My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1037: Why are you doing so much trouble now?

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After listening to his son's solemn warning that he was not allowed to touch his woman, Zhou Yao slowly turned his eyes.

At this moment he was leaning lazily on the bedside, and a black shirt was loosely worn on him. There were only two buttons on his shirt, revealing his bronzed chest and waist mermaid line. The bed was too small. The two long legs could not be straightened at all, so they were bent, but there was a pair of shorts under him, and the sharp outline in the shorts could hardly be seen.

Zhou Yao narrowed his eyes and looked at his son. His hair was still wet, and he was lazy. "What are you saying, don't allow me to ... touch her, what if ... I touched it?"

He reached out his long arm and touched Bai Qi's face.

As soon as Zhou SiLeng's friend turned around, he saw his dad touching his woman's face. He immediately turned his head and said angrily, "Daddy, you are so abominable!"

Bai Qi didn't expect him to be like this. When the son was here, she quickly reached out and tried to shake his palm, but he left first. When he left, he did not know whether he intended to touch her chest with his fingertips or not. .

Bai Qi's entire face seemed to be burning.

Zhou Yao stretched his arm out, and his son said he was disgusting. He raised his lips and snorted, and said lazily, "So what?"

Zhou Siliang, a small friend, ...

The father and son were getting more and more embarrassed. Bai Qi quickly spoke. She held Zhou Si cold tightly in her arms, and then coaxed, "Si cold, your father is playing with you ... It's not too late. You go to bed soon. "

Zhou Silian's little pot friend is very sad. No, he must talk to his father tomorrow.

Bai Qi ’s arms are soft and fragrant. Zhou Silian ’s little pot friend found himself a comfortable position and curled himself into a ball. He was a little sleepy. “Bai Qi, we ignore the daddy than you, you continue to give Let me tell a story. "

"Okay." Bai Qi held him in one hand and picked up the fairy tale book in one hand, and she continued to tell the story.

The light in the room was dim and dim, and Buddhism was buried in her arms. The sound of the woman's storytelling was soft and beautiful. The light hit her face with even a tiny layer of fluff. After a layer of honey, Zhou Yao looked only to feel that a feather was constantly brushing on his atrium.

He leaned over, held her small face with his right palm, and kissed her red lips.

Bai Qi was still telling a story. Suddenly he was attacked by her. She hurriedly reached out and pushed him away. Xiao Silian was still in her arms. How could he ...

Zhou Yao also jealous of Xiao Si cold, he hasn't fallen asleep yet, feeling that Xiao Si cold moved a bit, he quickly returned to his place.

"Bai Qi, why don't you stop talking?"

"Oh, I ... thirsty ..."

Zhou Siling's little pot friend was already asleep stupidly, and he said with a small lip, "Bai Qi, if you are thirsty, don't tell me, I'm going to sleep."

"Okay, good night." Bai Qi touched his soft black hair.

Zhou Siliang's little pot friend soon fell asleep, Zhou Yao glanced at his son, and then he moved lightly again, and his big palm shuttled into Bai Qi's hair and clasped her back, and he closed Eyes covered her red lips.

Bai Qi shuddered and then quickly evaded, "No ... Si Leng is here ..."

"If you say one more word, I will throw this little cub out!" Zhou Yao threatened her with red lips dumbly.

What is he saying?

"How can you say that, Zhou Yao, he is your son!" He probed in while she spoke, and she refused to push him out with her tongue.

Zhou Yao tried to catch her little tongue several times and she slipped away. He suspected that she was intentional, and she played this trick of rejection and welcome to hook him.

He was tense and frowned, and he said impatiently, "Why is it so troublesome to do something now?"

He kissed her pink neck and went down to explore her clothes corner with a big palm, but only found Xiao Si's warm and small body. This little boy was afraid that Dad would steal Bai Qi, so he kept tight in his sleep. Holding Bai Qi.

Zhou Yao's breathing was getting heavy, and it was false to say that disapproval was not true. When he was with her before, he could do whatever he wanted, and the two of them once wished to squeeze out each other, and could enjoy each other's youthful and delicate body and strength.

Now that he has this small point, he realizes that everything will be done secretly in the future.

Zhou Yao retracted his hand and unbuttoned her chest, and unbuttoned, he buried his head in ...

Bai Qi was tense all over. She bit her lower lip tightly with her teeth to prevent her from screaming. Two little hands pinched his wet short hair, and she wanted to push him out.

But Zhou Yao was so willing, and realized that her body kept moving away. His big palm came to her, and he wanted to give her a slap, but he was afraid of his son. Take her ass.

Bai Qi almost burst into tears and glanced down at him. He was buried in her chest, his son's small head was under him, and the big man and little boy were in her arms.

She felt like she was carrying two children.

This feeling was ashamed, she quickly reached out and pinched his ears.

Zhou Yao frowned, and he raised his head.

His bright narrow eyes were staring at her tightly, Bai Qi's little hand was still on his ear, and she retracted lightningly, and then he heard his low voice, "Go to the living room."

Bai Qi shook her head like a rattle.

Zhou Yao stretched his tongue and licked his thin dry lips. "Then go to the bathroom, don't call me, I'll be lighter ..."

Bai Qi was even more unwilling.

Zhou Yao didn't ask for her opinion. He wanted to, and he had to arrive tonight. He stood up, reached out and dialed Xiao Siliang's small hand that was tightly clasped on Bai Qi's waist.

Zhou Si cold fell asleep, so when Zhou Yao lifted his little hand, he also let go. Zhou Yao was so happy that he wanted to lift Bai Qi horizontally, but then his arm hurt and a circle of small teeth appeared.

It turned out that Zhou Siliang's little pot friend bit his dad more than a bite.

Zhou Yao's face was dark, and he couldn't wait to slap him to greet the **** of Zhou Silian's little pot friend last week.

Bai Qi sees Zhou Yao suffers. To know that no one can eat this dumb loss in the past few years, Bai Qi can't help but laugh out loud, but she knows that he is in a bad mood, so she doesn't mess with him, she uses her hand Cover your mouth.

Zhou Siliang Xiaopenyou also giggled twice in his sleep, because he had a sweet dream, and he bit the nasty dad more than a bite.

Daddy has been pressing him like Wuzhishan, and today he finally counterattacked.

Zhou Sileng's little pot friend secretly laughed twice and then turned around. He continued to hug Bai Qi to sleep.

This week Zhou Yao's face became the bottom of the black pot directly.

Bai Qi didn't want to make any comments at this time. She reached out and turned off the light in the room, then leaned down and kissed Xiao Siliang, son, good job!

She hugged Xiao Si cold and went to sleep.

Zhou Yao, ...

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