My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 439 The elixir is poisonous (1/2)

(Change first and then change)

Wen Le, a disciple of Zhi Shen Gu's outer sect, is now the deacon of the dining hall.

Ever since Zhishengu initiated the summoning order, it was he... and some fellow deacons from Zhishengu who distributed elixirs to the disciples of the outer sect.

If you were to ask Wen Le about his views on the disciples from other sects who came to Zhishengu, his views were consistent with those of most Zhishengu disciples:

Where did this country bumpkin come from? If you want food, come to Zhishen Valley!

...They are all just flattering things to please the lower sect of Zhi Shen Gu.

On May 28th, Wen Le woke up from meditation. He stood up and looked out the window, and saw that the weather outside was gloomy, and it looked like a heavy rain was coming.

He thought that it was right. For Dao Jianmen, their mood was very suitable for the weather at this time.

The above had already sent out a message yesterday, saying that there were enough monks and they would conquer the Daojian Sect in the near future.

Although those disciples of the rural sect are very rude, barbaric, and ignorant, but...

There are indeed more than a thousand Jindan monks in Zhishen Valley now.

Thousands of golden elixir monks! How could Dao Sword Sect resist such a powerful force?

Wen Le looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, feeling a little comfortable and happy in his heart.

He packed up his belongings a little, then walked out of his residence and walked towards the restaurant building he was responsible for.

It was still early at this time and the sun had not risen yet, but it just showed a little light under the mountain on the horizon.

Wen Le walked on the stone road with fresh air and lush flowers and grass. Looking at the country bumpkins from other clans, he felt a sense of pride and pride in his heart.

What is the Holy Land of Alchemy?

What is the first sect in the Land of Immortal Relics?

This is his sect. How could he not love him and be proud of him?

He had only known that Zhishen Valley was very popular, but without other sects to support it, he did not expect such reputation.

Although, he is just a small outer disciple.

As Wen Le was walking, a monk suddenly walked in front of him. He had a rusty look on his face. He was obviously a disciple of the outer sect.

Sure enough, the man came over, took a pill and asked him: "Are you a disciple of Zhi Shen Gu?"

"Well!" The sect told them that disciples from outside sects must treat each other with courtesy, so although he looked down on the disciples from outside sects, Wen Le still smiled and nodded, and asked enthusiastically, "Which sect are you... Yes, what's the matter?"

"This is Zhang Xiaofan, a disciple of the Xuan Qin Xuan Ling Sect." The disciple of the outer sect said respectfully, "This elixir is the elixir I received from the dining hall yesterday, but there seems to be something wrong with it. After I took it, my cultivation level did not increase, but instead There is a little pain in my pubic area. Can you help me find out what the problem is?"

"Didn't your cultivation level increase?" Wen Le heard this and thought to himself, I'm afraid your own qualifications are too poor, you took too many pills, and you became resistant, so it won't work!

But he did not directly say that he should treat the disciples of other sects with courtesy. He reached out and took the elixir, preparing to pretend to take a look.

Why pretend?

If he could understand elixirs, he would not be an outer deacon disciple, but the deacon disciple in charge of the dining hall.

He was just going to pretend to take a look, and then say something casually to deal with this country bumpkin from a foreign sect.

But, something strange happened.

Just as Wen Le took the pill, this one that looked like a Qi-Building Pill melted in his hand.

"?" Why did it suddenly melt? Wen Le doesn't understand.

However, the melting was just the beginning. Immediately afterwards, the melted elixir went directly into his palm and disappeared completely.

"This..." Wen Le, a disciple of the Holy Land of Alchemy, had not yet realized the danger. He looked at the disciple of the outer sect named Zhang Xiaofan with confusion and asked, "How could your elixir... be like this? It seems that the elixir... has passed ……Expect……"

As he spoke, he felt his head begin to feel dizzy. Before he could finish speaking, sleep came over him, causing him to close his eyes and fall asleep.

"Senior brother? Senior brother?" Zhang Xiaofan came over nervously, held him up with an extremely smooth hand, and pretended to say loudly, "Oh, I told you that the medicinal properties of this pill are very powerful! You don't believe it? , is there something wrong now?”

He shook his head and sighed, and like Wen Le's junior brother, he helped Wen Le walk back until he reached Wen Le's residence.

To be on the safe side, he didn't kill Wen Le directly, as he was worried about triggering the identity token or something like that. He just helped Wen Le to put him down where he was practicing, and then took out a sleeping pill for Wen Le to drink. It is guaranteed that he will not wake up for ten and a half days.

After taking care of Wen Le, Zhang Xiaofan stood up and walked out, his figure changing as he walked. When he walked to the door and opened it, he had already transformed into Wen Le.

Wen Le is just a disciple of the outer deacon. His job in the dining hall is very simple. In one sentence, he is the uncle who cooks in the dining hall.

And Qin Ran has been observing him for several days, and now he is pretending to be gentle and happy, not to mention taking things lightly, but he is already doing it smoothly. There was no way anyone would find a flaw.

The process of Zhishengu distributing elixirs to other sects is as follows: There are special elders who take the inner sect disciples to get the elixirs from the place where the elixirs are stored, and then escort the elixirs to the dining hall and hand them over to the dining hall's staff. Disciples distribute it. Although there could be no accidents in Zhishen Valley, the elder still needed to watch from the side until the elixirs were distributed.

Before, ordinary outer disciples distributed the pills, and this process could not go wrong, but now it was Qin Ran who distributed the pills. Qin Ran did not do anything else. He just added some pills he made himself to the pills to be distributed. And the pills he made were poisons that looked exactly the same as the pills to be distributed. It was just a random addition, and there was no other bad thing, so even if the elder in charge was next to him, he would never be able to tell.

As one of the first sects to rush to help Zhisheng Valley, Cangjiang Sect has been in Zhisheng Valley for more than ten days. From the beginning, they were full of ambition and passion, vowing to follow the lead of Zhisheng Valley and take the lead to repay the emperor's kindness, to now... They are considering whether to leave directly.

They watched the number of people in Zhisheng Valley increase little by little, and the strength of the Hengduan Mountain Alliance grew little by little; they felt the pride of the Zhisheng Valley disciples with their noses on their foreheads, and felt the complexity of the people in the Hengduan Mountain Alliance.

This alliance, in the simple minds of their physical cultivators, is a powerful and chaotic force.

Li Yi was originally the most close to Zhishen Valley. When he came to Zhishen Valley, he was willing to repay the emperor's kindness with his remaining life. But when he put his warm face on a cold butt, the hotter his face was, the colder he felt.

He was very angry in the past ten days.

That morning, he was practicing in the yard, and the disciple Lin Han, who was very fond of by the headmaster, came over and asked him: "Brother, are you going to collect the pills today?"

"Collect?" Li Yi snorted coldly, "What do you want to collect?! Others give out pills to beggars. Are you so poor that you have to be a beggar?!"

Lin Han paused, and then said: "But... we really need pills."

"Alas! Come and eat!" Li Yi said, "You want it like feeding a dog? Do you have any self-respect!?"

"But..." Lin Han thought for a while and asked, "Brother, the fighting will start later, do you want to go to the battlefield?"

"Of course I will." Li Yi replied, "But I am here to repay my gratitude, not to eat for free or be a dog!"

"You will help them fight in the future, and taking their pills now is just like taking military pay." Lin Han said, "It's like buying and selling, we do the work, and they provide the pills. Why do you think so much, brother?"

"I am here for justice!" Li Yi emphasized.

"Even if it's for gratitude, you still need to practice." Lin Han said, "And you haven't received it for three days. Zhishengu is stingy. Every pill you receive is registered. If you act like this, they may still suspect you."

Li Yi stopped practicing and looked at Lin Han and said, "I just don't want to see Zhishengu's disgusting look!"

"Just don't look at it." Lin Han said, "They hire us to provide pills. We are equal to them. Brother, just think like this."

After Lin Han's advice, Li Yi put on his clothes and went to the dining hall of Zhishengu with him.

There were really a lot of people in the dining hall, and they were crowded forward to get today's pills as soon as possible.

Not everyone values ​​gratitude and self-respect like Li Yi. In fact, many sects came to Zhishengu later just for the endless pills in Zhishengu.

"Heh!" Seeing this scene, Li Yi sneered, "They are just like chickens and dogs!"

"Brother, stop talking!" Lin Han hurriedly dissuaded them, and then pulled Li Yi's shoulder and prepared to squeeze into the crowd.

It should be said that they, the physical cultivators, have infinite physical advantages in such occasions.

But Li Yi shook his shoulder, causing Lin Han to stagger. He asked Lin Han coldly, "I'm here, why do you insist on me being the dog fighting for food?"

Lin Han stabilized his body and looked at Li Yi with a complicated expression. Then he sighed and said, "Well, let's wait slowly. When they all get them, there will always be our pills."

So the two tall men stood outside the crowd in the dining hall, ready to follow the crowd to get two pills for practicing qi and nourishing the body.

But they didn't wait long, and before they entered the door of the dining hall, something happened.

"Dead!" The crowd in front suddenly broke out, and the voice was noisy, "Someone is dead! Poisoned to death!"

"The pills in Zhishen Valley are poisonous!" Someone shouted.

"I saw him take the pills from Zhisheng Valley with my own eyes, and then he died!"

"Zhisheng Valley's scam!" Someone was terrified, "Zhisheng Valley wants to kill us!"

"Ahhhh...someone died again!"

"The pills are poisonous! You will die if you use them!"

"Zhisheng Valley wants to kill us! They want to poison us all to death!!"

"Zhisheng Valley gave us poison pills!!"

"Zhisheng Valley... Zhisheng Valley..."

Lin Han and Li Yi understood the reason for the riot in front of them. Li Yi sneered and looked at Lin Han: "What do you think? How can such a stingy sect give out pills for free? It turns out to be poison pills, so it can be explained!"

Li Yi suffered a lot of cold stares from Zhisheng Valley disciples that day, and he was not surprised at what was happening.

"No!" Lin Han was keenly aware of the problem, and he shook his head and said, "Zhisheng Valley has no reason and no need to do this. They dare not! This is inside Zhisheng Valley, and they absolutely cannot afford the consequences of the outbreak of these sects."

"Someone has been poisoned to death! What are they afraid of?" Li Yi questioned.

Lin Han opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, because he really couldn't figure it out.

The senior leaders of Zhisheng Valley arrived quickly and drove people out of the dining hall. They found that 17 people had been poisoned, including 10 foundation-building cultivators who were directly poisoned to death, and 7 Jindan cultivators who still had a trace of breath.

They tried to treat the Jindan cultivators, but they didn't understand the theory of poison at all; they had to quickly recover the pills that were distributed today.

And sealed the pills that had not been distributed today.

However, their operation of taking back the pills that had been distributed... in this generally selfish cultivation world, who knows how much resentment was buried.

And the announcement they issued was that they would no longer distribute pills for free until the cause of this incident was found.

This triggered a new wave of public opinion. Some people believed that this was a conspiracy planned by Zhisheng Valley because they didn't want to distribute pills anymore; some people were disgusted by Zhisheng Valley's high-handed attitude in handling the incident, and refused to admit that it was their own problem, neither saying it was a pill refining problem nor a management problem.

For a time, people in Zhisheng Valley were panicked... or in other words, in the cultivation world that originally had no social morality, Zhisheng Valley at this time was close to a dynamite that was about to explode in all aspects.

A general who can manage 10,000 people without causing any trouble is a qualified general; a general who can take 10,000 people out for a walk and bring them back intact is an excellent general; a general who can take 10,000 people out and fight can be said to be a famous general of the contemporary era; a general who can take 10,000 people out, enforce discipline, and win the battle is a famous general who will be passed down through the ages. As for those who can command hundreds of thousands or millions of soldiers to fight and can say that the more the better, there are only a few in the entire human history of the earth.

Obviously, there is no such person in Zhishen Valley.

Before they recruited tens of thousands of foreign sect monks to Zhishen Valley, they considered that there would be problems, but they did not think so deeply and did not expect the problems to be so serious.

Therefore, at this time, the situation in Zhishen Valley was more serious than Qin Ran expected.

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