After dinner, Li Shiyin took Qin Ran's hand and ran to the roof of the cabin. The two sat down on the roof, and she leaned against her master and looked at the darkness of Danfeng.

In the darkness of Danfeng, there was the Xijian Lake that she dug out bit by bit, and the trees by the lake that her master planted one by one. The small animals in Xijian Lake were frolicking in the darkness, and the trees by the lake were breathing in the spring breeze.

Looking at this thriving Danfeng, Li Shiyin's heart was full of sweetness. This was built by her and her master bit by bit.

Like a bird building a nest, one branch and one grass were brought, and finally a beautiful nest was built.

At first there was nothing, but now there is everything.

"Master?" She leaned in her master's arms and called softly.

"Hmm?" The master's cheek rubbed against her head and gently rubbed her hair.

"Master?" She called again.



Qin Ran took his chin and gently poked the head of this little bad guy.

"Qin Ran?" Li Shiyin suddenly shouted.

Qin Ran's heart trembled when he heard the name being called directly. He looked down and saw the silly apprentice's eyes sparkling in the dark. Silly apprentice... Li Shiyin's eyes were full of tenderness. He also saw Li Shiyin's pretty face flushed.

She also knew what it meant to call him by his name directly, and she also needed a lot of courage.

It meant that she had broken through the window paper, and the two of them were in an equal position, a woman and a man, not an apprentice and a master.

"Hmm?" He responded, then lowered his head and lightly touched her thin lips.

The spring night breeze blew with a hint of coolness, but when the two hugged each other, their body temperature would not dissipate in the spring breeze, but would be transmitted between each other, making each other feel warm.

The world is cold, but they are warm.

And the lips are sweet, and the breath of the spring breeze also has a hint of sweetness.

The most needed nutrition and energy material for the human body is sugar, and sugar is sweet, so sweetness is the most addictive taste for people. This is engraved in the soul and genes, and there is no way to quit.

People can't refuse, they can only enjoy the deadly comfort brought by the sweetness.

So they kissed for a long time, and the two lips reluctantly separated. Even when the lips separated, the owner of the lips was still not, and they were still rubbing their ears.

Li Shiyin sat in Qin Ran's arms, holding his neck with both hands, and her hot face pressed against his ears and neck.

Even though she had a high level of cultivation, she was still panting from the kiss. She panted, spoke lazily, with a heavy nasal tone, and whispered softly in Qin Ran's ear: "Master, I'm going to retreat." Qin Ran closed his eyes and smelled the girl's fragrance on Li Shiyin's jade neck and hair. Hearing this, he slowly opened his eyes. He knew why she was in retreat.

"Are you going to form a pill?" he asked.


"Do you need my help?" he asked again.

Li Shiyin suddenly remembered that on the day of becoming a disciple, the master told her not to worry about the tribulation, and to improve her cultivation with confidence. He had a way to ensure that she would pass the tribulation. At that time, she just thought that the young man with an immature look was bragging.

But after so many years, she knew how much the master had promised at that time. The master had the ability to guarantee her to pass the tribulation, and he must have made a lot of preparations for this.

Thinking of the master's immaturity, the master's black belly, and the fact that the terrifying master only took meticulous care of her, she laughed "hehe".

Laughing happily, she lowered her head and bit the master's shoulder. But she couldn't bear to hurt the master, so she didn't leave any teeth marks, only wet saliva.

"I don't want your help!" she said in a delicate voice.

She suddenly lowered her voice again, "Master, you have helped me enough."

"You are my apprentice, and this is how the master treats the apprentice!" Qin Ran smiled as he smelled the girl's fragrance.

"Is this how you treat your apprentice?" Li Shiyin reached out and gently stroked Qin Ran's Adam's apple, asking with a smile.

Qin Ran then tickled her waist and asked, "Is this how you respect your teacher?"

Li Shiyin was tickled, laughing and moving in Qin Ran's arms until Qin Ran stopped tickling her. She panted and said, "Humph! I have been a bad kid since I was a child. I have been rampaging and domineering in Danyang City. No one dared to provoke me. I have never taken secular etiquette seriously."

She propped up her limp body, pouted her lips and kissed Qin Ran on the cheek, and said confidently, "This is how I respect my teacher!"

"But you, Master..." She tapped Qin Ran's left chest, where his heart was. Drawing circles, with seductive eyes and a sly smile on the corners of her mouth, "Why are you so bad that you dare to attack your own apprentice? Not only did you attack, but you also planned it."

Qin Ran naturally couldn't indulge this little witch who was thicker than the corner of the city wall and was so unreasonable. Instead, he kissed her and replied, "Master is so bad. Don't you know how sinister your master is?"

Li Shiyin hugged Qin Ran's neck, hung on him, tilted her head and looked at him, and said with a sly smile, "I really didn't know."

It's terrible. This girl is so good at teasing before they get married or consummated their marriage. He has been at a disadvantage tonight.

Qin Ran's eyes were a little red, and his breathing became heavier. But he just pinched Li Shiyin's waist hard, and said in a hoarse voice, "Wait until you finish your retreat, Master will teach you."

Li Shiyin fell down with her waist pinched, and was held back in Qin Ran's arms.

It was quite magical. Li Shiyin was about the same size as Qin Ran, but she was so limp that she could fit herself into Qin Ran’s arms.

"I thought it would be difficult to seduce the master..." she laughed, "but I found out that the master is also a bad guy. There is no need to seduce him, he will come by himself."

"Do you admit that you are a bad guy?"

"I have always been a bad guy, wanting to eat the master in one bite!"

"Humph! Who told you to be so beautiful?!" Qin Ran replied, "If the master doesn't eat you personally, and you are deceived by some stupid boy, I will lose a lot, right?"

"Is this the reason why you came to deceive the apprentice in person?"

"No..." Qin Ran shook his head and said seriously, "It was the apprentice who deceived me. I am a simple little Taoist who practices alone in the mountains, and you, an evil little witch from the mortal world, played with my feelings."

"Obviously..." Li Shiyin corrected, "I am a little white flower who has just entered the world of practice, and you, the big devil in the world of practice, have calculated me. Now I have fallen into the devil's way, trapped in prison, and can't extricate myself!"

"How pitiful I am!" After she finished speaking, she cried with a smile in her eyes.

On the roof of the cabin, they looked at the darkness, the night sky without stars and moon, and spent a long time together.

"How confident are you about overcoming the tribulation?" Qin Ran asked back to the point.

"Well..." Li Shiyin pondered for a while, and replied with a smile, "98%!"

Qin Ran stretched out his hand to pinch the naughty little face, and scolded with a smile: "98% of your shit! How did you calculate it?"

This girl is at most a little confident in her own strength, but she definitely doesn't know anything about the thunder tribulation.

"Heh!" Sure enough, this silly roe deer raised his chin and said arrogantly, "If even I can't survive the golden elixir tribulation, then there will be few people in the entire cultivation world who can survive the golden elixir tribulation."

"Look how proud you are!" Qin Ran shook his head repeatedly.

"Don't worry, Master, once I succeed in forming the elixir, my combat power will be greatly improved, and there will be no problem in overcoming the tribulation." Li Shiyin comforted, "At that time, I can also help you catch a few thunder snakes to raise."

"Can thunder snakes be raised?" Qin Ran asked with a smile.

"Razer is also a snake, it can be raised, and it must be more obedient than Qiqi."

"Qiqi will bite you to death if she hears that." Qin Ran lowered his voice, "Qiqi is the most cunning, you should be careful with your words."

"Okay..." Li Shiyin followed and lowered her voice, "After we raise Razer, we will throw Qiqi away and don't want her anymore, okay?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qin Ran nodded.

"Hahaha..." Li Shiyin thought it was funny and laughed.



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