One person and one tiger quickly arrived at Jianfeng.

Their relationship between Dan Feng and Qi Feng was pretty good, but Zhui Feng didn't act too arrogant. He stopped at Xijian Square in the middle of Jianfeng Mountain, and then walked to Tian Wenjin's residence.

He just has a restless temper, completely different from his father. There are few places in this Sword Gate that he has never been to.

Naturally, he had also been to Tian Wenjin’s cave.

But he had just taken a few steps, and before he left Xi Jian Square, his ears caught a few words in the noisy discussion in Xi Jian Square.

He heard a voice saying: " is the cub of the mythical beast Qilin. It is said that Qilin carries holy light, and mortals who smell its breath can get rid of all diseases and live a hundred years; monks only need to look at it one more time to be tainted with luck. , From now on, there will be no inner demons on the path of cultivation, and there will be no obstacles to breaking through the realm..."

A voice added: "... very far away from the Immortal Relics Land... just walk straight from the southwest, over the Hengduan Mountains, and then to the southwest. There is the Sky Demon Realm over there. This region is based on Monsters are the main ones, humans are inferior creatures, and there are various immortal birds and beasts in them. It is said that there are phoenixes, dragons, unicorns, cranes, and even ancient evil beasts, such as gluttons, chaos, candle dragons, etc...

"The unicorn cub this time came from the Sky Demon Realm."

Someone asked: "How could the unicorn cub come to the land of immortal relics at such a distance?"

"Who knows?" Someone answered him, "But it is rumored that there are big changes in the Sky Demon Territory. There are low-level demon beasts who have become enlightened and question the status of the four great beasts and launch a challenge..."

"The four great beasts?"

"Dragon, phoenix, white tiger, black turtle."

"No unicorn?"

"Qilin is an auspicious beast."

"What is an auspicious beast?"

"The auspicious beast is..."

As the group of people spoke, they each stood up with their swords and flew out of the Daojian Gate.

"Qilin?" Zhui Feng murmured, "Sacred beast? White tiger?"

...He seems to have the blood of the White Tiger.

The strength of monsters is determined by the strength of their bloodline. From level one to level nine, compared to human monks from foundation building to Mahayana, level one monsters are only slightly stronger than ordinary beasts, but level nine monsters can rival Mahayana monks.

And the bloodline that is stronger than the bloodline of the ninth-level monster is the divine beast. Divine beasts and immortal birds are compared to the immortal realm of human monks after the Mahayana stage.

Zhui Feng’s bloodline was originally that of the seventh-level monster Xuanming Spirit Tiger… which more or less had the bloodline of the mythical beast White Tiger, but Zhui Feng gained some blessings:

For example, he and Qin Ran went through the golden elixir tribulation, suffered the thunder tribulation for Qin Ran, and ate the wind to strengthen his body and refine his bloodline; another example is that after the Devouring Demonic Willow fell, the spiritual energy in it dispersed , plus the heaven and earth compensated this robbed land, blowing the wind of life, chasing the wind of the natal palm, swallowing up the most wind of life, and the body, blood, and soul were all strengthened; for another example, he met the dragon Ao Yi, and Ao Yi Taught him many magical powers and secret techniques...

His current bloodline is almost as strong as an eighth-level monster.

And now a mythical beast Qilin appears?

Zhui Feng looked back at Li An, his big eyes full of smiles, and said, "Let's go, I will take you to see Qilin."

"Qilin?" Li An expressed doubts.

"Mythical beast!"

Zhui Feng flew up on the wind and followed the group of people out of the Dao Sword Gate.

That group of people flew deep into the Hengduan Mountains, but they did not fly to the Immortal Relics, the core area in the center. They flew away from the core area, more towards the highest mountain range in the Hengduan Mountains, Hengduan Mountain, the snow-capped mountain.

As they approached the snow-capped mountains, people flew in from other places, and the closer they got to the snow-capped mountains, the more people there were.

Zhui Feng took a careful look and found that not only the disciples of the Dao Sword Sect, but also the disciples of other sects, such as Zhishengu, Wuyuan Sword Sect, and smaller sects, were also flying towards the snow-capped mountains.

However, no matter how many people there are, the combination of a white tiger and a baby is really strange.

Those with low cultivation will stay away from them, for fear that the white tiger will go crazy and eat them;

Those with a high level of cultivation recognized the Dao Sword Sect identity token hanging around Zhui Feng’s neck and knew that this was no ordinary monster, but a disciple of the Dao Sword Sect;

People from the three major sects even recognized the identities of Zhui Feng and Li An when they saw the purple star sword energy on their bodies.

Over the years, Li Shiyin and Zhui Feng have actually built quite a reputation in the Hengduan Mountains area.

After flying for a long time, Zhui Feng took Li An to the foot of the snow-capped mountains. Hundreds of monks have gathered here, and it's very lively. They stop in the air and on the ground, all looking towards the mountain. It seems like the unicorn is on the mountain.

But Zhui Feng followed and looked up the mountain, but saw nothing.

He led Li An closer to the crowd and heard commotions from time to time in the crowd.

...Every time a genius comes, I don’t know if it’s a real genius or a fake genius, and I don’t know if he has such a great reputation, or if he secretly paid for a favor. In short, from time to time, a voice like this will be heard from the crowd:

"Hey! That's Hua Wuji of Feixian Sect. It is said that when he built the foundation, he caused the heaven and earth to roar, the weather changed, and aroused countless strange phenomena. He is the strongest of the younger generation of Feixian Sect. He can be compared to the three major sects. The core disciple of the sect.”

There was a burst of greetings, and there was another jade-faced young man with a very good appearance, who seemed to be very popular.

"Look, that's Fairy Miaoyi from Zhishen Valley. She has a very high level of alchemy. She can make people alive and dead, flesh and white bones rise instantly. And her combat power is also very high. It is said that she once took over Lord Dao Sword Menlu. Xing Yijian is an extremely scary person.”

The Fairy in Wonderful Clothes was not only beautiful, but also a disciple of Zhishen Valley and an alchemist, so when she arrived, she caused a lot of noise. The crowd was in an uproar, as if the Qilin had reappeared.

"The God of War Body of the Divine Body Sect!! He is here too! Is he trying to extract the God of War Body from Qilin blood?"

Someone asked who that was? What is the God of War Body? Which sect is the Divine Body Sect? After getting the explanation, they were shocked.

"It turned out to be the Sword Saint of Daojian Sect! It is said that he once competed for the top spot in the Tianjiao List of Daojian Sect and is an extremely terrifying figure."

Someone asked: "How does the Sword Saint compare to Lu Junxing?"

No one answered.

From Daojian Sect? Zhuifeng looked far away and saw a cold-faced male cultivator holding a sword, but he didn't recognize him. Zhuifeng had seen most of the Tianjiao of Daojian Sect, but he had no impression of this one. He didn't know who he was.

Regardless of these famous Tianjiao, Zhuifeng slightly shrank in size and got into the crowd.

He stretched out his claws and patted the monk in front of him, and asked: "Hey! Brother! Didn't you say there was a Qilin? Where is the Qilin?"

"Hey, don't worry! That's a Qilin, isn't it an ordinary monster?" The monk replied, "How can you see it easily?"

As he said this, he turned around and saw a huge tiger head. In an instant, the three souls scared away the seven spirits and fled in a panic.

"Is it that serious?" Zhuifeng said disdainfully, "Isn't it just asking about a Qilin!"

He went to pat another monk on the back: "Brother, where is the Qilin?"

"It was up there just now, but it disappeared..." The Taoist brother pointed to Zhuifeng, "But it's a divine beast! Some of the methods that we mortals don't understand are understandable, right!"

As he said this, he also looked back, but there was nothing behind him.

"Damn..." he wondered.

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