"Mr. Luo Jia, what's the introduction on your Weibo?" Jiang Yuan called and asked.

He knew that Luo Jia was a master who did not follow common sense, so he always paid attention to his Weibo. As expected, just now, this person released a teaser and dug a new hole without any warning. At that time, he I was stunned, really caught off guard.

Jiang Yuan remembered very clearly that Luo Jia once said that "Shooting the Condor" has a million words in length, but it has only been updated to how many words it has now. He is actually thinking about writing a new book. Can he take care of this?

Jiang Yuan wanted to call Luo Jia immediately, but considering that it was meal time, Luo Jia was probably still eating, so he endured it for an hour and didn't call until now.

"Oh, I was about to tell you, and suddenly I had an idea. I just wrote it and dug a new hole. -" Luo Jia said.

Jiang Yuan hurriedly asked: "What about the shooting of the vulture?"

"Shooting the Condor?" Luo Jia told him honestly, "I've already finished writing The Condor Shooting."

Jiang Yuan was so shocked that his phone almost flew away, and he said in a trembling voice: "Have you finished writing...?"

"Yes, I just finished writing." Luo Jia said with a smile.

Jiang Yuan was very excited: "Awesome, so awesome..."

He was in a shocked mood, and he was an old acquaintance with Luo Jia. He knew that he had just started writing a few months ago, and as a result, he had already written three books. This efficiency was terrifying, especially Condor Shooting. If this book is really over a million words in length as he said, then the speed is too fast. Is this little guy a typewriter?

Luo Jia didn't tell him that he had done it half a month ago. He had been thinking about it secretly for half a month without saying anything about it, just wanting to do it for a while.

Now that I have been working hard for a long time, I naturally have to start working.

"Editor Jiang Yuan, where do you think it is better to send my new book?" Luo Jia asked.

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment and said: "You have already posted the introduction on Weibo. Why not start the serialization directly on Weibo? Weibo is a very good platform. You can interact with book friends at any time, although you can't see anything in a short time. Income, but it becomes very convenient for readers to see your new book, which brings huge invisible benefits. As we said before

Once it becomes popular, adaptations and the like will be the big deal in the future. "

"Is that so?" Luo Jia touched his chin. He posted the introduction on Weibo. At first, he just wanted to promote it and tell readers that he had opened a new book. But after listening to what Jiang Yuan said, it seemed to make sense. look.

"Then let's serialize it on Weibo." Luo Jia decided.

Many people in the literary world are also staring at Luo Jia. His introduction has been studied many times since it was released.

"Obviously, Luo Jia is trying to innovate." Someone said, "Even the writing style has changed, but it is still too short, only a few thousand words, so nothing can be seen."

"Obviously, his Condor Shooting is being serialized, and that's the big head over there. This should be a small attempt, and it shouldn't be too long. When he finished writing The Legend of Wukong and wanted to transform into martial arts, he wrote it first He wrote a 50,000-word White Horse before he started writing Condor Shooting. Now it seems that "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" should be his test work to try to change his style and test the market's response to it.

"If this is the case, I have to say that this young man is very steady, steady and has a great business acumen... But in contrast, as a scholar, he is more like a businessman, frequently doing things for the market. Without any change, I admit that he is a very successful businessman, but I do not admit that he is a qualified author.

"I think this is because he is confused. Since Wukong was introduced to the world, this is the second time he has changed his style. Such frequent changes in style can easily lose fans from the previous business and reduce reader stickiness. Maybe he likes you. The loss caused by not liking the previous style but the changed style is immeasurable... Of course, I have to say that this requires a lot of courage, but it is just stupid courage."

"I think this is his ambition. After all, a style is limited. Some people like it and some people don't. When he makes changes, he obviously wants to go further and attract fans from more fields... …”


"This is too arrogant. The writing style has been formed over a long period of time. You can change it just when you want. Yes, he started writing about Journey to the West as a fan, and then transformed into martial arts and achieved great success.

But this is also because his upper limit is high enough and cannot be copied. If he imagines that he can control multiple styles of themes at the same time, I think reality will definitely teach him a painful lesson and he will definitely fall miserably... …”

As we all know, Luo Jia's style was flamboyant and domineering when he first wrote The Legend of Wukong. As a result, he later changed his style and wrote a martial arts novel. He also had the audacity to use a female character as the character. The protagonist is very well written...


Undoubtedly, this was an extremely successful transformation, and White Horse is now a top bestseller with booming sales.

Then there is The Condor. This book is also a martial arts book, but the writing style is similar to that of Baima, and The Condor is a long novel. Now the plot has been fully developed and fascinating, both in terms of writing techniques, various conflicts and oppositions, and the foreshadowing of the plot. The outbreaks are all at extremely high levels.

It is conceivable that when the simplified version of the Condor Shooting book goes on sale, there will be another bloody storm.

It can be seen just from how much fresh blood this book has brought to the Classic Literary Newspaper. This was originally a niche newspaper among the niches, and its current circulation has become mediocre.

At this height, what innovations does Luo Jia plan to make?

This is very suicidal.

Luo Jia browsed the Internet for a long time and found that a large number of people were discussing this matter, which made her very happy.

Bah, why are you so excited? Luo Jia ignored them all. These people are always talking about literature and not literature. They also blame him for smelling like copper. He is a businessman. My mother sells batches. I look down on businessmen. How can I support myself if I don’t make money? Ladies and sisters, [mdzz.

Moreover, Luo Jia feels that it is time to publish a literary work in the traditional sense. When the time comes, I will write a fairy tale novel, which will shock your eyes.

Fairy tale novel…………

Luo Jia fell into deep thought. .

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