Qin Ran sat down cross-legged, pretending to be practicing healing. The injuries on his body also slowly recovered under his control...just like how a normal person recovers from his injuries after taking pills.

Seeing that his injuries were too serious, Tie Ruonan did not ask him to participate in the hunting operation on the third night. On the fourth night, someone was injured more seriously, so he asked him to continue the mission.

He held the sword in hand, activated the concealment effect of the black clothes on his body, mixed in with the night walkers, and followed Tie Ruonan out of the cave and outside the formation.

No one spoke a word, and a group of night walkers each picked a direction that no one was walking in and fled out in silence.

Kieran was different from other night walkers. Other night walkers were looking for someone to kill, but he was not. His mission today was to find a deserted place and refine the weakened version of the Death Pill.

He stretched his speed to the limit, went all the way down Shenhua Mountain, and soon reached the seaside. Seeing no one around, he plunged into the sea.

After diving more than 20 meters into the sea, he used the magic "Dream Bubble" to pull out a bubble, isolate the surrounding sea water, and wrap him in it.

The reason why we only dived more than 20 meters was because of time issues.

The time that the Nightcrawlers come out to perform their tasks every night is very short. Once that time is exceeded, they will not wait any longer. They will just go straight into the cave as if the Nightcrawlers who did not return on time are dead.

And based on the nature of the Night Walkers group, I am afraid that if they really do not go back at the specified time, there may be some special method to make the Night Walkers really die.

The bubbles interact with the seawater and are stabilized in the seawater.

Qin Ran's body in the bubble flipped over, and medicinal materials flew out of his body and were also suspended in the bubble.

These are the medicinal materials that he has hidden.

After taking out the medicinal materials, Qin Ran took out the bottle of blood replenishing pill given by Tie Ruonan without pausing, and then started to refine the death pill.

He stretched out his hand, and a ball of water flew out of his body. A ball of water wrapped a medicinal material, and under the control of his soul, the essence of the medicinal power was extracted.

He is no longer familiar with the Death Pill, and he has used all the medicinal materials here. He knows their respective medicinal properties. Therefore, for him, refining this simple version of the Death Pill was not a piece of cake, nor was it too difficult.

The only problem is that he has never used elixirs as medicinal materials to refine elixirs before, and this is his first attempt...

Sure enough, something went wrong!

Refining elixirs using elixirs as medicinal materials is actually quite difficult, because not only do you need to understand the medicinal properties and components of the medicinal elixirs, but you also need to understand the medicinal properties and composition structure of the refining elixirs.

Qin Ran didn't understand and was ready to dismantle the Blood Replenishing Pill as soon as he came up.

And he didn't even know what medicinal materials the Blood-Building Pill in the Tianhai Region was made from. As soon as he dismantled it, "pop", the balance of the pill's power was broken by him, and it was instantly scrapped and turned into a useless pill.

"That does not work……"

Qin Ran looked at the scrapped blood-replenishing pill and shook his head.

"It's obviously too late to start learning how to make elixirs with elixirs now. However...this blood-replenishing elixir cannot be wasted." He looked at the various medicinal essences that had been refined on the other side, "I can blend the medicinal essence of the death-replenishing elixir. Enter these blood-replenishing pills.”

The powerful power of the soul flew out instantly. He used the extracted medicinal essence to form the rough embryo of the elixir according to the medicinal power structure rules of the Death Pill, and then violently extracted the water from it to obtain a simplified version of the Death Pill.

However, he used all the medicinal materials he owned to refine this simple version of the Death Pill, but still only got five pills.

"Five simple death pills can't kill more than thirty monks."

He thought for a moment, then crushed three of the Death Pills directly, poured out all the Blood Replenishing Pills from the pill bottle, and then wrapped the Blood Replenishing Pills with the powdered Death Pills.

Tie Ruonan gave him a total of twelve blood-replenishing pills. He ate one last night and there were eleven left. Now he kneaded the three death-replenishing pills into the eleven blood-enhancing pills. In the end, eleven death-replenishing pills were obtained.

"There are still twenty-six Night Walkers, but only thirteen pills..." He sighed secretly, "With strong ones like Tie Ruonan and the man in red. It's still not easy to do."

...Another nightcrawler died last night.

But whether he can do it well or not is a matter for later, but now, he has to hurry up and go back.

After collecting the bubbles, Qin Ran returned to the shore and quickly slipped along the coast. He soon found a lone young monk. He approached him with the Flying Immortal Asking Question and easily killed him with a single blow.

Then he repeatedly used Feixian Ask, and when Tie Ruonan counted the number of people, he returned to the formation place.

Tie Ruonan glanced at him, recognized him through the concealment effect of black clothes, and asked aloud: "Why so slow?"

"The injury is not healed yet." Qin Ran replied.

Tie Ruonan accepted his reason and took him back to the cave without saying anything else.

Entering the cave, Qin Ran felt that this place was more terrifying, bloodier, and more depressing. The smell of death was in the air, as if he could smell it.

He looked at the mountain wall on the other side, the huge pit under the mountain wall, and the strange monks beside the huge pit, and felt that this was the holy land of a certain cult.

This place is like hell. If Old Demon Shenhua's seal was opened in such a terrifying way and Old Demon Shenhua knew about it, how would he feel?

"But, that's how people are..."

Qin Ran threw the ignorant and innocent little monk on his shoulder into the huge pit, which was somewhat complicated.

After all, he did not completely lose his humanity. When he sacrificed this completely innocent little monk to the giant pit, he still felt reluctant.

"This damn cultivation world is like this..." He sighed in his heart.

But he immediately had doubts again, "Is this world like this, or am I the only one like this?"

But he did not have much time to feel reluctant and confused, because he needed to turn around as soon as possible with a blank expression and leave the giant pit as if nothing had happened.

"I will try to kill as fast as possible!"

He turned his back on the giant pit and walked towards the wall of the cave, promising the innocent little monk in the giant pit in his heart.

After finding a place to sit cross-legged, Qin Ran counted a little and found that two more night walkers were missing. It seems that two more died tonight.

"There are still twenty-four night walkers left."

He sat cross-legged facing the sealed mountain wall inside the cave and beside the giant pit. So although he closed his eyes, his soul was looming between his eyebrows, looking at the seal on the mountain wall, and carefully dismantling the basic array pattern in the seal.

The arrangement of the island owner in this cave needs to be planned, and the seal set by the old demon Shenhua in this Shenhua Mountain needs to be learned. Both hands have to be grasped...

Time flies, and it is the fifth night of Qin Ran's arrival at Shenhua Mountain. He wakes up from the state of meditation to dismantle the array.

During this day and night of dismantling, he did not dismantle a single array, but was a little confused by the seal of the old demon Shenhua...But he doesn't care, because this is the process of learning a new thing.

He stood up with his sword, and walked towards Tie Ruonan with other night walkers who were going to perform the mission.

Tie Ruonan saw him and asked, "Is the injury healed?"

"Yes!" Qin Ran nodded, "It won't affect the action."

Tie Ruonan stopped asking, counted the people, and led them out of the cave.

Similarly, after leaving the cave and the array, each night walker held a sword and scattered in all directions, each one as terrifying as the black impermanence walking in the dark.

After Qin Ran ran in one direction for a while, he saw that everyone had dispersed, so he chased the night walker closest to him.

Soon, he was discovered by the night walker. The night walker stopped on the spot, turned around to face him, and the sword was lit, ready to chop at any time.

"Why are you following me? If you can't explain it clearly, you will die!" He said without emotion.

Qin Ran stood still, slowly and without hostility, took out the bottle of pills from his arms, poured out a pill, and threw it to the night walker.

"I don't mean anything else. I just hope you die later." He replied, "If you live a few more days, I can live a few more days."

The night walker took the pill and looked at it, but he was just a crude body cultivator, how could he see that there was something wrong with the pill? He looked at Qin Ran again and felt that the reason Qin Ran gave was reasonable... Of course, the most important thing was that Tie Ruonan handed the pill to Qin Ran in front of them, so he didn't think about it anymore and put the pill away.

"Don't follow me anymore!" He turned and left.

Qin Ran stood there and watched him leave without any extreme behavior.

The night walker was doing the job of killing people. Those who kill people will always be killed. So it is normal that there are some deaths. And as the Shenhuashan incident goes on, more and more night walkers will die because of the long night battle. This is also normal.

However, despite this, Tie Ruonan still feels that the casualties of night walkers are really too much recently.

For three consecutive days, at least three night walkers did not come back every day.

Now, she went to count the number of people and found that there were only twelve night walkers in the cave.

She realized that something was wrong, as if someone was targeting them.

She saw that the night walker who killed the young island master of the evil shark island opened his eyes and stood up, leaning towards her. She found that this night walker was really powerful. Night walkers have casualties every night. He was so seriously injured, and he was carrying out missions for so many days in a row, but his complexion was getting better and better.

When the night walker came over, she warned the night walkers: "Be careful. Something is wrong these days. It may be that other islands are deliberately targeting us. Be careful."

The night walkers nodded silently.

Qin Ran also nodded.

As Tie Ruonan saw, his complexion was really getting better and better, because not only were there only twelve night walkers left, he still had six death-replenishing blood pills left, and two weakened death-replenishing pills were still there.

Not only were the number of night walkers in the cave decreasing as planned, but just now, he had made a breakthrough in the seal of the old demon Shenhua... and disassembled the first basic rune of the formation.

But everything is difficult at the beginning, and the disassembly of the basic runes of the seal will surely become very simple.

Even if there were only twelve night walkers left, Tie Ruonan still took them out to perform the mission. Qin Ran sighed at the ruthlessness of the oppressors, and followed the same method, approaching a night walker.

After the night walker stopped, he threw a death-replenishing blood pill to him.

As time went on, the number of hunts increased, and the night walkers were injured more and more, so the night walkers had a greater and greater demand for pills.

Qin Ran's pills were getting easier to sell.

However, tonight, this night walker did not catch his pills.

Night Walker let the pill fall to the ground, looked at Qin Ran coldly, and said: "It's you!"

"What?" Qin Ran asked puzzled.

"You are the one who secretly hunted Night Walker, right?! You are the traitor!" Night Walker said coldly.

"What traitor? How could I kill a night walker..." Qin Ran argued innocently.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that in the darkness around him, someone was dragging a knife around him.

His face darkened a little bit, and the pupil technique illusion world was activated.

In front of him, with a cold face and holding a sword, it was Tie Ruonan who walked towards him!

And the remaining eleven night walkers also surrounded him!

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