My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 425 Let's set up a new cooperative (1/2)

"Sect Master, the Infinite Sword Sect is in danger!"

In the first reception room, Qin Ran bowed and saluted the leader of the Infinite Sword Sect.

Different from the arrogant and arrogant swordsman in the morning, Jian Wuming was sluggish and gloomy at this time. His whole person looked gloomy, as if a hailstorm was about to fall.

He tilted his head towards Qin Ran and said in a cold voice: "What? Do you think that if you win today, our Boundless Sword Sect will be destroyed? Chief Qin, you are too underestimated of our Boundless Sword Sect!"

"No." Qin Ran had a faint smile on his face just like in the morning. He looked at Sun Yicheng who was sitting next to him and said to Jian Wuming, "The important thing I mentioned about the safety of the sect is the competition. The major events of the sect that I mentioned before.”

In the morning, Jian Wuming only thought that Kieran's expression was disgusting, like that of a sinister villain, but now he felt that this expression contained a strong sense of ridicule... which made him feel even more disgusting.

He didn't want to see Qin Ran's face at all. He looked at Sun Yicheng...well, he was also a disgusting guy.

"As you wish, the fight has been fought. I, the Sword Sect, am willing to admit defeat." He asked, "If you have anything to say, please say it quickly."

Once you've finished speaking, get out of here!

"Sect Master, you don't think that you "secretly ordered the sect's genius to target the ordinary disciples of the Daojian Sect", you did it very secretly, and we don't know about it, right? "Qin Ran smiled lightly.

As soon as he said this, not only Jian Wuming's ugly face showed shock, but even Sun Yicheng next to him couldn't keep his calm expression.

After coming, Kieran still brought up the matter, and he decided to break up with each other. Sun Yicheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Ran.

Although he didn't want to see Kieran's unpleasant face, Jian Wuming still looked over.

"Chief Qin, do you know what you are talking about?" he asked.

"The Sect Master is proud of his swordsmanship, and naturally he dares to do what he does and admit it." Qin Ran said, "The Sect Master knows whether what I said is true or false is a fabrication. Do you need me to list in detail the innocent lives lost by the Dao Sword Sect during this period? Disciple?"

As he spoke, he took out a file from the Qiankun bag and handed it to Jian Wuming.

Jian Wuming sat on his seat, staring coldly at Qin Ran with his sword eyes downwards. Qin Ran stood in the hall, looking at him calmly.

After a while, Jian Wuming spoke out: "You should be aware of the deceitful woman like you."

But he sneered, "Then you know so clearly, then you should's not that the Sword Sect is in danger, but that the Dao Sword Sect is in danger!"

Qin Ran smiled when he heard this and raised his hand to condense a model of the cauldron with water, which was in mid-air in front of Jian Wuming.

"Master, please see, this cauldron has three legs. The three legs rely on and support each other, so this cauldron is extremely stable. This is a three-legged tripod, which is far more stable than ordinary structures." He pointed to Jian Wuming, and then suddenly raised his head Wiping off one of the legs of the tripod with his hand, the tripod, which had been standing stably, immediately tilted to one side and fell to the ground, causing countless splashes. "And once one of the three stable legs was lost, the whole situation collapsed instantly, and the rest It’s hard to live on both feet.”

He looked at Jian Wuming and asked, "Sect Master, have I made it clear enough?"

The tripod fell to the ground, and a drop of water splashed onto Jian Wuming's face, making him feel a little cold.

The other expressions disappeared from his face, leaving only heaviness. He raised his hand to wipe the water droplets from his face, and looked up at Sun Yicheng.

The smile on Sun Yicheng's face also disappeared and became serious.

No one is a fool. More often than not, it is just because of personality problems that some people like to use their brains while others don't.

For a sword cultivator, one strike with one sword is far more useful than ten sentences of truth, so the sword cultivator doesn't like to think; for an alchemy cultivator, ten punches are far less useful than one sentence, so alchemy cultivators are used to thinking.

So when the sword cultivator's sword is not sharp enough, the sword cultivator can still have some brains.

At this moment, Jian Wuming saw something he had never thought about before.

How could he have thought so far ahead?

Before, he only thought about how to destroy the Dao Sword Sect.

Because the Dao Sword Sect is really strong, it requires all his brainpower... and if that's not enough, he also needs to ask the monks from Zhishen Valley for advice.

But now, Qin Ran let him see what would happen if they really destroyed the Dao Sword Sect.

If only Wuyuan Jianzong and Zhishen Valley were left in the Hengduan Mountains, would there be peace and stability? Won't!

The friction between the two sects will only become more intense than now.

If the Infinite Sword Sect and Zhishengu come to fight, can the Infinite Sword Sect win?

Can't win!

Unlike Qin Ran who gave an uncertain answer, Jian Wuming knew his own family affairs, and he knew that the Boundless Sword Sect would not be able to defeat Zhishen Valley.


There are not only three major sects in the Hengduan Mountains, but also many smaller sects. When the time comes for the two sects to fight, these small sects will definitely help Zhishen Valley. Because Zhishen Valley is an alchemy sect, and it usually favors small sects with its elixirs, while Wuyuan Sword Sect is a swordsmanship sect, which is usually arrogant and domineering, and offends everyone in the entire Hengduan Mountains.

The living room was quiet for a while. Jian Wuming figured out the key and said, "Elder Sun, I have important matters to discuss with Mr. Qin. Please go down and rest."

Jian Wuming can figure it out, and Sun Yicheng can naturally figure it out.

Hearing this, he immediately stood up and saluted Jian Wuming and said, "This kid is confusing people with his evil words and stirring up dissension. Please kill him immediately, sect leader!"

"I have my own considerations." Jian Wuming said expressionlessly.

"Master, the combination of swords and elixirs between our two families is the most suitable alliance." Sun Yicheng said quickly, "The friendship between the two sects will last forever!"

"Elder, please help yourself." Jian Wuming said again.

Sun Yicheng opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. Things happened so suddenly that he couldn't think of any effective plan for a while.

He looked at Qin Ran in front of him. Qin Ran was standing there, looking no different from ordinary people. He was relaxed and indifferent, wearing a blue shirt and a scribe.

But he felt the terror again.

He sighed, bowed his hands to Jian Wuming, turned around and left the living room.

"Chief Qin..." Jian Wuming looked at Qin Ran no longer squinting, squinting, or squinting. He looked at Qin Ran and realized that Qin Ran was very talented. He said aloud, "The situation here, as long as Anyone with eyes can see clearly."

It was as if he didn't figure it out after Kieran reminded him.

"I know about the danger of the Infinite Sword Sect." He asked, "But seeing clearly and knowing clearly does not work. How to break the crisis here? That is the key."

Qin Ran bowed to Jian Wuming again and said with a smile: "The sect master knows Zhishengu's conspiracy and wolfish ambitions, and knows that the Wuyuan Sword Sect has always been used as a spearman by Zhishengu and betrayed by Zhishengu.

"So, sect leader, how should the Infinite Sword Sect deal with the betrayers?"

Jian Wuming replied: "Abolish your cultivation, remove the bones of your sword, and you will never be able to enter the world of cultivation again."

"Sect Master..." Qin Ran asked, "Which one is stronger, Daojianmen or Zhican Valley?"

Zhi Shen Gu is rich, has elixirs, monks, and power, but when it comes to strength and fighting, Jian Wuming affirms: "The Dao Sword Sect is stronger."

"Then why does the sect want to unite with Zhishengu instead of Daojianmen?" Qin Ran asked.

Jian Wuming narrowed his eyes, are you treating him like a fool? Did you ask him to come out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den again?

"Is this your plan?" His voice became colder, and he felt that he was being teased.

"Sect Master, Zhishen Valley is different from us. It is a very wealthy merchant. It is not a sect. It has no power to protect itself." Qin Ran said, "But our two families They are all authentic sects. If Zhishen Valley is destroyed, we will share its abundant resources equally."

"Why do you think our two families can be stable?" Jian Wuming sneered.

The Infinite Sword Sect and Zhishen Valley will not

To live in peace, the Boundless Sword Sect and the Dao Sword Sect will not live in peace.

Qin Ran smiled. He was already prepared. He took out another file from the Qiankun bag and sent it to Jian Wuming and Jian Wuming with magic power.


Jian Wuming took it and saw the words "About the new order of the Hengduan Mountains after the war" written on the file. He looked at Qin Ran's smiling face and opened the file. The first item he saw was:

"About the construction of a new alchemy sect. A lower alchemy sect will be established on the boundary of the original Zhican Valley that is completely controlled by the upper sect..."

There are some details.

The second article is:

"About the holding of the Hengduan Mountains Kendo Exchange Conference. Peace is the main theme after the war, and in peace, other methods can be used to resolve the conflicts among the sects in the Hengduan Mountains. Upholding justice, openness, and fairness, the Infinite Sword Sect will , the joint sects headed by Dao Sword Sect held a kendo exchange meeting."

There are some details.

Article 3:

"Based on the Kendo Exchange Association, a Kendo Exchange Association management organization can be established, headed by the Boundless Sword Sect and the Dao Sword Sect..."

There are some details.

Article 4:

"Based on the management organization of the Kendo Exchange Association, regarding the new resource allocation plan for the Hengduan Mountains..."

The fifth:


Jian Wuming looked at them one by one, not knowing how serious they were. He only felt that the Hengduan Mountains after the war would be a peaceful development. The Hengduan Mountains would be better off without Zhishen Valley.

But in fact, he didn't really understand what was written in the dossier.

Just like "Tao", everyone knows that "Tao" is everywhere, but what exactly "Tao" is, few people can explain clearly.

He felt that what was written in the dossier was such an existence. It was powerful, but he couldn't understand it and didn't know why it was powerful.

He closed the file, shook his head with Qin Ran and sneered: "The new post-war pattern you mentioned, the establishment of a kendo exchange meeting, can be done without Zhishengu, and can be done with Zhishengu. The same thing can be done with or without Dao swords You can also do this kind of planning."

"Sect Master..." Qin Ran looked at Jian Wuming and reminded, "The new resource allocation mentioned in the file is the resources of Zhishen Valley. Are you sure that Zhishen Valley will allocate its own resources? "

Jian Wuming was speechless for a moment.

Qin Ran said again: "The Dao Sword Sect only has spiritual stones. But spiritual stones are completely incomparable with elixirs and elixirs. Spiritual stones are like money, and elixirs and elixirs are like food. You can have no money, but food is." It can’t be done without. Zhishen Valley can let us do new resource planning, but Daojianmen can’t let you do new resource planning.”

When Jian Wuming was reading the file just now, he was confused. Now when he heard Qin Ran's words, he was confused again.

He thought for a while and said, "You can ask me to promise you, but I have a request."

"Sect Master, please speak."

"I want Lu Junxing and Li Shiyin."

Qin Ran was stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "The sect master is joking."

"Then I won't agree." Since he couldn't understand, Jian Wuming just opened his hand and acted rogue.

"Have you made up your mind, Sect Master?" Qin Ran was still smiling and confident.

"What do you want? Join forces with Zhi Shen Gu to deal with me?" Jian Wuming, the bachelor, said, "My Infinite Sword Sect only has this bare mountain, you can take it wherever you like."

"Sect Master..." Qin Ran said, "I will give you several reasons that you cannot refuse."

"you say."

"First of all, I told the head of my family that if this lobbying fails, the Sword Sect will attack the Boundless Sword Sect with all their might. They would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed. They would trade with the Boundless Sword Sect for one.

"Second, the leader knows that Lu Junxing and Li Shiyin are powerful and wants to keep them. Has the leader ever thought about how powerful monks like Li Shiyin and Lu Junxing would go on a killing spree in the Infinite Sword Sect? How about the sect?

"Third, the leader

During these days of hiding and refusing to see me, I left some things in the Boundless Sword Sect..." Qin Ran said, raising his hand and throwing a pill to Jian Wuming, "This is a Qing Ming Pill, to refresh your mind. , non-toxic. But once it comes into contact with the Huihun Powder I sprinkle in the air of the Infinite Sword Sect, it will immediately turn into a poison that turns into blood and bones, and you will die."

Jian Wuming's face became increasingly ugly. He took the Qingming Pill to the tip of his nose and smelled it. He immediately felt a change in his body and knew that what Qin Ran said was true. He did poison the Infinite Sword Sect.

Qin Ran threw another pill to Jian Wuming and said, "This is the antidote."

He kindly reminded Jian Wuming, "If I'm like this, how about Zhishengu?"

"Sect Master, what's your answer?"

First, analyze the pros and cons, let Jian Wuming know that following Zhishen Gu will lead to death; then use inducements to establish a "unnecessary" new post-war order and allocate resources in the Hengduan Mountains; then use coercion, poison and force; finally, it is deception. , the bully Jian Wuming couldn't understand what he wrote.

So Jian Wuming actually had no choice, he was completely controlled by Kieran.

He could only nod.


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