My Daily Salted Fish Routine

Chapter 17 Adventure

Chen Hao is a high school student. The high school curriculum is heavy, but he always has time to take a break from his busy schedule, and his favorite thing is to read novels.

His family members also knew about his hobbies, so they kindly confiscated his mobile phone. However, as the devil is always better, Chen Hao still found a way.

When get out of class was over in the morning, he rushed to the bookstore. He had an hour and a half before class in the afternoon.

Have a meal? What's so delicious about the rice?

Because I was poor, I usually just stood there and watched, never buying.

"Hey, there are new books." Chen Hao was very familiar with this row of bookshelves, and he immediately noticed the changes.

The Legend of Wukong.

"Writing about Journey to the West? A sequel or something like that?" Chen Hao raised an interest.

When I picked it up and looked at it, it read: Created by an eighteen-year-old genius.


Chen Hao frowned. He's not much older than him, so he can publish a book?

Is it so powerful?

With a hint of interest in his heart, he opened the book.

The title page clearly reads:

[If the sky presses me and splits the sky, if the earth restrains me and tramples the earth, we will be born free, who dares to stand high above me. 】

Goosebumps arose, and Chen Hao was instantly attracted.

So domineering!

Young people at this age are full of fantasy.

He is in the second grade of middle school.

Just one sentence completely ignited the passion in his heart.

Chen Hao took a deep breath, looked at the text, and flipped through the pages. He was completely immersed in it and completely forgot about time...

When he suddenly woke up, more than half of the first class had passed.

It's over. The first class was the class teacher's class. There was no explanation for this. He was afraid he was going to be beaten to death. Chen Hao's face turned pale.

Then I thought about it, Mom, I'm late anyway, so I'd be a loser if I went, so I might as well not go in the afternoon.

With this thought, madness suddenly grew.

Chen Hao hesitated for two seconds, then picked up the book and continued reading. He didn't see the ending. He felt as if a hundred claws were scratching his heart and felt very uncomfortable.

At the same time, more people learned about this book from different channels and fell into that magnificent world.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yaoyao looked at Luo Qingyi strangely.

Luo Qingyi was working hard, typing on her pink laptop.

Liu Yaoyao came over to take a look, and suddenly looked confused.

It was the forum of Jianghai University. Luo Qingyi was wearing a vest and posting posts such as "The new book of Luo Jia, the new student at our school, The Legend of Wukong, is so beautiful that it moved me to tears."

"Can you be more shameless?" Liu Yaoyao was stunned.

Luo Qingyi sneered, "This is called Tao Lue."

Luo Jia said with a speechless expression: "I can't get many people."

"How is it possible that we are both alumni and have such a talented person? It seems that they are very proud of it." Luo Qingyi said.

She knows how to whet people's appetites, and she even took a few pictures to post, and the pictures will reveal the truth.

A few minutes and a few replies.

"Is it true? There is such a powerful new student in our school?"

"I'm afraid it's just a trick. It's really a society. Advertisements are even placed in universities. Is there anyone named Luo Jia in our school?"

"It's true. This classmate Luo Jia, I am your counselor. If you see my message, please come back to class immediately."



The post suddenly went viral and received a wave of hits.

"Classmate Luo Jia, your counselor asked you to go back to class."

"Classmate Luo Jia, your counselor asked you to go back to class."

"Classmate Luo Jia, your counselor asked you to go back to class."

This is still happening.

Luo Jia was stunned.

Damn it, are these damn college students so idle?

"Is there such an operation?" Luo Jia's mouth turned bitter, "Is this counselor real or fake?"

"It's probably a prank." Liu Yaoyao said uncertainly.

"Just pretend you didn't see it." Luo Qingyi shrank his neck.

"I have read The Legend of Wukong. It is indeed a good book. Whether it is the story or the deeper exploration, it is excellent and worth reading!"

"Wow, Professor Deng!"

"Professor Deng has appeared!"

"Professor Deng said yes, it must be a high-quality book. I will buy a copy and have a look."

"Just saying this to Professor Deng, I'll eat this wave of Amway."

"Let's go, let's go. I don't have any classes. Let's go together."

Luo Jia and the other two looked at each other.

As soon as Professor Deng appeared, the post instantly went viral, with an outrage of 3,000 pages in an hour.

"Who is this Professor Deng?" Luo Qingyi asked.

"I don't know." Luo Jia's expression became even more confused.

"Maybe this is the boss." Liu Yaoyao said.

But no matter what, it's a good thing if someone creates a wave of enthusiasm.

Wutong Literary Publishing House.

Jiang Yuan was actually a little uneasy. He had been in this industry for more than ten years and was still just an editor. He was looking for changes. He wanted to climb up. He needed performance that could support such a high level of performance.

He saw hope from this biography of Wukong.

At this day, he has done everything he can, and now he is just waiting for the results.

What a torture.

The first printing was originally 10,000 copies and was sent to major bookstores, but at his strong request, the number was tripled to 30,000 copies.

All my colleagues thought it was too risky.

However, the final sales volume shocked everyone.

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