My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1026: Shut up to Lao Tzu

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The doorbell rang, and Bai Qi remembered a big event. She panicked and pushed the man on her body, "Zhou Yao, cold thoughts, you can let go!"

Hearing Si Leng's name, Zhou Yao frowned at Jian Jian, "What is he doing here?"

His son broke his good deeds, and his face was displeased, but he still feared his son, so he slowly and reluctantly released Bai Qi.

Bai Qi immediately jumped down from the table to sort out her clothes, and she glanced at the man. "What are you talking about? Is it for you to do, but not for cold thinking?"

Zhou Yao's face sank. "Dare to talk back!"

Bai Qi thought it was funny. She provoked her lips provocatively. "Who are you teaching? I'm not thinking cold. Do you think of yourself as my dad?"

Zhou Yao's tightly frowned sword eyebrows suddenly loosened, and he grinned evilly, "If you like to call my dad, that's fine."


"Also, I will teach you what happened. I used to teach you less? Si Leng is disobedient and I like to spank him. After that, you disobediently I will give you an injection." Zhou Yao said wildly Fastened a metal belt on the superb waist.

Bai Qi flushed with a small face. What was he talking about?

Does he have a face?

Bai Qi didn't want to ignore him, she turned and opened the door.

Zhou Yao glanced at her back, and reluctantly retracted his gaze. He bent down and picked up the red rope pendant that had fallen from the ground.

Patting the dust off the pendant, he tied the red rope back to his neck.

As soon as he was tied, he heard the mother and son behind were tired and crooked, "Si Leng, you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Bai Qi, is this your home? I've been excited all day today, and I'm waiting to be your guest. Bai Qi, you are awesome."

It's strange how Zhou Yao heard and pierced the conversation between the two people. Before, the two people talked the same way. He didn't feel it, but now he is secretly upset.

That woman was cold and cruel to him, but it was like a change of person to Si Leng, and that little bit, he would not know his mind, he wanted to make Lao Tzu's woman!

Zhou Yao didn't look down on this little competitor, but Bai Qi's different treatment made him look dark.

Mother Zhou's voice also passed over, "Mr. Bai, please trouble you ..."

"Auntie, it's not troublesome at all, you can often come to play with Si Leng in the future, come, Auntie, Si Leng, come in quickly."

"Okay." Zhou Siliang, Xiaopenyou jumped in with a smile.

But as soon as he entered the door, the smile on Zhou Siliang's face froze instantly. He looked at the tall and erect figure standing in the room, and it was like a pine that couldn't be ignored. He shuffled his mouth, "Dad ... Dad, why are you ... here? "

Zhou Yao wiped his trousers pocket and glanced at his son. He lifted his thin lips, "Want me to answer you?"

As soon as Zhou Silian's face fell, what did he say, he couldn't communicate with his father!

Bai Qi couldn't see Zhou Yao doing this to her son. She glanced at the man fiercely, which meant ... it wouldn't be good to speak well, what cool?

Zhou Yao looked at the dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction of the woman's face, and he looked away coolly.

However, the woman's gaze stayed on his face, and the man rubbed his fingertips in the pocket of his pants a little, and he didn't want to make her angry because of what he had just recognized.

"I'm here to do business." Zhou Yao explained to Zhou Siliang concisely.

In fact, Zhou SiLing still wanted to ask what to do, but it was still forgotten. Today Dad was better than answering his question. He is better ... flattered.

It was strange for Zhou's mother to see Zhou Yao here. To be honest, if anyone told her that Zhou Yao and a certain woman were in a jewelry store or a hotel, she would not be surprised at all, but today he came to Bai Qi's private residence. This is a concept that Zhou Yao brought home a woman someday.

Mother Zhou always felt that there was something between Zhou Yao and Bai Qi, but she was not as naive as Zhou Silian's Xiaopenyou. Zhou Mother glanced at them and then saw Zhou Yao's broken lips Jiao, she was here, and at a glance, Zhou Yao's lips were bitten by a woman.

Who else is this woman?

Only Bai Qi.

Bai Qi went to the kitchen, "Si Leng, are you hungry? I have prepared all the dishes, shall I cook for you now?"

"Okay, okay." Zhou Siliang cheered for joy.

"Auntie, you stay and eat too."

Mother Zhou nodded. "That's all, today I will give a taste of Teacher Bai's skill."

The woman entered the kitchen, and the pair of grandparents and grandsons were so open again. Zhou Yao stood a bit out of place and was completely ignored. He coughed, "I'm eating here too."

Zhou Siming was surprised when he heard it, he wanted to speak, but Zhou Yao passed a glance, it was very simple ... Shut up to Lao Tzu!

Mother Zhou grinned, "Okay, then let Mr. Bai add another pair of chopsticks ..."

At this time Bai Qi poked her head out of the kitchen. She looked at Zhou Yao and shrugged apologetically. "I'm sorry, the meal is ready. I only prepared for three people."

Zhou Yao's entire face sank completely. Did she drive him away?

Zhou Yao glanced immediately, he glanced at Mother Zhou.

Mother Zhou, "Oh, Teacher Bai, I won't eat here anymore. I'll go back first. Zhou Yao and Si Leng are eating here. The meal is just right. After eating, Zhou Yao sends Si Leng home."


"Okay, that's it, Teacher Bai, I'll go first." There seemed to be someone chasing behind her, and she hurriedly turned and ran away.

Bai Qi, ...

This week, Zhou Yao was satisfied. He pulled out his long legs and sat on the only sofa in the living room. There was a newspaper on the coffee table. He picked it up and looked at it. Bai Qi glanced at his two stretched forwards. With long legs, he was left cheeky by his cheek, but she could see from him an insignificant demise.

She gave him a stern glance, bastard!

Zhou Yao didn't need to look up to know that she was scolding him. He didn't care. At this moment, the sofa around him was sunken slightly. Zhou Si's cold and tender voice sounded, "Daddy, why do you stay here?"

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Tonight is my time with Bai Qi alone, don't you think it's very wrong for you to stay and eat rice, you are already a super big bulb." Zhou SiLeng was grieved.

Zhou Yao snorted in his heart, and he wanted to tell this little thing, do n’t even think about it, it ’s your mum ...

But he didn't think the timing was right. He didn't look up and replied succinctly, "Will I ... take you home?"

Zhou SiLing, ...

Hum, you're ruthless!


Bai Qi brought three dishes and one soup to the table, and three people sat down to eat.

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