My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 403: The Breaker and the Poisoner (1/2)

Seven people left and one returned.

The man in red looked at Tie Ruonan, who was poisoned and seriously injured in front of him, and couldn't believe it: "You... are all... dead? All seven of you Night Walkers were killed by one person?!"

"He used poison." Tie Ruonan couldn't hold on anymore and sat down, "We didn't check for a while, and we were all caught."

She paused and said, "Looking back now, he was able to hunt Nightcrawlers before only by using poison."

"What kind of poison? Is it so powerful?" The man in red took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked aloud.

Tie Ruonan managed to raise his hand and motioned to the man in red to see for himself, saying, "How do I know what the poison is? Please help me see it. You have to save me."

She is just a vulgar body trainer.

The man in red reacted, took Tie Ruonan's hand, and began to feel his pulse.

"Then how did you survive?" he asked while checking his pulse.

"His actual combat power is not strong..." Tie Ruonan gasped, "He thought we were all poisoned. But he didn't know that I could block the heart veins and lock the poison in my body. I took advantage of him If you don't pay attention, kill him with one knife."

The man in red nodded, looked at Tie Ruonan, and then asked: "There are so many casualties in this mission, how are you going to explain to the island owner?"

Tie Ruonan remained silent.

The man in red took his pulse and knew what was going on in Tie Ruonan's body. He frowned and said, "No wonder you were also infected. This poison is really powerful. It is a compound toxin that can seal the throat with blood and weaken the cultivation level." . Very tricky.”

"Tricky? Do you have a way to detoxify it?" Although Tie Ruonan was weak, her eyes were still fierce. She stared at the man in red and asked, "It has been eating away at my cultivation. I can't seal it for long. I It feels like the strength in my body is draining away every moment.”

"Of course I have a way to detoxify..." The man in red was a little strange and asked Tie Ruonan, "Have you forgotten that I am an alchemist?"

Tie Ruonan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a bit, as if she was excited because she knew she had hope of living. Her fierce aura relaxed, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I forgot."

He said twice more, "As long as you are an alchemist, as long as you are an alchemist."

The man in red looked at Tie Ruonan in surprise, thinking that she had gone through many dangers, escaped from death, and had been poisoned, and the toxins had invaded her brain, which was not smart at all. So I didn’t care too much.

"Although this poison is clever, there is no way to cure it." He said, "Stop talking, take two healing elixirs to stop the trauma, and then meditate and practice healing on your own. I'll leave the poison to you. Give me."

"Hurry up." Tie Ruonan still urged, "I can't control my poison."

"I'm reflecting on myself." The man in red stood up, turned around and walked quickly towards the depths of the cave and the mountain wall.

Tie Ruonan sat up softly behind him, watching his movements. Watching him walk to the bottom of the mountain wall, then turn around and walk towards the huge pit, and then as he walked, the whole person disappeared over the huge pit.

"As expected, the giant pit is just part of the formation!" Tie Ruonan raised his eyebrows and closed his eyes.

If the giant pit digests the corpse, it will definitely get something that can affect the seal. But this cave is empty and vast. At a glance, you can see everything at a glance, and you can't see any place where the products of the huge pit are stored.

So we can know that the giant pit must be just a part of that formation. The more important part of the formation was hidden.

At this time, the operation of the man in red confirmed his conjecture.

This Tie Ruonan is naturally not Tie Ruonan, but Qin Ran who transformed into Tie Ruonan.

It is true that Tie Ruonan's soul has been shattered, his body has been reduced to ashes, and he has completely disappeared into the boundless sea.

The poison in his body is of course not the poison of Death Pill, but the poison he simulated with his ever-changing water form body through his rich knowledge of pills.

The Night Walker has been dealt with by Kieran, so he only needs to deal with the people who are in charge of the formation in the cave. The things in the giant pit and the things produced against the seal are his.

"But don't worry, I can stay here for a long time on the pretext of recovering from my injuries." Qin Ran was calculating in his mind, "This Shenhua Mountain incident is about to pass. All the monks have left. There are still some monks left in Shenhua Mountain. Less. Shenhua Mountain has become safe, and I still have a lot of time."

"Then what else needs to be done next?" He began to organize his thoughts. "Kill these people who are guarding the formation, crack the formation on the giant pit or find a way to enter the hidden space. How to kill them? Only the Death Pill is left One pill.

"Also... why is the man in red an alchemist? Not an array mage? Is there any hidden secret in it?

"What's in the hidden formation space? Is there anyone else?"

While he was sorting out his thoughts, he let his soul poke out from between his brows, looked up at the seal on the mountain wall, and began to dismantle the basic formation patterns.

The owner of Dragon Whale Island has been planning the arrangement for so many years, but has not received the inheritance of the Shenhua Old Demon from Shenhua Mountain, so he cannot have too much hope for the arrangement in front of him. There is a high probability that he will have to do it in person.

Therefore, dismantling the basic formation pattern is also what he must do.

He had already dismantled a basic formation pattern before, just like finding the thread ends after sorting a ball of wool, and the subsequent disassembly work became very simple.

In the past few days, he hunted night walkers at night and was not idle during the day, busy dismantling the basic formation patterns.

So up to now, he has actually mastered eleven completely different basic formation patterns.

"I don't know how many basic formation patterns this seal uses..." he thought as he dismantled it, "but this is a seal from 70,000 years ago, and the basic formation patterns from 70,000 years ago are definitely not as many as the basic formation patterns now. "

During the 70,000 years of formation development, many new basic formation patterns will definitely appear.

Time passed bit by bit, and the night passed quickly. Qin Ran disassembled two new basic formation patterns.

By this time, he could already understand the part of the seal he had been dismantling recently.

There are thirteen basic formation patterns, and he can actually use these thirteen basic formation patterns to arrange, combine, and form formations.

At noon, the man in red finally came out of the hidden space and brought a pill, an antidote pill for Kieran.

Qin Ran took it and looked at it, with an unexplained smile on his lips.

With his current level of alchemy, he could tell most of the condition of an elixir just from its color, smell, and distribution of spiritual energy in the elixir.

And this pill...


"What's wrong? Captain Iron, is there something wrong with the elixir?" the man in red asked with a frown.

Qin Ran shook his head quickly and said with a weak smile: "How can a mere body refiner like me tell the quality of the elixir?"

After saying that, he threw the elixir in his hand into his mouth.

Seeing that Qin Ran had taken the elixir, the man in red's face softened and he smiled. He said, "This is the detoxification elixir I specially refined for you, Captain Iron, using many precious elixirs. It is considered to be of the highest quality. It’s a low-grade elixir!”

"That's it!!" Qin Ran smiled at the man in red, hugged his fists, and thanked him very much, "Thank you sir! I just took the elixir and I feel much better."

"It's good that you know." The man in red glanced at him, turned around and walked back to the hidden space, "This is today's share, I will go and refine tomorrow's share for you now. The poison you have been poisoned is really powerful, I'm afraid you'll have a It will take ten days to be completely relieved.”

"It's too troublesome sir!" Qin Ran apologized, but as he looked at the back of the man in red slowly disappearing, there was a looming murderous intent in his eyes.

The detoxification pill is indeed a detoxification pill, and it can detoxify the poison he simulated in his body. However, there is something else, another kind of poison hidden in this detoxification pill. A chronic poison that can be hidden.

"Why would he poison Tie Ruonan?" He was a little confused, "Has he already discovered me?"

"No...if he finds me, he should directly gather people to deal with me; even if he can't beat me, he should use severe poison. This is obviously a poison as a back-up, or to blackmail Tie Ruonan.

"...Is he interested in a woman like Tie Ruonan?

"But if he didn't find me, he would have poisoned Tie Ruonan. Could it be that he has a grudge against Tie Ruonan? But Tie Ruonan is already the core confidant of the owner of Dragon Whale Island...

"Is there a possibility that he is a real traitor and undercover! He is actually from other forces?"

After analyzing this, he shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. Regardless of whether he is from another force or not, I have to kill him. Whether he poisoned him or not, it has no effect on me."

So he threw the man in red aside and took the time to dismantle the seal.

In the next ten days, Qin Ran disassembled one hundred and one basic formation patterns and took ten detoxifying pills from the man in red.

Under his control, the poison in his body disappeared little by little, and the symptoms of poisoning and injury were also alleviated little by little. Of course, the toxins from the man in red were also carefully collected by him.

"Captain Iron, how do you feel?" The man in red asked thoughtfully after seeing Qin Ran take the tenth detoxifying pill he had carefully refined.

Qin Ran pretended to feel himself, and replied: "It's at least 70% better. Sir, your level of alchemy is really high! I really admire you."

The man in red glanced at him and motioned for him to take his pulse with his hand.

"Yes!" He nodded and said, "The toxins have actually been removed. It's just that the internal organs damaged by the toxins have not recovered yet. The next step is to recuperate."

"Has the poison been removed?" Qin Ran was pleasantly surprised and said quickly, "Thank you sir! Sir, your magic elixir! It saved my life. From now on, whenever you have any errands, sir, just let me know and I won't even frown. "

The man in red glanced at him and said: "We are both working for the island master, so there is no need to be polite, captain." "I will refine a few more healing pills for you..." He stood up and asked, "What is Captain Iron planning?" Time to go back?”

"Now that the toxin has been cleared, we can return to Dragon Whale Island in the next two days." Qin Ran replied.

Hongyi thought a little and said: "Captain Iron should stay for another five days! I can use the pills to recuperate the captain's body."

Qin Ran naturally knew what the man in red was thinking. He still needs five days for him to be completely poisoned.

So he smiled and said: "That's fine, it's just too troublesome sir."

The man in red had a smile on his lips, shook his head, and said, "Nothing." Then he disappeared into the hidden space again.

Looking at the disappearing figure of the man in red, Qin Ran also had a smile on his lips.

"You don't want me to leave, and I don't want to leave either. You need time to poison me, and I also need time to break the formation."

He closed his eyes, and his soul flew out from between his eyebrows. At a certain height, he could clearly see the height of the giant pit. The power of his soul began to dismantle the basic formation pattern of the giant pit.

It's time for him to crack the formation where the giant pit is.

The giant pit formation is a formation arranged for the seal, and the basic formation pattern used is the basic formation pattern of the seal.

Qin Ran has mastered more than a hundred basic formation patterns of the seal, and now it is too easy to dismantle the giant pit formation, which is much simpler than the seal.

There is a feeling of cracking the simple formation in Lingnan Territory. All you need to do is find the basic formation patterns, calculate the basic formations, and then arrange and combine them.

In other words, he has been doing the final question, and now he is going back to do the previous points questions...

In two days, he had completely dismantled the formation where the giant pit was located. In another day and a half, he used the basic formation patterns he had mastered to deduce all the basic formations in Jukeng.

And the moment before he took the last healing medicine handed over by the man in red, he had already deduced how to break the giant pit formation, and...

How to enter the hidden space!

So he took the elixir and squeezed the man in red's hand.

"Tie...Captain Tie!" His hand was pinched by Tie Ruonan's slender and thick hand. The man in red was shocked. He knew that Tie Ruonan was a romantic person, so he never imagined that he would attack him in this situation. He hurriedly pulled his hand away. But without twitching, he said, "Captain, please respect yourself!"

He was also thinking that if Tie Ruonan really used force on him, he would force her to be poisoned.

However, when he saw Tie Ruonan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, raised his head, his eyes slowly upward, looking at him with a weird smile on his face.

"Captain?!" He realized something was wrong. He pulled his hand out again, but it still didn't twitch.

He is an alchemist, the most standard alchemist, the kind of alchemist whose frontal combat power is horribly low.

"Is poisoning fun?" Captain Iron in front of him said, her rough female voice mixed with a male voice.

"What?" The man in red was shocked. Was his poisoning discovered?

"Who are you?" He realized again. The person in front of him didn't seem to be Tie Ruonan.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The person in front of him raised his head completely, looked up at him, smiled crazily, looked at him with stern eyes and said, "The important thing is...

"You are already dead!!"

As soon as these words came out, the man in red, who was struck by panic in his brain, felt that his body was rapidly weakening and empty before he could speak.

He lowered his head and saw that his hand held by Tie Ruonan had become dry; he looked back at himself and saw that the water in his body had evaporated like water boiling, and was controlled by Tie Ruonan and suspended in the air. .

"You are..." he asked, "Who?!"

These were his last words as a human being.

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell weakly towards Tie Ruonan.

His last vague perception felt Tie Ruonan hugging him, pressing his forehead with his other hand, and whispering in his ear: "I'm here, Li Feiyu."

He heard a clear male voice, and then he felt like he was flying.

He flew into the air, opened his eyes in confusion, and saw a man in front of him that he had never seen before.

"God Refiner?" he asked.

The man didn't speak, but smiled at him, and then opened his mouth. His mouth became wider and wider, until it was so big that he could swallow him in one mouthful.

Qin Ran helped the man in red's withered body stand up, freed up the hand holding his hand, took out the Water Flower Bead, and used the water extracted from his body to condense a sword.

He closed his eyes, with a smile on his lips, and savored the memory of the man in red.

But then, the smile on his face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he instantly became extremely serious.

He read out loud word for word, and there was even fear in his voice:

"Fate! Organization!! Organization!!!"



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