Before bidding farewell to the island owner, Qin Ran made a request to the island owner:

"I love reading books the most in my life. When I was strolling around the mansion yesterday, I saw that the island owner had a whole building of books. I guess the island owner is also a book lover. I wonder if the island owner would be so kind as to allow me the honor of entering your library to have a look?"

The island owner had something to ask of him, so he would not refuse such a "small" request. He smiled and replied: "Those broken books are bought for people to read. If you are interested, I will pass on a verbal order."

It seems that I can get a benefit first and don't have to go out to be a garbage collector. Qin Ran and the island owner bowed and thanked: "Thank you, island owner."

Qin Ran was very curious about the Tianhai area, but he couldn't go around asking people, so books were his best teachers.

Now that he had the permission of the island owner, he didn't go out, didn't go back to his residence, didn't do anything, and went straight to the library.

The library here covers a large area, is three stories high, and is a towering building. It can be imagined that the collection of books must be extremely rich.

However, there is a very interesting point in this...

The owner of Longjing Island is just a physical cultivator. What is a physical cultivator? A reckless man!

What does a reckless man build such a luxurious library for? Of course, it is used to show off his elegance, pretend to be refined and self-cultivated.

So in such a spacious and luxurious library, Qin Ran walked all the way and didn't see anyone... at least not on the first floor.

He entered from the first floor, selected books all the way, and searched for a long time, and finally found a book at the end of the bookshelf that systematically explained the cultivation system of Tianhai Realm.

He took it, squatted by the bookshelf, opened it, looked at it carefully, and then understood what the cultivation system of Tianhai Realm was like.

The so-called body cultivators are cultivators who use breathing methods to melt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into their bodies. They are purely strengthening their bodies and believe in breaking the Tao with force.

Compared with the physical cultivators in Lingnan, no matter what profession the cultivators in Lingnan are in, they essentially follow the path of foundation building, golden elixir, primordial infant, spirit transformation, integration of Dao, and Mahayana. Even for physical cultivators, they also need to form elixir, but they tend to use golden elixir to refine the body... Golden elixir has the function of refining the body.

The body cultivators in Tianhai do not need to form elixir and transform the primordial infant. For them, the physical body is golden elixir, and they just need to improve the physical body.

The so-called spirit refiners are cultivators who integrate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the soul through visualization. They purely strengthen the soul and obtain the power of the spirit.

Similarly, compared with the cultivators in Lingnan, there are many professions, such as alchemists, array masters, and puppet masters, who all need the spirit, but they still follow the foundation building and golden elixir. They still have to reach the spirit transformation stage to have the spirit.

The spirit refiners in Tianhai have the spirit from the first grade.

Seeing these two paths, Qin Ran can quickly figure out the difficulties.

Because the body cultivators don't have the golden elixir, they are limited by their lifespan; because the soul cultivators start with the soul and the primordial spirit, they are bound to be limited by their talents.

He thought of Danfeng's nameless soul-refining formula... Could it be that it was passed down from the Tianhai area?

At the same time, he only realized at this time how much help Danfeng's nameless soul-refining formula had helped him. It allowed him to have the primordial spirit early... The effect was greater than he imagined.

Because he was both an alchemist and a formation master, both of these professions were extremely dependent on the primordial spirit.

The Qi cultivators in the Tianhai area were probably the most similar to the cultivators in the Lingnan area. They didn't need to integrate the spiritual energy into the flesh or soul, they directly absorbed the spiritual energy into the Qi sea Dantian.

Of course, there were differences, because they didn't have to form a pill. They just needed to keep absorbing the spiritual energy into the Dantian.

For the Qi cultivators in the Tianhai area, cultivation was to strengthen the Dantian with more spiritual energy, and to increase the spiritual energy when the Dantian was wider. When the Dantian reached its limit, the spiritual energy turned into spiritual liquid, and the spiritual liquid turned into spiritual pill.

As he watched, Qin Ran suddenly realized...

This seemed to be the limit he had imagined!

The limit of the foundation-building period!

If one reaches the limit of the foundation-building period and does not form a pill, he is a Qi cultivator; if one reaches the limit of the Golden Pill period (with the physical body as the Golden Pill) and does not transform into an infant, he is a body cultivator; if one reaches the limit of the Infant Period and obtains the Yuan Shen, he is a spirit cultivator.

The cultivation system of the Tianhai Region gave Qin Ran a feeling that the cultivation system of the Lingnan Region was an integrated cultivation system of the Tianhai Region and a further cultivation system.

However, in some aspects, such as alchemy and formation, it seems that there is no further progress. Because if one obtains the Yuan Shen earlier, he will go further on this road...if the talent is good enough.

"In order to make cultivation simpler, someone integrated the original cultivation system and created a new cultivation system. In this process, some things had to be abandoned." Qin Ran slowly came to such a conclusion, "It must not be one person who did such a shocking thing, but a group of people. A group of people must have made countless efforts to make cultivation simpler and more popular, so that more people can practice and the path of cultivation is not so difficult..."

"What a magnificent history that would be?" He couldn't help but sighed in admiration.

If Xuan Qin's clone was here, there would be another sigh... Because what Xuan Qin Emperor Zhao Zheng is doing now, creating the immortal dynasty cultivation, is to make cultivation go further, simpler and more popular.

Let the cultivators have rules and let the mortals have dignity.

This world has never been a world of eating raw meat and drinking blood, the law of the jungle, and the dark forest. People are always different from other species. There is always a group of people who care about the common people, and there are always people who are willing to devote their lives and lives to the weak.

People are different. There are those who live in a corner like Qin Ran, and those who work for the public like Zhao Zheng; there are those who are selfish like Jian Yuanjie, and there are those who are generous and righteous like Lu Junxing...

Qin Ran closed the book and drove away the yearning and admiration in his mind. He put the book back on the bookshelf and stood up to continue looking for books to read.

He already understood the cultivation system of Tianhai Territory, so he also needed to understand the forces of Tianhai Territory, the geography of Tianhai Territory, and customs, etc.

So that he could survive and develop in Tianhai Territory.

And most importantly, he also wanted the dragon blood in the hands of the owner of Longjing Island... He didn't have the ability to refine the Dragon Breath Pill, but he wanted the dragon blood in his hands.

In this short period of time, Qin Ran actually made a lot of plans, but most of them were ruled out by him.

First of all, the option of robbing is definitely not an option. Although he is very confident in his ability to escape, it is just confidence, not arrogance. It is probably a little difficult to rob something from someone's nest and get away unscathed.

And most importantly, combined with his actual experience in Whale Fall City these days, he has a feeling that although the cultivation system of Tianhai Domain lags behind Lingnan Domain, the alchemy and formation of Tianhai Domain are more powerful than those of Lingnan Domain.

So, if he robs it by force, the formation on the island will be activated by then, and he will most likely not be able to break it, and then surrender.

As for the option of cheating... it is actually very tempting to Qin Ran.

Because for an alchemist, alchemy depends on the success rate, not every time. If you take the island owner's medicinal materials, blacken the dragon blood, and then say that the alchemy failed. This success rate is greater than robbing.

However, before doing this, there is a very important thing that needs to be carefully considered. That is, why can't you find a second fourth-grade alchemist in such a big Dragon Whale Island.

You know, the alchemy of Tianhai Domain is stronger than that of Lingnan Domain.

The answer is that either many fourth-grade alchemists have died because of refining Dragon Breath Pills before, or other alchemists dare not refine, and he can't afford the consequences of alchemy failure.

Otherwise, why did Qin Ran and the Dragon Whale Island master not know each other, but he was asked to refine such an important elixir right away?

It's definitely not because Qin Ran is more handsome!

It's just because if Qin Ran fails to refine the elixir, the medicinal materials with dragon blood will be turned into ashes, which is easier to deal with.

Evil ways are definitely not okay, Qin Ran can only think about the right way.

What is the right way?

The right way is to be serious and find a way to refine this elixir that requires the Spiritualization Stage to refine, the Dragon Breath Pill.

So think clearly, what does Qin Ran lack from refining such an elixir?

He has skills, understanding, and a soul that ordinary cultivators don't have. What he lacks is only mana... and elixir water.

If there is elixir water... if the real body is here, he can really give it a try.

But he is just a clone. So he needs elixir water, and it is best if this elixir water has spiritual energy.

As for the elixir water, in addition to refining the elixir, Qin Ran had another idea: his body was made of water. If he found a kind of water from heaven and earth, and then used this special water as his body, would his strength be greatly improved?

If the clone can practice and grow stronger through the Yuanshen visualization map of Tianhaiyu... then can he, the clone who originally could not practice and improve, also practice? !

In view of this, Qin Ran read books in the island owner's library for seven or eight days in a row. This not only gave him a general understanding of Tianhaiyu, but also allowed him to find a kind of water... or in other words, divine water!

A divine water called Shenhua Xianning!

It is said that 70,000 years ago, a legendary Qigong practitioner who was difficult to distinguish between immortals and demons appeared in Tianlanyu. Not only did he dominate Tianlanyu for an entire era, he also beat Tianlanyu and made a great name in the central area of ​​Tianhaiyu, the Seven Islands. He relied on the Shenhua Xianning!

According to the book, it was because of this person that the Seven Islands dared not touch Tianlanyu so far.

Qin Ran was skeptical about the latter record. Because if the Tianlan Sea is equal to the Land of Immortal Relics, then there was an extraordinary genius in the Land of Immortal Relics, who went to Lingnan Immortal Sect and frightened Lingnan Immortal Sect... It's just a fairy tale, a Korean saying.

This legend calls himself the Old Demon of Shenhua, and the last time he appeared was when he returned to the Tianlan Sea to retreat and break through.

What realm did he break through? No one knows.

Did he succeed in breaking through? No one knows.

In short, he has not appeared for 70,000 years.

The book records that some people say he is still in retreat; some people say he has successfully broken through and has now established a sect in the Seven Islands; of course, more people say he has passed away.

After all...

According to another book, someone has found his place of sitting and passing away.

However, after finding his place of sitting and passing away, they did not "borrow" his many treasures. Naturally, it is not because the cultivators in the Tianlan Sea are all high-quality cultivators, and they all have a reverence for this legend and do not disturb him, but because this person sealed his place of sitting and passing away.

No one has unlocked his seal so far.

So, how to unlock his seal and obtain his inheritance?


Because this legendary Qigong practitioner who possesses the Shenhua Immortal Condensation is undoubtedly an alchemist.

To break his seal, one must contribute seven pills to the outside of his seal. If the pills can cause the seal to resonate, the seal will open automatically. And what pills are needed? No one knows.

Thus, he can obtain the inheritance and countless treasures of the Shenhua old demon.

"Hmm..." Qin Ran fell into deep thought again while looking at the records in the book. He seemed to be trapped in the legendary logical closed loop:

"Sorry, our position requires work experience."

"How can I have work experience if I don't work?"

"Then go find a job!"

"Aren't I looking for a job?"

"Sorry, our position requires work experience..."

In order to refine the Dragon Breath Pill, he went to find the elixir water. In order to find the elixir water, he needed to break the seal of the old demon Shenhua. In order to break the seal, he needed to refine the pill. In order to refine the pill, he needed the elixir water...

Closing the book, Qin Ran looked out the window and squinted his eyes. No matter what, he had to give it a try, whether it was dragon blood or divine immortal condensation.

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