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Xiaozhi was unable to extricate himself in the painful memories. After he stabilized his emotions, he found that Bai Qi was not gone. He looked back, "Bai Qi, what happened to you, your face is so pale."

Bai Qi felt that her hands and feet were cold. She clenched her clothes in front of her lower abdomen with a small hand, did she have a cesarean section? Is there a stab in the stomach? Is there a scar left crooked like a little bug crawling?

Bai Qi wanted to laugh, but she couldn't smile, she felt her face expressions were stiff, "What about her ... corpse? Are they buried?"

She found her voice trembling.

Xiao Zhi shook his head silently, he lowered his voice, "The sister-in-law closed her eyes that day, and the admiral soon passed out. Actually, something happened later, and the admiral didn't know."

Specific what happened, Xiao Zhi refused to say, Xiao Zhi looked at Bai Qi.

Bai Qi nodded her head and looked down at her toes. "Is ... Leng Zhiyu's corpse is gone? Are you afraid that ... they will be crazy last week, so ... keep him hidden?"

"Bai Qi, how do you know?" Xiaozhi was shocked. Not many people knew about it. He could be sure that those people would never say it.

Bai Qi didn't answer. She ripped the corner of her mouth, and Xiao Silian was four years old. It means that Leng Zhiyu died four years ago, and she ... except for the memory of these four years, the entire brain is blank.

She wasn't sure, she just thought it was ... weird.

Xiao Zhi couldn't tell Bai Qi, in fact she wasn't right. Leng Zhiyu's body was not missing, but was blown up by ...

After Zhou Yao fainted four years ago, everyone gathered outside, and Zhou Dayuan came. At that time, Master Si Leng's body was green and hypoxic. Dr. Zhou took Master Si Leng and took the plane for first aid. , "Boom" exploded inside, including the room where the cold kite stayed.

When he hurried over, the area was in ruins. The war was too fierce. There were so many corpses. When he and everyone excavated the ruins, he found many incomplete corpses, and he could not identify who was who.

This was a sunny thunderbolt for all the people present, Zhou Yao was dizzy, and Leng Zhiyu's body was destroyed again. This is a big problem that the sky has fallen. Everyone knows that Zhou Yao can't accept it if he knows it.

To make matters worse, the island was blown up by a black hole, and the icy water was rapidly rising upwards. The island was dead, and it would soon be flooded with water. The security agencies above and abroad directly issued orders for them to evacuate quickly. .

The ruins were quickly submerged. They were powerless. Humans could not resist the power of nature. They were disheartened.

Everyone knows, in a word, the body of the cold kite can't be found.

This has become an established fact. In order to reduce casualties, they had to evacuate. Xiaozhi called Mr. Zhou and explained the situation. Mr. Zhou took Zhou Yao directly from the airport in T city.

Zhou Yao was awake for a whole week. After waking up, he was searching for Leng Yijie frantically, but Father Zhou told him that Leng Yijie had been buried.

A monument was added to the tomb ridge of the Zhou family.

Xiaozhi went to the Zhoujia Tomb Ridge once. It was Zhou Yao who was just awake. He ran back to the house when he woke up. He knelt in front of the tombstone and used his hand to plan the soil. Shaving the soil like a lunatic will drip the blood of his hand.

Mr. Zhou knew that he couldn't accept it, the tombstone was empty, and Mr. Zhou also determined that he was going crazy. Mr. Zhou didn't believe he dared to open the coffin, and he was willing to open it.

Later, Zhou Yao stopped because he heard Xiao Siling's cry, and Zhou Dayuan sent the first notice of illness, and Xiao Silian may not be able to pass.

Little Si Leng was the only token left by the cold kite.

Xiao Si Leng is his bones and blood, he is a father.

Later, even after all these years passed, everyone clearly remembered that the tall man was holding a cup of loess in his hands and he wept loudly in front of the tombstone.

Xiao Seleng needed his care. In the first two years, Xiao Seleng fell into several critical illnesses. Zhou Yaoyi took care of him, and the tenacious little life came through.

For the past four years, their grandfathers have been dependent on each other.

Xiao Zhi sighed, and then withdrew the memories. He looked at Bai Qi, the woman's face was pale and bloodless, and she slowly reached out and covered her head.

"Bai Qi, what's wrong with you, is your headache?" Xiao Zhi asked immediately.

Bai Qi shook her head. She did have a headache. In the past four years, she couldn't work hard to think about the past. When she thought about the past, she had a bad headache.

She felt that someone had put a tight curse on her head. This curse made her unable to remember the past. She tried hard to break through the curse, but her head hurt.

At this time, Bai Bo ran over, "Bai Qi, why are you so far away from the instructor, everyone is gathered in front, and will appear on the week."

Xiao Zhi laughed, "Let's go and see."

"Okay, Bai Qi, go." Bai Bo took Bai Qi's cold hand.

Bai Qi didn't want to go. She actually rejected Zhou Yao but she was attracted to Zhou Yao subconsciously. Although she didn't want to admit it, she would have an uncontrollable red heartbeat when facing him.

She felt something attracted her deeply.


Bai Qi was pulled to a training ground. Many people gathered around it. Black heads were crowded tightly. Bai Qi didn't dare to come forward, she stepped back a little.

There was a large circle in the middle. Zhou Yao stood in the middle like a moon being starred by the stars. At this time, a martial artist said, "The name of General Zhou is really thundering, but there are few opportunities to see General Zhou these years It ’s time to shoot. I have one unsolicited invitation. Could you please invite General Zhou to discuss two tricks with me, and let me see the magical skills of Zhou on Sunday. "

"Okay okay, General Zhou, you promise!" Everyone echoed in excitement.

Bai Qi looked up, and there were many literary and artistic soldiers gathered in front, very young and beautiful girls. At this time, they were folded their hands together and looked at Zhou Yao with great admiration.

Bai Qi deeply despised the man inside, he was too arrogant!

Zhou Yao glanced at the martial artist, then nodded gently, "OK."

The martial artist was overjoyed, he immediately dumped his jacket and stood in the circle.

Zhou Yao slowly raised his hand, and his clear palms untied the green uniforms of his army, exposing the white vest inside.

The man's figure is really good. His bronzed complexion, muscles are piece by piece, powerful skeleton, and a **** vest is tied into a black belt. The mermaid line around the waist wants to spray nosebleeds.

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