
Zhuifeng was so scared that his tiger hair stood up, pricking Li An from his daze.

Fortunately, he was different from other babies. He didn't cry when he woke up, but smiled when he saw the flying sword energy.

Zhuifeng used his super-limit turning ability to avoid the sword energy, but the sword energy was so sharp that he still lost two whiskers.

He looked in the direction of the sword energy and saw Fu Ming smiling in the air with a sword in his hand.

Fu Ming practiced the sword technique of the Wuyin Sword Sect, the Wuyin Sword Technique, and the Wuyin Sword Dao. This Wuyin Sword Energy has the meaning of chaos, and the sword energy is mysterious, heavy and sharp.

In terms of sharpness alone, Li Shiyin's Star Sword Energy is far inferior to the Wuyin Sword Energy.

So even Zhuifeng, who has been in close contact with Li Shiyin's Star Sword Energy for many years, was scared to death by the Wuyin Sword Energy that attacked him.

"You are really not a human being!" He couldn't help but curse, "Still trying to sneak attack?"

As he cursed, he immediately raised a gust of wind and rushed straight towards Fu Ming.

Fu Ming watched the battle between Kong Xuan and Zhui Feng throughout the whole process. He knew that Zhui Feng's physical body was terribly strong and he could never get close to him. He quickly used his sword skills, cut out the sword energy, and then used his body skills to distance himself from Zhui Feng.

"Walking the dog, right?"

Seeing the tactics adopted by Fu Ming, Zhui Feng couldn't help but sneer.

Because no matter how fast Fu Ming was, he couldn't be faster than Li Shiyin's immortal body skills. Feixian asked. He might as well fight in close combat instead of pulling the distance like this. Maybe he could get a few points of victory by relying on the sharpness of the sword energy.

"Who do you think you are?" Zhui Feng asked.

How could he, Lord Zhui Feng, be easily escaped?

He kept dodging the sword energy, and then used the gust of wind to blow the sword energy away, and then got into the shady side of the sword energy, and kept getting close to Fu Ming.

Seeing Zhuifeng approaching, Fu Ming was in trouble. If he used his sword energy again, Zhuifeng would take advantage of his sword energy to get close to him. If he didn't use his sword energy...

Thinking of Zhuifeng's claw that slapped the sword fairy Shakongxuan, Fu Ming hesitated.

At this moment, Zhuifeng suddenly "rushed forward like a tiger", no longer relying on the shadow of sword energy, but rushed directly in front of Fu Ming.

First, a soul-stirring tiger roar...

Fu Ming was prepared for this, and he displayed his sword skills, and the sword energy rushed out to his face, splitting the tiger roar.

Zhuifeng didn't care, and rushed over as usual, and slashed his head with a claw.

They only had three moves for tigers to fight hand-to-hand...

How could Fu Ming dare to take his claw head-on? He quickly dodged sideways, took advantage of Zhuifeng's jump, slid, and raised his sword to slash at the weakest abdomen of the tiger tribe.

But before he could unfold his sword energy, a tiger tail whipped at him like an iron whip. He hurriedly turned the tip of his sword and went towards the tiger's tail. The tiger's tail and the sword intersected, making a "dang" sound.

The tiger's tail was so powerful that it made his tiger's mouth numb.

Zhuifeng rushed over, and he hurriedly stood up...

But suddenly, Zhuifeng's tail, which had rushed over, swung again and hit his hand directly, directly pulling his sword out.

"Are you still thinking about sneaking? Are you still thinking about sliding?" Zhuifeng sneered, "This is the pit that your master Zhuifeng dug for you! How about this trick to return to the tiger's tail?"

The sword cultivator's sword slipped out of his hand, and it was basically dead. Fu Ming had nothing to say.

Zhuifeng turned around and slapped him away with a claw.

And before he landed, he flew up, opened his bloody mouth, and caught him in his mouth.

With the previous experience of Kongxuan Sword Immortal, Fu Ming persisted for a few more moves, but only a few moves. He didn't know that there might be a little gap in strength between him and this silly-looking little tiger.

Zhuifeng landed in a handsome posture.

At this moment, the ground was "booming" like fireworks, and hundreds of monks flew out from the ground, stirring up countless mud, snowflakes, and ice chips flying all over the sky.

This, as the background for Zhuifeng's landing, made him look more handsome.

"Where is it?!" A monk in the air was holding a sword, looking for Zhuifeng's figure everywhere.

"I want to kill it, evil beast!!" A female monk cursed, "How dare you trap me in the mud!"

"Treasure, it took the treasure away!" Someone reminded.

But the noisy sound in the air gradually became smaller. In the flying ice chips, Zhuifeng opened his mouth and spit out Fu Ming in his mouth, signaling Li An behind him: "Ping An, sword energy!"

Li An then stirred up a sword energy and pointed at Fu Ming on the ground according to Zhuifeng's intention.

"Want treasure?" Zhuifeng stood on the ground, raised his head and looked at the monks in the air, shouting, "Come on, come down, fight with me! If you win, it's yours."

Fu Ming, who was like a dead dog under his feet, was so intimidating that no one in the air moved for a while.

"Quick, who else?!!" Zhuifeng shouted again, "It's getting late, I'm in a hurry, and I have to go home for dinner..."

Still no one dared to move.

In view of this, Zhuifeng suddenly opened his mouth:


A tiger roar roared from the ground to the air, as if the tiger roared in the mountains and forests to shock all beasts. Zhuifeng's tiger roar made hundreds of monks in the air dare not move.

He gradually grew bigger in the tiger roar, and returned to his original size, about ten feet tall.

"A bunch of cowards." He left a sentence, turned around and stepped on the wind.

Some monks in the air were indignant and wanted to cast spells to chase him, but when they saw Zhuifeng's appearance at this time, it seemed as if they saw the Qilin in the air just now, and their bodies paused, and they just didn't chase him out.

They watched the white tiger carrying a baby, walking on the wind, and slowly disappearing from their sight.

Zhuifeng ran for more than half an hour before he looked back. The group of monks did not chase him.

"Huh..." He breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was very powerful, he might not be able to beat so many monks, especially with a baby on his back. Although Li An was full of sword energy, he was still a baby. A serious monk fighting could hurt him. He did not dare to take risks.

"Hey!" After relaxing, he was proud again. He raised his claws and tossed the gem-like Qilin blood in his hand, showing off to Li An, "Look, is your brother Zhuifeng powerful? He easily scared them. This drop of Qilin blood is ours."

Li An would naturally not answer him, but someone would answer him: "Are you taking Li An to rob treasure?!!"

"Who?" Zhuifeng was startled. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw Li Shiyin holding a sword and standing on the top of a big tree.

"Shiyin?" He smiled proudly again and showed Li Shiyin the Qilin blood in his hand, "This is what we snatched, Qilin blood!"

Li Shiyin rolled her eyes at him, flew to his side, hugged Li An, and said, "You took Li An to do such a dangerous thing, I want to see how you will explain to your father."

Thinking of his father's cautious character, Zhuifeng hesitated, hesitantly said: "We got Qilin blood, and we were not injured. We shouldn't be scolded, right?"

"What do you think?" Li Shiyin asked back.

Zhuifeng scratched his head with his claws, then handed the Qilin blood to Li Shiyin, saying: "Then I won't go back first, you give the Qilin blood to dad. Let dad use the Qilin blood to refine a pill for Li An, strengthen his body, it must be very nourishing."

Li Shiyin didn't take his Qilin blood, looked him up and down, sneered: "Are you planning to not go back?"

"..."Zhuifeng sighed.

Still returned to Danfeng, but the consequences were not so serious. Qin Ran knew this guy was a tough guy, and this degree... was still not so outrageous.

Compared with the Qilin blood that Zhuifeng had snatched, Qin Ran was more interested in the battle between the Wuyin Sword Sect disciples and Daojian Sect disciples that Zhuifeng had stopped.

"Can't wait?" He murmured.



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