"Mr. Zhai, how are you these days?"

On the third floor of the library in the island master's mansion, Qin Ran opened the door and saluted Mr. Zhai by the window with a smile.

Mr. Zhai was reading a book when he heard a noise and the book in his hand fell on the table. He turned his head and saw Qin Ran, with shock in his eyes that he couldn't hide for a moment.

He didn't expect that Qin Ran could really come out of the sealed space in Shenhua Mountain; he didn't expect that Qin Ran would dare to come to Dragon Whale Island to find him after coming out of the sealed space.

Swaggering and extremely arrogant!

He spent a lot of time calming down the surprise in his heart, and finally a smile appeared on his face, and he returned the greeting to Qin Ran: "Brother Li is back."

The two of them had met in life and death in the cave, but when they met now, they both pretended not to know and smiled at each other.

Mr. Zhai's thoughts turned very fast. After the surprise in his heart was gone, he immediately thought that Qin Ran came out of the sealed space, which meant that he had a high probability of receiving the inheritance of the old devil Shenhua;

At the same time, Kieran dared to come back, either because the island master's mansion had something he must want, or because Kieran's strength had been greatly enhanced and he was fearless.

If you get the inheritance of Shenhua Old Demon...then your strength will definitely be enhanced...

He understood everything immediately, raised his hand to indicate another seat in front of the window, and said with a smile, "Brother Li, please take a seat."

Then he asked, "Brother Li, will you find any opportunities when you go out this time? Can you learn new alchemy techniques?"

"About alchemy, I have indeed made some progress." Qin Ran sat down opposite Mr. Zhai and replied politely, "For the island master's Dragon Whale Pill, I have low skills and have to put some thought into it."

Mr. Zhai poured a cup of hot tea for Qin Ran, pushed it to him, and said, "Brother Li is so concerned about the island owner. If the island owner knows, he will be very happy."

In fact, these words somewhat imply that Kieran took away the island owner's "demon soul and evil blood" in one go.

"Brother Li came to me this time, presumably to refine the Dragon Whale Pill?" he asked.

He began to test Qin Ran's purpose of returning to Dragon Whale Island.

Kieran took the tea and poured it into his mouth without any pretense.

"Mr. Zhai's tea ceremony is approved by me." He praised it first and then replied, "The island owner's Dragon Whale Pill is a big deal. It cannot go wrong. We must discuss it in advance. The extra preparation will make it easier when refining the pill. One more percentage of success. This matter must be taken seriously.”

It seems that Kieran really intends to refine the Dragon Whale Pill... Does he want the Dragon Whale Pill? Or, he wants the owner of Dragon Whale Island to break through?

Mr. Zhai was thinking and saw Qin Ran drinking his tea without hesitation, his eyes became more solemn.

Alchemists dare to eat whatever they want, either out of ignorance or because they are confident enough in their own strength. And Qin Ran is an alchemist, which means he is confident enough in his own strength.

"What Brother Li said is absolutely true!" He nodded and poured tea for Qin Ran. "That's what alchemy is. Strength, luck, and preparation are all indispensable. Strength is already determined and cannot be changed in a short time; while luck is uncertain. It cannot be controlled; only by working harder and preparing more can it be of great use.”

"I have refined Dragon Whale Pill several times and have some experience." The emerald ring on his middle finger flashed, and a thin book appeared in his hand. He handed it to Qin Ran, "This is my story about Dragon Whale Pill." Brother Li can take a look at Dan’s experience first.”

Qin Ran took the book, opened it and glanced at it. It was indeed the alchemy experience of Dragon Whale Pill. He closed the book and said with a smile: "Then I'll read it first. After reading it, I'll come to see you for the alchemy."

Dragon Whale Pill is refined from Dragon Breath Pill and Whale Breath Pill. Before refining, the higher the degree of compatibility between Dragon Breath Pill and Whale Breath Pill, the greater the success rate of Dragon Whale Pill.

The so-called combined elixir means that before two alchemists make an elixir, they check their alchemy level, habits and techniques to ensure that the two elixirs are as compatible as possible during the elixir making process.

"If you have anything you don't understand, Brother Li can come and ask me." Mr. Zhai said, "I'm here on the third floor of the library."

Are they all on the third floor of the library?

Qin Ran looked at him with a smile, who was the one who reaped the benefits of chasing those who went to Shenhua Mountain?

But he didn't bother to play those sarcastic tricks,

He just smiled and nodded.

"I discovered a lot of interesting things while honing my alchemy skills..." He changed the topic aloud and started chatting casually.

Qin Ran and Mr. Zhai chatted for a long time on the third floor of the library. Mr. Zhai even took out the chessboard and played several games with Kieran, but Qin Ran still failed to win a game.

It was getting dark before Qin Ran said goodbye and left.

Through the window on the third floor of the library, Mr. Zhai watched Kieran holding the book behind his back and patting his thigh as he left, his expression gloomy.

"It's just that you got the inheritance, why do you want to come back?" He murmured in a low voice, "Is it to show off?

"Or are you so conceited that you think I can't kill you?"

After leaving the third floor of the library pavilion, Qin Ran went straight to find the island owner.

The island owner is having a meal, or rather eating.

On the table in front of him, a bluetail tuna weighing more than a hundred kilograms was steamed on the left side. It was steaming hot, and the fragrance of the fish filled the whole room;

On the right was a large golden lobster, its claws as thick as his arm;

What he was eating was made from unknown meat and was marinated raw. But the terrifying energy and blood power contained in the meat told Kieran that the meat was no ordinary meat.

Seeing Qin Ran coming, the island owner took two big bites of the raw pickled food, chewed it casually and swallowed it down. He took the towel handed over by the maid, wiped his mouth and said, "Mr. Li is back? Come, sit down and eat with me."

"Island Master, I am in the process of living without food." Qin Ran saluted and declined the island owner's kindness.

"Bedu?" The island owner curled his lips and smiled, with a bit of sarcasm on his face, "That's the bad thing about you Qi practitioners. In order to ensure the purity of your spiritual body, you don't eat grains. You practice and cultivate to the point where you are no longer human. All the good food in the world is insulated from you. I would say that body training is the most authentic way of cultivation. The more you eat, the stronger your body will be."

Although Qin Ran agreed with the island owner's ridicule of Qi practitioners, he did not agree with his comments about body training.

Relying on eating to practice...that's Zhui Feng's way of practice. That is the most primitive way of cultivation of monsters.

"Physical training relies too much on talent." Qin Ran shook his head and sighed, "If you don't have good talent, you won't be able to go far. Island Master, look at my thin body. I am definitely insulated from body training."

The island owner glanced at Kieran but said nothing, recognizing what Kieran said.

He casually tore off the big clam of a golden lobster, squeezed it open with his fingers, and poured the meat into his mouth.

Seeing the way the island owner, Zhu Bajie, ate ginseng fruit, Qin Ran felt a little uncomfortable.

He quickly laughed out loud and said: "Island Master, during this trip, I gained some new insights about alchemy. I just went to find Mr. Zhai again, and we confirmed that we can refine the Dragon Whale Pill on another day."

The island owner calmly finished eating the ao meat. Just when Qin Ran thought that his energy-raising skills were good, he threw the big ao on the ground with a bang, stood up with a bang, opened his eyes wide, and stared at Qin Then, he asked: "Sir, do you really mean what you said?"

Now Qin Ran's paper strength has surpassed that of the island owner, but the island owner's glaring aura still made him feel a chill in his heart, and he sighed at the powerful vitality of the body refiner.

"Of course." He responded, "As long as you combine the pills a few more times, the success rate of the alchemy will be very high."

"Bang!" The island owner was so excited that he punched the table, making a big hole in the table.

"Good! Very good!!" He laughed, "Sir, you are really my lucky star!"

He has suffered a series of setbacks recently, and everything is not going well. This is the only good news he has heard in this time.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but laugh wildly again.

He lifted the tuna on the side and handed it to Qin Ran, saying, "Sir, eat fish."

"Island Master, I'm a bigot." Qin Ran responded.

"Hahaha... Yes, sir, I was in the process of fasting, but I forgot about it." The island owner smiled awkwardly, picked up the fish and started to eat it, "I'll eat it myself."

The island owner has a big appetite, eats a lot of food, and has good teeth. He just stood there with one foot raised on the table, head tilted up, holding the tuna in both hands, eating one bite after another, including the fish meat and bones, squeaking.

Chirp, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, and stuff with this tuna, which weighs more than 100 kilograms, into your stomach in no time.

Then he didn't even belch, wiped his mouth and hands, sat down, and laughed loudly: "It's great!"

He also ordered those around him, "Give a reward to the chef today!"

Seeing that he was almost excited, Qin Ran saluted again and asked, "Island Master, when I came back, I heard someone spreading rumors that Captain Iron had encountered an accident. Is it true or false?"

He knows best whether Tie Ruonan has any accidents. Because he killed the person and disposed of the body.

He asked now because he wanted to know how much the island owner knew. As soon as this question came out, the excited smile on the island owner's face suddenly stopped. He looked up at Qin Ran with murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Qin Ran was still not sure, so he quickly pretended to be sad and sighed: "When I was stranded on a deserted island, it was Captain Iron who took me on board the ship and took me in. Otherwise, I would still be lost in the vast ocean. "She was very kind to me. I didn't want to believe it when I heard about Captain Tie's accident.

There was sadness in his eyes, almost with tears, and he confirmed to the island owner, "Island owner, the rumors outside are false!"

The island owner stared at him for a while, then slowly looked away. Although he was still full of murderous intent and anger, he was no longer directed at him.

He looked at the completely dark sky outside. After a while, he gritted his teeth and replied, "Tie Ruonan, he is indeed dead. There is nothing to hide!"

Kieran took a deep breath, looking like he was so sad that he was about to cry.

In fact, it was because he was sure that the island owner knew almost nothing. He probably only knew that someone attacked his setup in Shenhua Mountain, killed Tie Ruonan, and took away his "Demon Soul and Evil Blood". He didn't know the rest of the inside story. of.

He breathed a sigh of relief. There were fewer obstacles and calculations in the matter of grabbing the dragon's blood.

"How could this happen?" He seemed to be in disbelief and asked in a low voice, "How could this happen?! Why is this happening!"

He looked at the island owner and said sadly, "When I left the island, Captain Iron came to me for a drink to say goodbye to me. At that time, he even punched away five troublemaking drunks. Island owner, what happened to make Captain Iron do that? A powerful person is also dead?"

The island owner turned back to look at him, calmed down for a while, and said in a cold voice: "It's not your business, so stop asking. Just practice your elixir well."

Qin Ran looked stern, put away his sadness, bowed to the island owner, and said, "Yes, island owner."

After coming out of the island owner's house, Qin Ran went directly back to his residence in the island owner's mansion without going anywhere else.

Then he studied Dragon Whale Pill seriously without leaving home.

Dragon Whale Pill, a fourth-grade elixir.

For him before going to Shenhua Mountain, it was a rather difficult elixir, but for him after returning from Shenhua Mountain, it was just a younger brother's elixir.

Even dealing with the Dragon Blood Whale Essence is a small problem for him who possesses Shenhua Immortal Ning.

And when he studied the Dragon Whale Pill, he was not going to refine this pill into the Dragon Breath Pill. Where would he get the dragon blood? He just has to deal with the next He Dan, so that the island owner can take out the dragon's blood with confidence and boldness.

Time flies, more than a month has passed.

On this day, Qin Ran, Mr. Zhai and the island owner were in the most luxurious alchemy room of the island owner's mansion.

Qin Ran and Mr. Zhai each had an alchemy furnace in front of them and a cabinet of elixirs behind them. The island owner stood between the two alchemy furnaces, holding two boxes in his arms.

In the elixir cabinet, there are all the auxiliary elixirs of Dragon Breath Pill and Whale Breath Pill; in the box, there are dragon blood, the main medicine of Dragon Breath Pill, and whale essence, the main medicine of Whale Breath Pill.

"Two gentlemen, my future, cultivation, wealth and life are all entrusted to you." The island owner's rich voice sounded, "Are you sure you can refine a Dragon Whale Pill for me?"

Qin Ran looked at the box in the island owner's arms with eagerness in his eyes. He smiled and said, "Island owner, don't worry, Mr. Zhai and I have combined elixirs many times, and we have an 80% elixir rate for the Dragon Whale elixir."

After waiting for a long time, he finally waited until today. At this time, the dragon's blood was only one step away from him and within reach.

Just take the dragon's blood and kill Mr. Zhai...

He turned back to look at Mr. Zhai, only to see Mr. Zhai's eyes were as calm as water, and he looked at him calmly.

Seeing Mr. Zhai's dull look, Qin Ran couldn't help but shudder, because this look made him very uncomfortable.

It wasn't any other problem... He had known that Mr. Zhai would take action... But, this look made him realize his problem.

With such calm eyes, he should also have that kind of expression and eyes.

His eyes and mentality should be as calm as Mr. Zhai. They are the same type of people.

But now he didn't, he felt his heart boiling, excited for what was about to happen; his eyes were eager, looking at the dragon's blood, almost spitting out fire.

There is something wrong with his state of mind!

Although he paid attention to cultivating his moral character, there was still something wrong with his state of mind! !

The powerful power brought to him by Shenhua Xianning was slowly affecting him, and he lost the calmness he had relied on for decades.

And the most terrifying thing is that now, his mind has realized this. However, he still subconsciously ignored it and didn't think there would be any problem.

He tried his best to arouse the sense of crisis in his heart, but his heart didn't agree.

His heart was made of the powerful Shen Hua Xian Ning, and it didn't feel any danger.

"Something's going to happen."

His brain realized this calmly, but his heart and blood began to boil little by little.

"Island owner, don't worry, we will go all out to refine this Dragon Whale Pill for you." Mr. Zhai said with a gentle smile, as usual.

"Okay!" The island owner yelled, "Two gentlemen, catch it!!"

Then, he threw a box in each hand to Kieran and Mr. Zhai respectively.

Kieran's eyes were bloodshot as he watched the box approach him. The closer he got, the more powerful he could feel the powerful power inside the box - dragon's blood!

The dragon's blood made his blood boil more and more! He felt the power of the divine immortal condensation surging in his body, restless and restless!


He caught the box. His heart stopped at this moment.

The powerful dragon blood fell into his hands.

His brain seemed to have stopped. He forgot all his plans, and he also forgot that dragon blood was used to study the elixir of longevity.

He heard something calling him to open the box.

He didn't resist the call, he just opened the box.

In an instant, a powerful, sacred and violent aura exploded from the box.

The box was the shackles that locked the dragon's blood. Now, the box was opened by him.

This breath rushed directly into his brain. He did not resist at all and welcomed it very much.

His eyes became redder and redder, and the pain gradually became blue.

He lowered his head and looked at a transparent crystal bottle in the box. In the bottle, there was a drop of blood-red liquid with a golden touch.

Dragon blood!

The legendary dragon's blood!

In this drop of blood, Qin Ran felt the divinity of the divine beast, the tyranny of the monster, the immortality higher than the mortal world, and...

The temptation brought by great power.

Looking at the dragon blood, blue pupils formed in Kieran's blood-red eyes.

At this moment, his whole body was craving for this drop of dragon blood and for powerful power!

His body sent out a command and competed with his brain for control. He heard a voice that told him: "Own it, eat it, and become stronger."

If a creature is based on its nature, no one can resist the urge to become stronger.

Qin Ran could not bear it. He had endured loneliness and boredom in Danfeng for more than 20 years, working hard to hone his foundation. In order to go further, he did not pursue strength.

But he couldn't bear it now.

He has been broken by the power.

The cultivation of his mind and nature during this period was stimulated by the dragon's blood, and his state of mind completely disappeared.

"Eat it!"

"Own it!"

He heard it, it was his own voice.

"There's nothing that can't be solved with one punch." He found an excuse, "If there is, then two punches!"


With a strong force on his hand, the box in his hand was crushed to pieces.

He raised the crystal bottle containing the dragon's blood, pointed it at the light, and raised his head. The golden-red dragon's blood is refracted by the crystal and looks like a work of art.

"Mr. Li?"

This sudden movement startled the owner of Dragon Whale Island. He looked at Kieran and saw something was wrong.

He pulled out the sword and held it in his hand, once Kieran made the next move. He promised that with one strike of his sword, none of Qin Ran would be left alive.

That's his dragon blood.

Kieran felt the movement of the island owner and turned his head to look over.

At this time, the whites of his eyes turned dark red, and the pupils turned dark blue. He looks terrifying, violent, and monstrous. "Island owner?" he asked with a smile.

"You, immediately! Immediately! Put down the dragon blood!" The island owner said in a deep voice with a cold face, holding the knife.

"You want me to put down the dragon's blood?" Qin Ran laughed, his smile was a little bright and a little crazy.

The island owner saw that his condition was not right, so without hesitation, he immediately took a step forward with his knife and slashed at him.

And as the island owner took this step...


A crystal crisp sound sounded in the luxurious alchemy room.

The dragon's blood crystal bottle that Kieran was holding fell, and the dragon's blood and the crystal bottle fell into his mouth. His teeth glowed red and blue as he chewed up and down, the crystal bottle shattered, and the dragon's blood slipped into his esophagus.

In other words, the dragon's blood was integrated into his body.

"a ha ha ha……"

He laughed maniacally, and his thin body began to swell, his arms and legs became longer and thicker, his waist and back thickened, and muscles intertwined ferociously.

In an instant, he looked more like a physical cultivator than the island owner.


His dragon blood was just gone, and the island owner's eyes were about to burst. He roared angrily, and there was a faint sound of roaring dragons and whales. He slashed down with the sword, carrying the power of the dragon and whale, directly towards Qin Ran.

"call out!"

The blade cut through the space, and the space seemed to shake.



Before the blade struck Kieran's body, Kieran's fist had already struck the island owner.

The island owner arrived in front of Qin Ran in an instant, and flew out in an instant. He smashed through the wall of the alchemy room and disappeared into the sky.

"Too slow..." Qin Ran sneered, "Too weak too!"

He retracted his fist and turned to look at Mr. Zhai who was standing calmly in front of the alchemy furnace opposite. He looked at the box in his hand and smiled strangely, "Give me the whale spirit, thank you."

Mr. Zhai raised the box and faced Kieran.

But he spoke up: "Do you know why it's harder for you to control yourself than usual?"


Kieran looked at the box in Mr. Zhai's hand with crazy eyes, unable to understand what Mr. Zhai said.

"I've poisoned you here." Mr. Zhai said calmly, "A very common poison, an exciting drug. With your character and your level of alchemy, you should have been able to detect it. But you No.

"My guess is correct. You have obtained the inheritance of the old demon Shenhua. Your cultivation and strength have been greatly improved. However, your state of mind cannot control them. You have gone crazy!!

"Everything was in my plan. In the end, I won."

"Hmph!" Kieran said disdainfully, "Did you win?"

He walked up to Mr. Zhai and reached for the box.

"If you hadn't gone crazy, you wouldn't have taken what I had in my hand so easily," Mr. Zhai said.

The whale spirit was right in front of him, but Kieran pretended he couldn't hear it.

He reached out and picked up the box.

"I took it, so what?" He sneered, and then mocked Mr. Zhai, "He's just an alchemist.

! "


He crushed the wooden box.


With the sound of the wooden box being crushed, a red-black light beam shone down on him from above his head.

Startled, he looked up and saw something like a disk on the roof.

"What is that?" he asked.

"The Gu God Disk!" Mr. Zhai explained patiently, "It can bewitch your soul.

"I know there is something wrong with your state of mind, so I used poison to lure you into madness, and then used the Gu Shen Pan to bewitch your soul."

If Kieran was still conscious, he could find a strong sense of déjà vu in Mr. Zhai... that was himself.

But now, following Mr. Zhai's voice, his mind gradually became confused. His consciousness slowly became cloudy and heavy. His brain seemed to be stuck in the mud and could no longer move.

He became a manic fool.


Mr. Zhai smiled faintly. Sure enough, everything was under his control.

With the magic running in his body, he stretched out his hand, and a sword blade made of water appeared in his hand.

"The soul-slaying ice blade is specially designed to kill souls! I have specially prepared it for you."

As he spoke, he slashed forward with the ice blade in his hand, slashing diagonally from Kieran's cheek to his shoulder, then pulled it out, diagonally pulling Qin Ran in half.

"You really think I can't kill you?" The ice blade in Mr. Zhai's hand slowly disappeared, "You are too arrogant!"

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qin Ran opened his mouth and replied, "I... don't... know..."

"What?!" Mr. Zhai was shocked and looked at Qin Ran hurriedly, "You're not dead?"

"Death?" Qin Ran tilted his head and looked at him, "Why...what...what?"

He spoke slowly, but stretched out his hand very quickly. Because his soul is controlled, but his physical body is not.


One punch!

His fist passed through Mr. Zhai's heart.

"You..." he said, "die!"

A red and blue light lit up on his arm, and Mr. Zhai slowly melted starting from the chest where his arm passed through.

Looking down at Qin Ran's arms, and then looking up at Qin Ran's strange eyes, Mr. Zhai slowly understood, and he said word by word: "Shen... transform... immortal... condense!!"

He felt something called powerlessness. Everything was in his calculations, but he had no idea how abnormal the deity Xian Ning was.

In fact, he has really won.

But before he died, he had a plan.

He opened one hand and fired a beam of light from his palm toward the roof. The light penetrated the roof and exploded like fireworks in the air.

Afterwards, his entire body was evaporated by the Divine Flower Immortal Ning and disappeared.

Mr. Zhai died due to a plug-in.

With Mr. Zhai's death, the Gu God Disk above Kieran's head lost control, the red and black light beam disappeared, and his few IQs returned.

He looked at the whale sperm in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and ate it in one bite. He was taller as a result.

At this time, he felt more than ten powerful auras approaching him in the distance.

"Are there any experts?"

He jumped hard, crossed the roof, came to the roof of the alchemy room, and looked into the distance.

Over there, more than ten people used escape techniques to surround him.

He roughly knew that those were the fireworks Mr. Zhai set off when he was about to die, to summon people.

He lowered his head again and saw countless people surrounding him in the island master's mansion below.

He sneered, jumped hard, and took the initiative to greet the ten powerful auras.

These dozen or so people are all third-level cultivation, but none of them are his opponents. With one punch, three punches and two kicks, he eliminated all these people.

Then, he was about to turn around and go to the island owner's mansion to kill him, but at this moment, the third-grade monks he killed emitted a ray of light from their bodies and flew into the distance.


Qin Ran was stunned, sensing something was wrong, and hurriedly chased the dozens of lights, but the speed of the lights was too fast, and he only stopped four or five.

Light is actually a jade pendant, and the jade pendant shines.

Qin Ran took the jade pendant in his hand and looked at it. The word "Yuan" was clearly written on the jade pendant.

Suddenly, Qin Ran woke up a little.

He was not stupid after all, he was just carried away by the powerful power of Shenhua Xianning. Now, the "Yuan" organization has finally made him sober.

"The Fate Organization?!!"

This was a taboo that was engraved deep in his soul when he was still calm and sober. This terrorist organization spanning three domains was enough to calm his arrogant heart.

He turned around and saw someone in the island owner's mansion forming a formation to fight towards him. In the distance, the angry figure of the island owner of Dragon Whale Island was coming towards him.

"never mind……"

"I actually have no grudge against you, so I'll let you go."

He thought, made a diving motion, and jumped into the sea from mid-air.

Then unfolding "Times Past" again, he disappeared into the vast sea.


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