naked upper body was throwing and playing with a huge stone. The boulder was in a cube shape and much larger than Qin Ran. He was probably trying to build up his strength... to exercise his body.

The three entered the parade ground and stood aside waiting.

Qin Ran looked at the man throwing and playing with the boulder, and had a guess in his mind that he was probably, possibly, probably the owner of Longjing Island. A guess may not be correct.

The naked man tossed the boulder several times, and when he felt that it was enough, he threw it aside.

There were some boulders of different sizes but similar shapes over there. Qin Ran looked over and saw that there were weight marks in front of those stones. The light ones were 1,000 jin and 10,000 jin, and the heavy ones were 200,000 jin, 500,000 jin, and 1 million jin.

There was an empty space in the middle, and the standard there was... 100,000 jin.

So this island owner was a body cultivator who tossed 100,000 jin stones for fun.

What kind of cultivation should this be? Qin Ran secretly calculated that this was probably a third-grade body cultivator. That is, it corresponds to the Nascent Soul stage of Lingnan Domain.

The naked man had been working hard and was sweating all over. A subordinate handed him a towel, and he wiped his body while walking towards Qin Ran and the others.

Before the people arrived, a strong smell of sweat arrived first.

His sharp tiger eyes saw Qin Ran for the first time, and he nodded his chin. He asked in a rough voice: "Who?!"

"Island Master, his name is Li Feiyu, a cultivator who practices both spirit and qi, and has a high level of alchemy." Tie Ruonan clasped his fists and saluted, and quickly introduced Qin Ran with the simplest words, "This time the space fluctuation is caused by him."

It was indeed the island master.

"Spirit, qi..." The man sneered and looked Qin Ran up and down, "You traveled so far and found him? How high can his alchemy level be?"

The captain and Tie Ruonan actually didn't know how to make alchemy, but they didn't know how high Qin Ran's alchemy level was.

Seeing this, Qin Ran bowed his hands and replied in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Third-grade elixirs are no big deal."

According to his guess, the so-called first-grade is probably the foundation building of the Lingnan Region, the second-grade is the golden elixir, and the third-grade is the Nascent Soul, and he can indeed refine elixirs related to the Nascent Soul stage.

"Third-grade elixir?!" The island owner then looked at Qin Ran. Seeing that Qin Ran didn't seem to be lying, he raised his hand and called a subordinate and said, "Look for Mr. Zhai to get a copy of the ingredients for the third-grade body refining pill."

It seemed that he wanted to make elixirs by himself again. Qin Ran said quickly: "It is best to have an alchemy furnace and heaven and earth fire. I am used to making elixirs with fire."

"Okay!" The island owner waved his hand and said with a smile, "Whether you are a water magician or a fire magician, as long as you can make elixirs."

Qin Ran's eyes changed. There were very few alchemists on this island...or rather, there were very few high-level alchemists like him.

The island owner personally led the way, and the group went directly to an alchemy room in the island city.

There was a middle-aged man in his forties with a goatee in the alchemy room. He had an elegant temperament. When the island owner saw him, he showed respect and called him, "Mr. Zhai."

Qin Ran looked at him and knew that he was an alchemist, probably the island owner's personal alchemist.

He didn't say much. He took the medicinal materials handed to him, tested the effect, went forward and turned on the stove. He was very familiar with it. He spent a little time and made a furnace of body refining pills.

The body refining pill was shown to Mr. Zhai, his face was full of approval, and he tried it to the island owner, who also showed respect to Qin Ran.

He said to Qin Ran: "Mr. Li can live in my island master's mansion from now on. If you have any request, just ask."

Qin Ran bowed and accepted the island owner's invitation without refusing.

"Thank you, island owner," he said.

In this way, Qin Ran also has a "place" in this "island city".

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