My Daily Salted Fish Routine

Chapter 75 Brainless Fans

【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone~】

Within a week, Jiang Yuan also contacted the Classic Literature Newspaper, and everything that needed to be discussed was basically settled.

To his surprise, he thought that newspapers were much poorer than publishing houses, and it would be extremely difficult to get good terms. He didn't know how much talk was required.

However, the other party was surprisingly generous.

The editor-in-chief of the other party was named Lin Wanqing. After a few days, Jiang Yuan thought that she was a very energetic woman who looked at things from a different perspective. Others saw the present, while she saw the future. For him, All the conditions were agreed to, and he even took the initiative to offer benefits. The conditions were very favorable.

Compared with the contract drawn up by Jiang Yuan when he was still at Wutong Publishing House, the contract was much better.

When the final details were finalized, he himself couldn't believe it.

The only pity is that this is a newspaper.

It would be better if this wasn't a newspaper.

At present, the audience of newspapers is still too small after all. It is still unknown whether Luo Jia's serialized articles in newspapers can change readers' reading habits and start buying newspapers.

But then he thought, if this was not a newspaper but a publishing house, he wouldn't be able to get such generous conditions.

The newspaper industry is in decline. If you want to poach authors like Luo Jia, you have to make enough concessions and sincerity, but publishing houses don't have to do this.

Jiang Yuan called Luo Jia's phone number and informed him of the matter.

"Is there such a good thing?" Luo Jia was also shocked.

"Yes." Jiang Yuan hesitated and said, "Actually, I think Editor Lin may be a fan of your books, and he is also a die-hard book fan. This newspaper is miserable, but a group of people are still unwilling to introduce martial arts novels. , very aloof, it was Lin Wanqing who pushed it hard, and it can basically be said that he has his own way."

"Book lover?" Luo Jia was stunned.

Is there such a thing?

"Yes, her series of actions are enough to illustrate this point. There is no unreasonable kindness. If there is, it is obviously only a stupid fan who would do this." Jiang Yuan said.

"This is really suffocating." Luo Jia muttered. This Lin Wanqing is a round older than him, is she still so girlish?

The domineering president suddenly turned into a book lover, and this style of painting is a bit curious.

"But not only within the newspaper, but also in the literary world, they are not very friendly to you. They probably think you are not qualified." Xi added.

"Tsk, does traditional literature look down on martial arts?" Luo Jia shook his head, noncommittal.

"Yes." Jiang Yuan said.

"It doesn't matter. There are people like this everywhere. They don't know anything else and can only talk about small problems." Luo Jia said nonchalantly.

"The key is that they are not just talking nonsense. Several people wrote a joint letter to boycott you and put pressure on the newspaper." Jiang Yuan's voice was heavy.

Luo Jia is angry, have I provoked them?"

"I am not sure as well."

"Mom, hurry up and write down all the names. I will talk to you one by one later." Luo Jia said coldly.

Jiang Yuan was shocked. Is this person's temper still so explosive?

"This...we haven't gained a firm foothold yet, so why don't we start a war so quickly?" Jiang Yuan wiped his sweat and regretted telling Luo Jia about this matter. He would have told his sister if he had known better. His sister seems to be very talkative and will definitely handle it properly.

"No, I can't bear this grievance." Luo Jia said bitterly, please sort out the list and give it to me. "

Jiang Yuan nodded his head one at a time and said, "Okay, okay."

He felt that something was not good. He felt that he had stung a hornet's nest. He was afraid that this little guy was going to cause a bloody storm in the literary world. It was so terrifying. He had better warn Lin Wanqing in advance so that she could be prepared. Oh, also There is Luo Qingyi, she is Luo Jia's sister, she should be able to persuade him.

Just as Luo Jia hung up the phone, the ringtone rang again. It was a stranger calling.

"Hello, I'm Lin Wanqing." A cold female voice came from the other side.

"Oh, Chief Editor Lin." Luo Jia frowned, feeling a little weird. Is this his book fan? Shouldn't book fans be the kind of passionate people who clamor to give you a monkey all day long? However, this book fan's When I heard the voice, my heart froze.

"Mr. Luo, your writing is very good." Lin Wanqing said seriously.

Luo Jia scratched his hair.

He found that this was an extremely serious woman, serious and serious. When she said the writing was very good, she was not being polite, but she truly thought so and said it.

Is such a person really a book lover? He has begun to doubt Jiang Yuan's words.

Luo Jia said: "I read your detailed review, and I think you read it very seriously. Although you and I have different opinions on some places, this is a good thing. Different people can have different feelings after reading a book. That's why It’s a good book.”

"Classic works naturally need to be read several times." Lin Wanqing said, "Well, what you said makes sense. You wrote the book, but after I read it, I had my own ideas and got If you think deeper, your understanding will collide with my thoughts, and I may not necessarily have the same thoughts as you."

Then she asked 933: "How are you preparing the new book?"

"It already has hundreds of thousands of words, and it's getting better and better." Luo Jia said.

Lin Wanqing was very shocked. In just a short time, she had already written hundreds of thousands of words. This speed was too fast.

Is this hard work, or is quality neglected for the sake of quantity?

She said: "Is it too fast? If the quality is reduced due to the pursuit of speed, then the gain outweighs the loss."

"Don't worry, I won't do this kind of putting the cart before the horse," Luo Jia said.

"That's good.

"I heard that someone in the literary world wrote a joint letter to boycott me?" Luo Jia asked.

"Oh, those are all a bunch of losers. They pretend to be noble in front of outsiders, look down on this and that, say something and smell like copper, and pretend to be disdainful. But secretly they are jealous to death, but they don't dare to mix in. Why? Because they mix in. If you say that, wouldn't it mean that you are slapping yourself in the face, and all the scolding and despising you have done before will be on you. This is poverty, don't worry about it." Lin Wanqing dismissed it.

"Your literary attainments are higher than theirs, and you earn more money than them, but you are much younger. It is normal for others to be jealous."

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