My Daily Salted Fish Routine

Chapter 67 Tv Adaptation

Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "The newcomer is trying to show off to the editor-in-chief. "The Legend of Wukong" is the achievement made by the editor-in-chief, and the same is true for the new contract. If he can win the simplified Chinese publication of "White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" from Cong Wenjian , is his achievement.”

"Oh, I see. No wonder that guy lost the contract. It doesn't matter. It turns out he wasn't the one who lost." Liu Yaoyao nodded.

Li Mingzhu chuckled and said: "It's just a broken publishing house with so many connections. The factions are so clear, and they are squeezed and squeezed. In the end, it's not everyone who suffers. Now this guy steals chickens and loses rice. I'm afraid you, the editor, can't do anything. If you don’t do it, he won’t like you either.”

Jiang Yuan said: "That's the truth, so this is no longer my place to stay. I'm going to resign and find another job. Mr. Luo, I know a lot about the industry. You can leave it to me to discuss your new book. I promise to give you a great contract."

"Wow, your calculations are very loud." Luo Qingyi said in shock. This Jiang Yuan obviously wants to hook up with Luo Jia. He has Luo Jia's new book. Which publishing house is not interested and will definitely hire him at a high price.

And Jiang Yuan is an old editor with rich experience and knows the details of each publishing house. It is indeed a good choice to ask him to come forward to negotiate the contract.

Jiang Yuan nodded awkwardly. He really didn't want to lose an author like Luo Jia. If this one was lost, how would he find such a talented author again in the future? He would have to wait until the end of the year before he could get up. He was already dead. He was middle-aged and couldn't afford to waste so much time. Moreover, he had to seize the opportunity by himself, so he chased him out regardless of the extremely ugly look on the senior management's face.

"I can trust you to do your work. After all, we have cooperated a few times, so I will leave it to you to run it." Luo Jia said. He wasn't worried about what kind of trap Jiang Yuan would set to trap him. First of all, he would sign the contract himself when the time came. Even if there was something wrong, he would be able to tell it at a glance. Secondly, Jiang Yuan is not that stupid. He wants to cooperate for a long time and should not do such stupid things.

Seeing that Luo Jia agreed, Jiang Yuan was immediately ecstatic, nodded repeatedly, and was very excited.

Jiang Yuan led them to meet Lan Tian's people.

A man and a woman seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"This is Mr. Luo." Jiang Yuan introduced them.

Then he said to Luo Jia: "This is Miss Song."

Miss Song stretched out her hand: "We have heard of Mr. Luo's name for a long time."

Luo Jia shook hands with her.

Both parties sat down and got to the point.

The first thing to discuss is the TV series adaptation rights of "White Horse Roaring in the West Wind". Only after this is negotiated can we decide on the future.

In the end, both parties settled on a price of 1.8 million.

If both parties are interested in cooperating, it would be easy to reach an agreement, because both parties know that the big deal is still behind.

That is the specific adaptation operation.

"White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" is still just a novel, and the script has not yet been released.

Lantian did a lot of data analysis and finally predicted that the sales volume of Baima will be more than one million. It was precisely because they saw such a prospect that they resolutely proposed cooperation at this time.

Otherwise, when the sales volume of Baima comes out, they will have many competitors.

Buying the adaptation rights is only the first step. More than one million and close to two million is not a small amount, but it is nothing in comparison. The key is the production. Asking the director to hire actors can easily cost tens of millions.

This is obviously a big risk, because if you miscalculate, you will lose blood. The person who made this decision is also a man of great courage.

"Before confirming the formal contract, what I want to ask is, does your company plan to produce this TV series independently?" Luo Jia asked.

"It is still very difficult to produce independently, and the risks are too great." Miss Song shook her head.

"What should we do?" Luo Jia asked again.

(abaj) "We can cooperate with the TV station, and the TV station can pay part of the payment in advance." Miss Song said.

"Can I still pay in advance?" Liu Yaoyao was shocked.

Li Mingzhu curled her lips and said: "Of course, but I am not a philanthropist. By paying this money in advance, he is helping you bear part of the risk. There must be requirements, such as arranging a few actors, selecting a few roles, or even intervening. Your script."

Miss Song and the man next to her both looked at Li Mingzhu in surprise. They didn't expect that this woman wearing sunglasses was also an expert and knew all these things clearly.

"Involving in the script?" Luo Qingyi suddenly felt a little defensive.

Ms. Song said: "That's true. This is also to reduce risks. The TV station has paid for it, so it will naturally spare no effort to promote it. Coupled with Mr. Luo's popularity, it has a lot of guarantees."

Luo Jia knocked on the table and thought, "Whether it's publicity or building momentum, after all, the quality has to pass the test. And I have to have a say in the script, otherwise it will be changed blindly. Wouldn't that be ems..."

Luo Jia and others had reached a consensus on this before coming.

"How much money are you planning to spend on making this film?" Li Mingzhu asked.

"We decided to spend 16 million." The woman said cautiously. She now knew that Li Mingzhu was an expert, so she said it directly. Moreover, she always felt that this person looked familiar, and she didn't know if it was an illusion.

"The TV station can confirm that they can get a sum of money in advance, five million." She added.

"There's only one TV station?" Li Mingzhu couldn't help but feel disappointed.


"The money is a little short." Li Mingzhu held her chin and began to think.

The woman smiled bitterly and said: "For us, Lan Tian, ​​the risk of spending 16 million is already very huge. This is because of Mr. Luo's reputation, otherwise we would not dare to take such a risk."

"And for a martial arts TV series, the budget of 21 million is already pretty good."

"No sponsorship?" Li Mingzhu was still not satisfied.

If you have money, you can find a better director, hire better actors, and do better lighting and photography. It doesn't matter if you don't make money. In short, you must first get a good reputation and pave the way for the future.

"In this situation, everyone is very cautious. Even if there are, it can't be too many." The woman said.

"Do you accept investment?" Luo Jia asked, "I can offer six million."

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