After negotiating with Lin Wanqing, Luo Jia went to sign the contract, and then Lin Wanqing began to promote it.

The next issue of the newspaper will be revised and a section will be removed, leaving it as Luo Jia's column.

Luojia cooperates with Classic Literature Newspaper, and the new book will be published in a newspaper.

Many people were shocked.

"Luo Jia is crazy. Instead of publishing it properly, he is serializing it in a newspaper? What a nonsense."

"Even if you have some popularity, it will be completely ruined like this. How many people still read the newspaper now?"

"Luo Jia is too confident. After all, reading is a pastime for readers. Will they really change their reading habits because of your book?"

Many users of Classic Literary Newspaper are also dissatisfied, "A young man who writes martial arts novels, put him in Literary Newspaper? Is this to rectify the name of those who fight and kill, or is it simply a revision?"

"In short, I think this is a failed revision. Perhaps the newspaper's long-term bleak sales made the newspaper make a wrong decision."

"We subscribe to newspapers for literary appreciation, not for popular novels."

"Editor-in-Chief Lin, the response is not good. If this continues, let alone the question of whether we can attract new users, we may lose a lot of our old users." Someone from the newspaper came to report the situation.

Most of the people who subscribe to their newspaper are older people, and naturally they are not very interested in martial arts novels.

Lin Wanqing was expressionless, "What's the hurry? Just do as I say."

Using Luo Jia's work, she believed that she had made the right move, so she could withstand the pressure even if it was very stressful.

At the same time, Luo Jia also announced the matter on Weibo, "The new book will meet with you next Wednesday at the Classic Literature Journal. The title of the book is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". We will see you again then.

The number of replies immediately soared. Luo Jia now has many fans on Weibo and is very active. As soon as he posts on Weibo, there are a lot of replies in an instant.

"After a long wait, Luo Jia is still as productive as ever, but what the hell is this classic literary journal?"

"Newspaper? What kind of thing is this from ancient times?"

"The new book is serialized in the newspaper. Brother, are you kidding me? I have seen my grandfather reading the newspaper..."

"But the words "classic literature" make me blush a little. What Luo Jia writes is just novels. Why is it suddenly linked to literature? It's still classic literature. This is a bit too high.

"Why isn't what my husband writes about literature? It's a classic."

"Although I am also a fan of "The Legend of Wukong" and "White Horse Roaring in the West Wind", I don't think these two works can be called classic literature.

On Weibo, many people began to argue about this point, with both sides arguing hard and holding their own opinions.

Eventually, someone brought out a bunch of long pictures.

"Let's take a look. This is an article written by Lin Wanqing, the editor-in-chief of the Classic Literature Journal. He reviews White Horse in detail. Look at the interpretation of such an expert. You scumbags will know that the author's exquisite design, even at the beginning The choice of background is all meaningful, who dares to say that this is just a popular novel?"

After receiving theoretical support, Luo Jia's bunch of idiot fans seemed to have received official support. They were very excited, as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, and liked it like crazy [this comment was ranked third in ten seconds.

"Damn it, isn't this a love story? I've never understood it. It's about social issues?"

A group of people were shocked.

"It's scary to think about it carefully. Now I feel that there are foreshadowings everywhere. No, I have to watch it again."

"Let's go together. In fact, when I first started reading the book, I thought it was a little strange. It wasn't until I read this article that I realized that Luo Jia had laid the groundwork for it a long time ago."

"If this is the case, then I'm afraid the ending has already been doomed. At that time, so many people were expecting Li Wenxiu and Su Pu to get together. Now it seems that the author has never thought about this at all."

"The listener is sad and the listener sheds tears. I am about to be tortured by a book again."

Luo Jia also saw this reply with the highest number of likes, thought about it, and replied: "Editor-in-chief Lin's analysis and insights are very unique, and I agree with some of them. In fact, I did some work with her at the time. I have benefited a lot from many of her ideas during the discussion, which is also an important reason why I finally chose to serialize a new book under her classic literary journal.


"I see, are you going to abandon Miss Li Mingzhu and fall into the arms of the domineering editor-in-chief, Sister Lin? What a man who starts in trouble and ends up giving up.

"It feels really good to have someone who can understand your own books. I will continue to support you and look forward to your new books."

"I found out the resume of Editor-in-Chief Lin. She is a true academic figure. If she had not plunged into the newspaper office, her achievements would not have stopped here.



Liu Yaoyao was holding a fruit platter, sitting next to Luo Jia boredly, watching him check Weibo.

Click, click, click.

It was a pleasure to eat.

"It seems that many people are still not optimistic about your serialization in newspapers. In fact, I also think it is a suicide attempt." Liu Yaoyao said inarticulately.

"The path of a pioneer is always difficult, but as long as you succeed, the benefits will be terrifying. I am willing to bet on this." Luo Jia said, reaching out to pick up the dragon fruit on the plate, and was slapped by Liu Yaoyao. gone.

"The hands that typed on the keyboard are so dirty." Liu Yaoyao rolled her eyes and picked out a piece with a toothpick and put it in his mouth.

Luo Jia also started to click, and continued: "And I am also very confident in this book, it can definitely open up a new world...

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yaoyao's cell phone rang.

Liu Yaoyao glanced at the caller ID, and her expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Luo Jia asked strangely.

Liu Yaoyao trembled and said, " mother."

"Oh, it's your mother, and she's not a savage beast. Why do you have such an expression?" Luo Yunjing said curiously.

"No, you don't understand. To me, a scourge is nothing in front of my mother." Liu Yaoyao trembled, thought about it, and felt that there was no way to avoid disaster, so she answered the phone and said a few more words. . .

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