My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1008: Keep the little stuff

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What is the relationship between pickles and long hair?

How does he answer this question?

Zhou Yao slowly lifted the corners of his lips. When a thirty-two-year-old mature man really laughed, his narrow eyes would hook up, and the wrinkled lines would be **** and charming. Birds, women like long hair. "

He answered.

Zhou Siming still didn't understand. He blinked a pair of big eyes innocently and innocently. Where does this little point know that his dad's blood is wild and unruly.

"Dad than, in short I like Bai Qi very much, I think Bai Qi is the most beautiful woman in the world, um ... as beautiful as my mummy!" Zhou Siliang's little pot friend will not forget his mummy.

"Oh," the man chuckled, and a few words came out coldly. "She's far worse than your mum."

"Dad, don't say bad things about Bai Qi! I can tell that Bai Qi doesn't like you, and seems to be afraid of you. You better treat Bai Qi better, don't let me know that you bullied her privately, otherwise ... Otherwise I will hate you. "Zhou Si cold said with a small waist.

Bullying her privately?

Zhou Yao remembered what happened in the kitchen last night. Was that bullying her?

The man glanced at his son through the rear-view mirror, his style and evil charm cursed, "Keep the little things unfamiliar!"


Bai Qi's life has returned to normal. On this day, she was in the Baijia Wushu Pavilion, and the owner suddenly came over happily. "Bai Qi, I want to tell you good news."

"Library owner, what good news?"

"An experience event was held in our city, and all martial arts halls that meet the standard can send two outstanding martial arts masters to the army for two days."

"Go to the army?"

"Yes, Bai Qi, this opportunity is not only an affirmation of our Baijia Wushu Gymnasium, but also a good opportunity for experience. I decided to send you and Baibo."

"Bai Bo?" Bai Qi was surprised. "Brother is back?"

Bai Bo is the only son of the museum owner. He has loved martial arts since he was a child. Bai Bo went out to practice at the age of 20 and then established branches of the Baijia Martial Arts Center all over the country, young and promising.

Bai Qi was still wandering two years ago. Suddenly one day she met Bai Bo by coincidence. Bai Bo was very good to her. She was the best person for her in the past four years, because Bai Bo was going on business trips and the two got along. Too little time, in order to get better care for her, Bai Bo sent her to the city of T and to the owner of Bai Guan.

In short, Bai Bo is a very important person in her life.

"Yeah, Bai Bo's career outside is stable, so he took a special plane back last night," said the owner of the White Pavilion with pride in his eyes. He looked at the door, and then quickly smiled, "Cao Cao, Cao Cao has arrived."

Bai Qi quickly looked sideways, and a tall and mighty figure appeared by the door, and Bai Bo arrived.

With a thick eyebrow and big eyes, Bai Bosheng looked at the material of the martial artist. He stepped forward and looked at Bai Qi with a smile. "Bai Qi, haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?"

"Well, fine." Bai Qi nodded, and she showed a soft smile.

At this time, the host of the White Pavilion said "Hehe", "Okay, it's getting late, the outside car is already waiting, you should go to the army quickly, if you have any words, talk slowly on the car."


Bai Qi simply packed two pieces of clothes. Bai Bo was already standing by the car and waiting when she went out. When she saw her, Bai Bo opened the back seat door first, and then took the bag in her hand. "Get in the car."

Bai Qi got in the car, Bai Bo put his luggage in the trunk and got on the car. He said to the driver, "Go ahead."

The car started, Bai Bo said, "Bai Qi, are you still used to living here? Every time I call my dad, I will ask you. My dad said you work hard and hard, and I am happy for you."

"Brother, I live very well here, the owner takes care of me, thank you, without you there would be no me today." Bai Qi said sincerely.

"Don't thank me, Bai Qi, as long as you are good."

"Well, brother, don't you plan to leave when you come back this time?"

"I don't plan to leave for the time being," said Bai Bo, and took a deep look at Bai Qi. "I'm in my 30s this year. My dad urged me to come back and get married. I think my age is coming, so I should find one. Good girl is married. "

Bai Bo's gaze is simple and candid and hot. Bai Qi jumps out of her heart. If she doesn't know that Bai Bo's intention is definitely false, how can there be a person who is good to another for no reason. I like her.

However, she did not know whether she liked Bai Bo or not.

She didn't seem to like anyone.

Bai Qi could only smile awkwardly twice, and she avoided her eyes.

There was pity in Bai Bo's eyes. Instead of continuing the topic, he reached out and patted his shoulder. "It's a long journey. It may take no time until the afternoon. Come and rest on my shoulder for a while."

"Okay." Bai Qi was unpretentious, she leaned lightly on Bai Bo's shoulder and closed her eyes.

In fact, she knows that Bai Bo is a very good man. If she talks to him, she will be very happy. She will have a warm home in the days when the water flows, and the owner of the white house is also very good to her.

She needs to think about it.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, the car stopped outside the army gate. Bai Qi got out of the car. She looked at the two towering male lions near the gate and suddenly had an inexplicable familiarity. She seemed to have been here.

There were enthusiastic soldiers coming to receive them, Bai ** gave Bai Qi a moment, "Bai Qi, what are you going to do, let's go."

Bai Qi went back to life, and she followed Bai Bo into the army.

To be honest, she was unwilling to come to the army. She had a deep resistance to the words "army", because the devil was the general in the army. She didn't know if he was here or not, and she would not meet him.

She didn't want to come, but she shuddered to push the owner's kindness.

Hey, let's settle down when it comes.

There are five martial arts halls in the army this time, with a total of ten people. The team arranged accommodation for them. Everyone had dinner together and then returned to the room to rest.

Take a break early tonight and start living tomorrow morning.

Bai Qi lived in a room. The room was not big, but it was clean and tidy. She didn't think about her mind. She turned off the light and went to bed early.

Early the next morning.

Bai Qi got up very early. After a brief wash, she opened the door. Several other martial arts masters were there, and Bai Bo stepped forward. "Bai Qi, are you out? Come on, let's go to breakfast and wait for you. "

"Well." Bai Qi nodded, and everyone went to the cafeteria.

Although I had dinner in the army last night, it was in the reception room. I had to go to the restaurant in the morning to eat. Everyone got lost for a while. "Where is the restaurant?"

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