My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 405: Danfeng's Ancestral Spiritual Refining Technique (1/2)

I don’t know if it’s because the Tianhai Territory and Lingnan Territory are too far apart, but the information transmission between the clone and the main body is delayed. The visualization diagram and elixir refining method obtained by the clone in the Tianhai Territory, the main body only received it two days later. receive.

"God Refiner... Contemplation Method? "Contemplation Method of Turbulent Waves"?" Qin Ran pondered for a moment, but did not practice it immediately.

He wrote down "Thoughts on the Stormy Waves" and "Thoughts on the Starry Sky" overnight, drew pictures, and wrote down the cultivation methods with his avatar's cultivation insights.

Early the next morning, he came outside the greenhouse and found Zhang Junyi who was endorsing the letter.

When Qin Ran arrived, Zhang Junyi was holding a book, reciting in a low voice while unconsciously walking around the door of the greenhouse.

He recited the book very seriously, and he didn't notice Qin Ran's arrival.

Qin Ran could tell that he was memorizing knowledge about elixir cultivation and not about foundation building, so he asked aloud: "Do you remember everything about foundation building?"

He suddenly spoke, which surprised Zhang Junyi. He came back to his senses and saw him. He quickly saluted and replied, "I basically remember everything."

"Then you can prepare to build the foundation." Qin Ran nodded and said directly without questioning him, "I will go to your master later to make a medicinal bath for you to warm and nourish your body, and then ask her to teach you a body-building technique. Dharma. If you know the relevant knowledge of foundation building, then you should know the importance of the physical body to cultivation. "

Can you build a foundation? ! Zhang Junyi was excited, but he didn't show it. He only respectfully said to Qin Ran: "Yes, I know, the first one."

"You rely on the "Basic Skills" to sense Qi, then you need a practice skill to build your foundation." Qin Ran said, taking out a book from the Qiankun bag and handing it to Zhang Junyi, "Today, I will teach you "Shui Hua Heart Sutra" will serve as the basic technique for your future practice."

Zhang Junyi now knows that when building the foundation, he needs to use as gentle and pure magic power as possible, and he also knows the importance of "Basic Skills" for a person who is new to the world of spiritual practice. There is no need to elaborate on the apology and gratitude he felt towards Qin Ran.

Now that Qin Ran taught him the technique again, he was almost moved. He stretched out his hands and took the technique respectfully.

"Thank you, sir!" he said sincerely.

When he straightened up and looked at Qin Ran, Qin Ran had already turned his back, giving him a far-reaching and ethereal figure.

Qin Ran said again: "Now, you need to prepare to build the foundation, understand the basic skills, learn the knowledge of elixirs, and build a residence. The time is tight and the task is heavy, which is not a small task for you. test.

"You are only thirteen years old, can you bear it?"

test? Can you bear it? !

Zhang Junyi smiled. Although he was only thirteen years old, he had already experienced countless sufferings in the world. The thing Zhang Junyi was not afraid of the most was the test.

What's more, for him, how is this a test? This is clearly a broad road to becoming bigger and stronger, moving forward and upward.

"Sir, this is nothing." He chuckled, "Of course I can bear it."

"It's nothing?" Qin Ran seemed to laugh and continued, "It's definitely nothing.

"But your spiritual path has just begun, so the test has also just begun. As you go further on the spiritual path, the more difficult the tests you will face in the future.

"You must know that life is always like this. When you think the present is the most difficult, in fact, the future is the test. The present is always the easiest."

Zhang Junyi thought that his goal was to completely destroy Zhishen Valley, and he knew what the leader was talking about. Because to destroy such a large sect, the price will definitely be high, and his future will definitely be difficult.

"I'm not afraid!" But he promised, patting his chest, "I like challenges very much!"

"Just don't be afraid." Qin Ran shook his head, walked forward, and said, "You have to hurry up. The current elixirs are all under the care of your master. You need to have a certain understanding of the elixirs as soon as possible to take over your master's tasks. . The sooner you take over the task, the happier your master will be. If it's too late, she will be unhappy..."

As he said this, he walked to the lake and stood on the bank. Then he seemed to suddenly remember something and turned around to walk back.

He walked up to Zhang Junyi and stared directly at Zhang Junyi. After watching for a long time, he asked him aloud: "How do you feel about Danfeng?"

After hearing these words, Zhang Junyi's memory was swept away from his experiences in Danfeng these days.

This time in Danfeng was the happiest and happiest time for him since his family was destroyed. Except for being disliked by the fairy sister in the back mountain, everyone else in Danfeng was very kind to him. Even the unfathomable leader in front of him treated him well.

"Very good!" He replied with a smile in his eyes, and repeated, "Danfeng is all very good."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that the chief's eyes looked at him much softer.

He saw the leader take out another book from the magical Qiankun bag and hand it to him as well. The leader's expression became very serious, he looked at him and said solemnly:

"This technique is the divine refining technique passed down from our Danfeng ancestors. Thousands of years ago, Danfeng was able to stand at the pinnacle of the Immortal Heritage Land because of this technique. Now that Danfeng has declined, many things have disappeared over the years. In the long river, only this technique has survived. This is the deepest secret of Danfeng. This technique has always been passed down to Danfeng's direct disciples. Today, I will teach it to you."

"First seat!" Zhang Junyi was inexplicably excited when he heard this. He stretched out his hands, bowed again, and respectfully took "Danfeng's ancestral spiritual practice" from Qin Ran's hand.

He lowered his head and saw the words "Vision Method of Stormy Waves" written on the cover of the book, and his heart couldn't help but tremble. He had read many books on foundation building, which mentioned many exercises, but there was no mention of visualization.

Visualization method? What kind of exercise is it?

He had never heard of it, never seen it, and thought to himself that it was indeed the deepest secret of Danfeng.

At this moment, he felt warm in his heart, and he once again felt Danfeng's kindness to him. Danfeng treated him as one of their own and as a family member.

He felt the taste of home in Danfeng.

He was moved, and the chief patted his shoulder again and sighed: "The task of restoring the future of Danfeng and destroying Zhishen Valley is left to you."

So he felt the trust and attention again, and his heart was even more moved, and tears filled his eyes. He raised his head, his eyes were already blurred with tears, he looked at the chief, and nodded heavily.

"Yes!!" He responded, making the heaviest promise of his life.

Qin Ran turned and left, walking towards the cabin. As he walked, he disappeared from Zhang Junyi's sight.

Zhang Junyi squeezed the visualization method in his hand hard, and his excited heart could not calm down for a long time. Tears kept falling from his eyes. He thought: "In the future, Danfeng will be my second home!"

After reciting the book and eating breakfast, Zhang Junyi began a busy day.

It was not until late at night that he had time to take out the Danfeng secret book given to him by the head monk - "Visualization Method of Stormy Waves".

He calmed his throbbing heart, trembling hands, and turned to the first page of the visualization method.

On the first page of the visualization method, there was a picture of surging wind and waves. He looked at it for a while, didn't see anything unusual, and turned it over casually, and came to the second page of the method. There were words on the second page, which taught the cultivator how to practice according to the visualization diagram on the first page.

"Visualization diagram? Practice?" Zhang Junyi praised again and again, it was really a magical method. This magical method was actually practiced by looking at the diagram.

He turned back to the first page, looked at the visualization diagram, followed the method on the second page, slowly closed his eyes, and tried to construct the "wave rising diagram" in his mind.

This is not easy, because it requires a lot of memory and spatial imagination. Zhang Junyi tried for a long time that night, but he couldn't construct it.

It took him nearly half a month to construct the picture vividly in his mind.

The visualization diagram took shape in his mind, but...

How to say it?

This may be a bit disrespectful to the head, but it is true, that is: this method seems to be useless.

According to the records of the method, in the process of constructing the visualization diagram, the cultivator should see the sea of ​​consciousness being opened in his mind as the visualization diagram is constructed.

The moment the visualization diagram is formed, the sea of ​​consciousness should also be opened. Then the visualization diagram is transferred to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Now the visualization diagram is formed, but Zhang Junyi does not feel any changes.

"Maybe everyone is different."

He thought so, and strictly followed the records in the method and began to visualize the visualization diagram in his mind.

Then he found that it was still useless. He seemed to have no sense of change at all.

"Maybe it's my problem?"

He continued to visualize for half a month, but still got no response.

So he had to go to the chief seat.

"Chief, I failed your expectations." He was very disappointed, and returned the visualization method in his hand to the chief seat, sighing, "The disciple has been visualizing for more than a month, and has tried several visualization pictures, but there is no response, let alone the soul."

"No effect?" Qin Ran took the visualization method and pondered, but was not too surprised.

In the Tianhai area, among the three cultivation professions of body cultivators, qi cultivators and spirit cultivators, the spirit cultivator is the most talent-testing.

If the body cultivator is not talented, at most he can't reach a higher level, but he can get started; if the spirit cultivator has no talent, he can't even touch the door of the spirit cultivator.

The cultivation conditions are too harsh, so Lingnan area will change the cultivation system.

"It's fine if there's no effect..." Qin Ran sighed pretentiously, "Don't be discouraged, this technique requires too much talent. It's not spiritual roots, but talent in the soul."


Zhang Junyi sighed after hearing this, blaming himself for not having the chance.

He then retreated to comprehend the "Shuihua Heart Sutra".

Originally, he wanted to let Zhang Junyi be a guinea pig and practice the visualization method first, but now, this idea has to be abandoned.

Qin Ran frowned and looked at the visualization method in his hand: "Should I practice directly?"

He couldn't make up his mind and hesitated for a day. When he was about to practice at night, he suddenly felt something was wrong...

"Visualization diagram, visualization diagram..." He recalled the first time when the clone saw the original method. At that moment, the clone could perceive the unique charm of the visualization diagram, "Is there a possibility that it is not Zhang Junyi's problem, but that the diagram I drew is a fake or a pirated copy?"

Realizing this, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, so the next day, he found Zhang Junyi again, and directly shared the memory of the original visualization diagram seen by the clone with Zhang Junyi in the way of soul transmission, asking Zhang Junyi to re-visualize with that visualization diagram.

Seeing that the abbot was so dedicated to his practice, Zhang Junyi was deeply moved and visualized overnight.

He had originally constructed a pirated visualization diagram in his mind, and now that he visualized the genuine visualization diagram, it was a natural result and opened up.

At dawn the next day, he saw his sea of ​​consciousness.

His sea of ​​consciousness opened a line to him.

The technique...

It worked!

He lived up to the expectations of the chief monk.

He shared the good news with the chief monk as soon as possible, and then practiced for more than a month. He opened his sea of ​​consciousness, entered his consciousness, gave birth to his primordial spirit, and constructed the image of raging waves in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The chief monk said that the further you go on the path of cultivation, the harder the test will be, but Zhang Junyi clearly felt that his path was getting wider and wider.

Since coming to Danfeng, his life has been bright.

He built a bamboo house and had his own house; he gradually took over the task of taking care of spiritual medicine from his master and had a job; he opened up his sea of ​​consciousness, cultivated his primordial spirit, and got a great opportunity; after all this, he comprehended the foundation-building part of the "Shuihua Heart Sutra", and his body was also ready for foundation-building.

After nearly half a year in the cultivation world, he made all preparations and finally built a foundation!

On this day, the sky was clear and the wind was gentle.

Zhang Junyi sat cross-legged by the lake, under the Devouring Demon Willow. The spiritual energy of Danfeng gathered towards him. He drew the spiritual energy into his body in an orderly manner and began to build his foundation.

Unlike Li Shiyin, who was careless, he was familiar with various foundation-building classics, was familiar with various meridian acupoints, understood various situations in the foundation-building process, and mastered the big and small Zhoutian...

People like him, like him and Qin Ran, once they start doing things, it is difficult to make mistakes.

So, when he was building his foundation, an accident really happened.

At the moment when his spiritual energy seed just took root in Dantian, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky!


The sound was fierce, the thunder was majestic, and it was terrifying.

In an instant, there was another sudden change in the wind and clouds, and black clouds pressed down on the mountains. There was a terrifying breath in the sky...

"Thunder Tribulation!"

Zhang Junyi was shocked. He knew that there might be a heavenly tribulation when building a foundation, but there were not many such things in the entire cultivation world.

How could it happen to him?

He hurriedly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. Seeing the sky was dark, the clouds were hanging in the air like black steel, and the entire Daojianmen territory turned black. Golden, red, black, white and other colors of lightning snakes shuttled through the black clouds.

Such a movement...

Isn't the intensity of this heavenly tribulation a little too strong? !

Is this a foundation-building tribulation?

He is a newcomer on the road of cultivation, does not understand heavenly tribulation, and does not know whether this is normal.

"Build your foundation..." At this time, the voice of the chief came over, "It's none of your business!"

He looked over and saw the chief with a heavy face, floating on the surface of the Xijian Lake, looking at the retreat room under the old locust tree.

He immediately understood that it was not his heavenly tribulation, but Li Shiyin's heavenly tribulation.

Li Shiyin had been in retreat for nearly three months and finally made a breakthrough. Her golden elixir tribulation, is it coming...?

See\\My daily practice with my confused female apprentice\\Just\\remember\\domain\\name\\:\\\\\\8\\2\\z\\w\\\\c\\o\\\\

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