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Danfeng has developed rapidly in recent days and recruited many disciples. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

They cut down trees, cleared rocks, built buildings, and created a new Danfeng on the hillside of Danfeng. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The cleared area was paved with bluestone slabs and turned into Danfeng's gathering square. New Danfeng disciples usually practice, refine pills, practice exercises, and play in this gathering square. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Many new buildings were built around the square to store exercises, books, pill recipes, medicinal materials, pills, etc., or used as dormitories, canteens, or classrooms. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Of course, caves were also built. Some disciples felt that caves were more like people who practiced, and would prefer to live in caves. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The top of Danfeng is always surrounded by clouds and mist, and few people have been there. It is said that it is the residence of the head of Danfeng, which is extremely ferocious and is a forbidden area of ​​Danfeng. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The orthodox Danfeng is located halfway up the mountain. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Today is a sunny day, with the sun shining brightly, scorching the disciples of Danfeng who are in the assembly square like a big fireball. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

In this assembly square, more than 60 chairs are neatly arranged, and on each chair, a young man in his teens sits upright. Every young man is meticulously and seriously lying on the table, answering the test paper on the table. It is as if the sun above does not exist. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Ask them what they are doing? \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Hey, they are taking an exam. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Today is the annual mid-year assessment of Danfeng. They are taking the cultural subjects of Danfeng's mid-year assessment. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The assessment of Danfeng is completely different from that of other peaks. It is divided into cultural subjects, practical subjects, and cultivation subjects. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Cultural subjects are cultural knowledge, mainly knowledge related to alchemy, knowledge of medicinal materials, knowledge of the human body, knowledge of alchemy fire and water, etc. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The assessment method of cultural subjects is answering questions. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The answering questions are divided into different levels. The basic ones include memorizing the names of herbs, the medium ones include memorizing the effects of herbs, the advanced ones include answering the applicable places of spiritual herbs and medicines, and the abnormal ones include analyzing the alchemy formula. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Candidates of different ages face different levels of questions. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Practical subjects are alchemy practice, such as controlling the alchemy furnace, extracting the essence of medicinal power, burning impurities, combining pills, etc. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

As for the assessment method, it is naturally practical experimentation. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

It is also divided into different levels. The primary level is to clean the alchemy equipment, such as porcelain bottles, alchemy furnaces, beakers, test tubes, etc. The middle level is to try to control the alchemy furnace and identify spiritual herbs on the spot. The advanced level is to test the control of alchemy water and alchemy fire. The abnormal ones are directly alchemy. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Similarly, different ages face different levels of practical operations. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

As for the cultivation subjects... other peak veins are strict, but Danfeng doesn't care. Just test it casually. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Danfeng usually tests culture first, then practical operation, and finally looks at cultivation. That is, today test culture, tomorrow practical operation, and the day after tomorrow relax. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Of course, this semi-annual assessment is extremely important for Danfeng disciples. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

For Danfeng disciples, only if they know the names of herbs can they answer the effects of herbs; only if they know the effects of herbs can they use them; only if they understand herbs can they glue them together to make pills. The same is true for practical subjects, which must be done step by step. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

If you fail to complete the assessment of the previous stage, you will never reach the next stage and will never be qualified to make pills. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

The assessment is important, so the examination environment is very serious. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

There are only sixty disciples taking the exam, but there are five invigilators. One stands in front, one stands in the back, and three patrol in the middle, completely eliminating the idea of ​​cheating for the disciples. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Yan Yi, the outer sect elder of Danfeng, is responsible for teaching elementary herbal knowledge and is also one of the invigilators. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

He stood at the front of the examination room with a serious face, and his hawk-like eyes patrolled the examination room, making every disciple who looked at him afraid. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Elder Yan has always been known for his strictness. If any disciple cheats, he will be punished by copying the Medicine Scripture. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

There was a disciple who copied the Medicine Scripture ten times in one month, and his hands were cramped. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Every Danfeng disciple was terrified and secretly called him Yan Lao Mo. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

With Yan Lao Mo invigilating, Danfeng disciples were even more trembling, and no one dared to mess around. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Until the end of the exam, they all left quietly. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Five invigilators collected the test papers by grade. Zhou Fu walked up to Yan Yi with the fifth-grade students' papers and joked, "Elder Yan, you are so impressive!"\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Yan Yi looked around with a serious face. Seeing that all the students had left, he heaved a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile, "These children are very naughty. If you don't act a little fierce, you can't control them at all."\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"These students are young and talented, so they really can't be controlled." Zhou Fu shook her head and smiled. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Zhisheng Valley is gone. In the past two years, many students with good talents have joined Daojianmen to learn alchemy. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"The chief always says that they are the future of Danfeng!" Yan Yi sighed, "So being strict and letting them learn more is good for them."\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Hearing this, Zhou Fu pointed to the test paper in her hand and asked Yan Yi, "This is the test paper of the fifth-year disciples. Today's test is about the analysis of the pill formula. So should we mark this paper or give it to the chief?"\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"The chief has already said hello, he wants to take a look in person..." Yan Yi took the test paper and replied, "It's time for this group of disciples to make pills. The chief wants to see their level and then arrange for them to get pill fire and pill water. With the pill fire, he will teach them to make pills."\u0026lt;/p\u0026 gt;

Zhou Fu asked, "Will the chief teach them to make alchemy?"\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Not necessarily, it depends on their performance." Yan Yi said, "There are only four people who can make alchemy at Danfeng, you, Junior Brother Zhang, Senior Sister Long, and Chief Qin. So it is possible that you will teach them to make alchemy."\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Me?" Zhou Fu shook her head, "Forget about me, don't mislead the students!"\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Alas!" Yan Yi sighed enviously, "You have the talent for alchemy, and you seized the opportunity to become an alchemist. I don't have the talent for alchemy, and I can't learn it. Until now, I only know some basic herbal knowledge."\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

He envied Zhou Fu, but Zhou Fu also looked at him enviously. Nowadays, there are not many people who can freely enter and exit the mountain protection formation on the top of Danfeng, but Yan Yi is one of them. He is the only one who has the trust of the chief, which is really enviable. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"You often follow the abbot, why do you need to refine pills? The abbot can easily refine a furnace of pills, which is a height that I can never reach in my lifetime." Zhou Fu said, "You don't lack pills at all."\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Yan Yi shook his head and said, "I can't refine pills after all."\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Okay..." Zhou Fu didn't want to say more, and sighed, "You can send the papers to the abbot! We will mark the other papers."\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

"Okay." Yan Yi agreed. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

He took the fifth-year disciple's paper and walked out along the stone road to the main road, and then went up all the way, through the forest path, and came to the top of the mountain where the clouds were filled. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

Looking at the rolling clouds in front of him, he felt infinite respect in his heart. He carefully arranged his clothes and made sure there was nothing wrong. Then he solemnly took out the identity token given to him by the chief, opened the mountain protection formation, separated the clouds, walked into the cloud road, and walked towards the real Danfeng. \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;


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