Tonight's hunt didn't go well.

It’s not that you can’t find anyone, it’s that there are too many people nearby.

Tie Ruonan patrolled up and down the mountain for a long time before finally catching a lone man.

However, she had spent enough time tonight. When she returned to the formation place, she realized that the time she had spent was already very little.

There are not many people who have returned to the formation place.

Even though they waited outside the formation for the limit time, they did not wait for all the team members to come back. Tie Ruonan finally counted the number of people and found that there were heavy losses tonight, with four team members missing.

And even if they came back, several of them were seriously injured, especially one who had sword wounds all over his body and was bleeding profusely.

Of course, she didn't have any fluctuations in her heart about this situation. After all, if they do this kind of thing, they will die in the first place, and secondly, they will die easily.

Either die tonight or die tomorrow night. They have been prepared for it. They knew that they would become the food of that thing just like the prey in their hands.

Tie Ruonan was silent and walked into the formation.

But just as she turned around, she suddenly felt that the body on the shoulders of the team member who was covered in sword wounds looked familiar. She turned around and took a closer look, and couldn't help but be surprised, because she recognized that it was Dragon Whale Island's archenemy, the young island owner of Evil Shark Island.

She looked at the team member and couldn't help but ask: "Did you kill it with your own hands?"

The team member lowered his head and replied in a hoarse voice: "Yes!"

Tie Ruonan nodded approvingly and said, "Very good."

Then he turned around and walked into the formation.

Following Tie Ruonan, Qin Ran mingled with the night walker team and walked into the formation together.

His soul sensed that the identity token with the giant whale printed on him reacted on its own, interacting with the surrounding formations and creating a protective shield around him to prevent him from getting trapped in the formations. , able to walk into the formation like normal walking.

"This is indeed the formation entry and exit token..." He relaxed in his heart and frowned at the same time.

The frown was because he failed to notice the formation runes on the giant whale's identity token.

At the same time, while the identity token interacted with the formation, he quietly looked at the formations around him, trying to deduce the basic formation through its displayed effects.

But soon, he discovered that except for the identity token, which was more advanced than Lingnan Territory, the formation itself was not as good as Lingnan Territory.

The formation itself seemed to be in an ignorant and rough state. He could not find any trace of the basic formation. The basic formation of the formation had no specific categories and was still in a state of chaos.

Of course, for now, the chaotic state of this formation is better. Because Qin Ran couldn't figure out how to break this formation in a short time, such as at a glance.

A group of night walkers passed through the formation and came to the entrance of a cave.

Qin Ran looked at it quietly and found that the cave was a mud cave that was dug manually. It was quite old and the mud on the cave wall looked like it had aged.

But as thoughtful as the cave is, it's still rough. Because its cave walls are very simple, they are made of rough soil, and there are only some spiritual energy patterns on them to stabilize the cave walls.

...The reason why I don't call them formation runes is because those lines are also very rough, rougher than the formations arranged outside.

From this point of view, this cave was formed earlier than the formation outside.

The cave extends forward, with a slope that can be seen with the naked eye, and it winds downwards after all.

Obviously, there are no lighting tools on the cave wall, and the soil under their feet is wet. The group of people are really night walkers, walking towards the depths of the cave amidst the "pattering" footsteps in the darkness. .

The darkness, moisture, the smell of blood, the sound of footsteps, and the fact that he was going down always made Kieran feel like there was hell ahead.

After walking in silence for a long time, light suddenly appeared in front of me.

The light should have given people light and hope, but the light in front, combined with the smell of blood and death in the air, gave Kieran the taste of death.

What lies ahead is extremely dangerous, probably really hell.

At this moment, Qin Ran finally had the idea of ​​​​running away.

But when he had this idea, he realized that he had left no escape route for himself. He didn't make enough preparations and rushed here all at once.

"No wonder the main body made so many preparations before acting... No wonder the main body asked me to come here to find the way for him." Until this moment, Qin Ran understood the importance of escape methods, "A person only has one life. And I Is that why it’s just a clone?”

But having come this far, he had no chance to retreat, so he had no choice but to move forward.

"I abandoned the timidity and cowardice of the original body, and also lost his stability and caution." He should not have sneaked in so casually and entered the enemy's lair.

No matter what feeling the light gave Kieran, when they actually arrived here, they still felt a sense of "sudden enlightenment".

Because it's too wide here.

Looking from this end to the other end, you will feel that the person opposite is really small.

And there is only light here. The light is not bright and appears dim.

A rough, dark and large cave, this was the first impression Qin Ran got.

Tie Ruonan continued walking in front, and the vague visual misdirection on her body disappeared, revealing her true appearance. So does everyone else around you. Qin Ran secretly controlled the black clothes on his body, and then revealed his face... Of course, it was the face of the original owner of this black clothes.

As they walked towards the opposite side of the cave, a man in red came over from there.

When he saw that the night walkers had few prey today, and even four people were missing, he looked at Tie Ruonan and said coldly: "What's going on today?"

"Too many people today." Tie Ruonan replied expressionlessly.

The man in red sneered: "According to your progress today, we don't know when we can pollute the seal. But I heard that the Evil Shark Island is about to succeed."

"Evil Shark Island?" Tie Ruonan glanced at him coldly, pointed at Qin Ran, and said, "The young master of Evil Shark Island is here."

The man in red couldn't help but frown: "Why did you kill him?"

"Kill him, kill him, what's the big deal?" Tie Ruonan said indifferently.

She stopped talking to the man in red, and took a group of night walkers, passed the man in red, and came to the innermost part of the cave.

In the innermost part of the cave was a very tall, wide, and thick wall, which was also in its original adobe state. And under this wall, there was a huge pit.

Tie Ruonan took the night walkers and threw all the bodies into the huge pit.

There were still bodies in the huge pit, some intact and some incomplete. Qin Ran took a quick glance and recognized the Qigong practitioner that Tie Ruonan had not killed last night. The corpse was intact.

Some were mutilated, some were not. The one who was not mutilated was a Qigong practitioner, probably because he was not dead when he was thrown in.

Qin Ran casually threw the so-called "Evil Shark Island" young island master into the pit, and then casually looked at the huge pit and the wall behind him.

The huge pit was obviously part of a formation. There were also a group of cultivators sitting cross-legged at the edge of the pit opposite, casting spells, and had some connection with the huge pit.

This was similar to Qin Ran's guess last night. It was used to collect spiritual energy, mana, and blood from the cultivators. The cultivators were spiritual stones and food, and the huge pit was the stomach. The huge pit digested the cultivators, and the useful parts were transported to other parts of the formation for storage or further changes.

Qin Ran did not look at this pit for a long time, nor did he look at the people opposite.

He didn't know how long this huge pit had existed... and he didn't know how many cultivators died in this huge pit.

He raised his head carelessly and looked at the wall behind him.

Then he realized that it was not accidental that the cave was dug here...

Because there was an extremely terrifying sealing force on the wall.

No need to guess, you can directly know that this is the seal left by the old demon Shenhua, the seal spread all over the Shenhua Mountain.



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