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Qin Ran was very busy, so busy that he didn't even bother to hide his clone. Many people from Daojian Sect discovered that the head of Danfeng had a magical clone technique. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

After all, he was everywhere, it was hard not to attract attention. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

He was the one who ran in and out to diagnose, treat, and refine pills for the wounded at Danfeng;\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

For the team cleaning the battlefield outside, he helped with everything related to medicine. He even occasionally helped with the statistics of the spoils, making tables and classifications, and his efficiency was much higher than that of ordinary disciples who were busy with their work;\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

It was also him who wandered around the ruins of the sect's mountain protection formation with the Xuanming Spirit Tiger every day, pretending to set up a formation;\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Some people even saw him frequently entering and leaving the cave of the sect leader, and no one knew what he was doing;\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Some people also said that they saw Qin Shouzuo leading a team of people to leave Jianmen that day...\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Qin Ran was everywhere, but Qin Ran was not Cao Cao, and could not be called upon at any time, so it could only be that he had a clone. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Later, Qin Ran didn’t even pretend, and often several figures appeared in the same place at the same time, which made the disciples of Daojian Sect confirmed this. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Then they all sighed, the head of Danfeng is so terrifying! \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

“Dad, when will you start to set up the formation?” Zhuifeng, who was chasing Qin Ran like a tail, asked Qin Ran again. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

“After I survey the terrain, find the right direction, and determine the direction of the formation, I can start refining the materials for the formation.” Qin Ran replied. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"How long will it take?" Zhuifeng asked again, "Does your level of formation need such a long preparation time?" \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"I told you to learn formations, but you didn't listen. Now you don't know anything, right?" Qin Ran said unhappily, "This mountain protection formation is of a high level, so I naturally need a long time to prepare." \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

It was indeed because Zhuifeng didn't study formations well. He didn't realize that his father didn't prepare a formation, or that his father couldn't set up a formation of the level of the mountain protection formation. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Qin Ran perfunctorily answered Zhuifeng and continued to walk slowly along the remains of the mountain protection formation. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

After walking a few steps, he didn't hear Zhuifeng's nagging questions. He looked back curiously, but saw Zhuifeng with tears in his eyes. When he saw him turn around, he cried, "Dad, don't you plan to set up a formation?" \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Qin Ran was shocked, thinking when did this silly boy become so smart that he could even guess his thoughts? \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

He walked over in two steps, held Zhuifeng's tearful cat head, looked at the big tearful eyes and said, "How could it be? How could you not set up a formation? Dad won't lie to you." \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Zhuifeng stared at Qin Ran's eyes seriously for a long time. Seeing that they were full of sincerity, he was relieved and cried, "I know Dad won't lie to me, but I miss my big brother so much..." \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Seeing that Zhuifeng was fooled by him again, Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and continued to walk forward. He said, "I know you miss your big brother. Dad is trying hard!" \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

He then started to KFC Zhuifeng again, pointing at the disciples who were carrying the bodies and said, "Look, those are the people who died in this war. They didn't make it to the Tianjiao list, and they couldn't be resurrected by the formation. They are dead. Your big brother can still be resurrected by the formation, but it's just a matter of time. So don't worry..." \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Zhuifeng looked at the bodies that died in a miserable state, and his heart of compassion rose. He felt that what his father said was right, and his big brother could still live, so he stopped talking. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The tiger and the man continued to walk along the ruins of the mountain protection formation. At this time, Qin Ran in front of them suddenly stopped. Zhuifeng, who was thinking about all kinds of things and a mess in his mind, leaned on his old waist. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Dad? What's wrong?" Zhuifeng asked with doubts in his big eyes. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Qin Ran looked into the distance along the twilight and said with a smile, "A fish has been hooked." \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"What fish?" Zhui Feng still didn't understand. He followed Qin Ran's line of sight. His tiger eyes had excellent vision. From a long distance, he saw that there were more than a dozen people on the edge of the forest over there, sneaking towards Dao Jianmen under the cover of the twilight and the forest. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Who are they?" He asked repeatedly, "What are they going to do?" \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"They are the fish!" Qin Ran said, and then pointed over there, signaling to Zhui Feng, "Go and bite them to death for me." \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Why?" Mentally retarded children are full of joy. Zhui Feng had a hundred thousand questions, "Others have no grudges against us, why do we want to bite them to death for no reason?" \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Qin Ran turned around and slapped Zhui Feng’s head, scolding him with a smile: “Why, why, why are there so many whys? You don’t even listen to your father now, right? Have you grown wings? I told you to go, so you go, why are there so many whys?”\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

This is the double standard. When Li Shiyin said “Others have no grudges against us…”, he patiently answered, and when Zhui Feng asked, he slapped him. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Zhui Feng scratched his head with his big claws and asked again: “Dad, I don’t have wings?!”\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

“Get lost!” Qin Ran raised his foot and kicked Zhui Feng over there. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Zhuifeng stretched his body in the air and adjusted his posture. While walking towards the dozen people, he asked Qin Ran: "Dad, I'm not a dog. Why do you treat me like a dog?" \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Qin Ran collapsed after hearing this. He seriously suspected that this guy was deliberately irritating him because he didn't set up a formation to revive his elder brother. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The first wave of fish who wanted to come to Daojianmen to make money this time was a small sect. Although they only sent a dozen people, most of them were in the foundation-building stage. Zhuifeng rushed over, and he didn't even need to show his true form. After a few charges, he beat the dozen people to pieces and couldn't get up again. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Zhuifeng walked over with a cat step and the unique arrogance of cats. He shook his eyebrows at Qin Ran, meaning to ask Qin Ran if he was powerful. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Qin Ran went up and kicked Zhui Feng in the face, cursing: "The person has been killed, so move the body here! We are fishing! We can't fish for nothing, we have to have something to gain, trophies." \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Zhui Feng went back arrogantly, and a strong wind blew over more than a dozen bodies. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Naturally, such a strong wind made Qin Ran's hair messy, and Zhui Feng's handsome face was inevitably kicked. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"These people come to take advantage of us, but they don't know that they are also ours. This time we stopped them, so what we get should be ours." Qin Ran said to Zhui Feng, and taught Zhui Feng to touch the corpse with professional skills, "Touching the corpse... Ahem, collecting trophies is a necessary method for traveling in the rivers and lakes. This is your father's secret method, which cannot be passed on to others..." \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Qin Ran sorted out the trophies while looking far away outside the Daojian Gate. As if he saw something, he couldn't help but reveal a mocking smile on his face. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Dad, why are you laughing so obscenely again?" Zhuifeng looked over and saw nothing, so he asked in confusion. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;


"Pa!" Zhuifeng was slapped again. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Dad, can you please stop hitting me?" In the night, Zhuifeng protested, "I'm grown up and I'm the tiger king. If others see me, and if the small animals within a ten-mile radius see me, will I still have face?"\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Tiger king, right?"\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;


Sure enough, his suggestion that Qin Ran not hit him was rejected by Qin Ran by hitting him. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;



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