My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1039: It's been a night

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Bai Qi was really serious and wanted to discuss with Zhou Yao about Si Leng's education, but now she sits on his lap, this posture ...

"Zhou Yao, don't make trouble, I'll tell you the business!" She was going to get off his thigh.

But Zhou Yao refused to let him. His big palm hugs her waistline, and he raised her eyebrows and whispered, "Whatever you want to say, I listen."

Bai Qi's ears are a little red, and she has to say, "Don't be so fierce with Si Leng, Si Leng is still small, we must slowly and patiently teach him, you will scare him so fiercely."

"Then what should I do? Hold him in my arms like this to coax?" Zhou Yao stood up straight, his head buried in Bai Qi's soft chest and hesitated.


Bai Qi's face blushed. She squeezed his fist and hammered him twice. "Zhou Yao, I'll tell you the business, can you stop ... this way?"

"Wife, what am I doing, huh?" Zhou Yao clasped her waist and caused her to rub a few times on his strong thigh, and his behavior was very bad.

"Zhou Yao! I will be angry if you do this again!"

She was serious about telling him about his son's education, but his attitude was obviously casual. He added so much sulfur that she even felt the change somewhere after two grinds.

Seeing a woman was really angry, Zhou Yao raised his head to look at her. The narrow eyes of the man were deep and bright. "My education method is wrong, and I will give you education after thinking cold. I have been both father and Damn, you know I have a bad temper and it's hard to change. Now I leave the responsibility to you. "

Bai Qi was very angry. "As soon as I come back, you will give Si Leng education to me. What will you do in the future?"

Zhou Yao narrowed his eyes at once, and the man's slender eyes were all hooked up because of the smile, and the charm and charm opened up, "Oh, do it ... you."

"You!" Bai Qi hammered his shoulder angrily.

Zhou Yao buried her powder neck and sniffed the aroma she sent. He murmured in a good mood. "Sister-in-law, would you like to see how many cubs I can make?"

What is he talking about?

Bai Qi did not expect that his serious conversation was completely beyond recognition. He turned her face into a red ear, and he was indeed an old driver.

"You go away!" She was really angry, so she turned cold.

Zhou Yao would still look at her face, clutching her back of her head and kissing her red lips with a big palm. He smiled and coaxed, "Know what I know, I remember everything you say, I educate and think coldly It ’s not the right way. Let ’s do what you say. I listen to you. ”

Bai Qi's complexion gradually eased. She looked at the man's handsome face and muttered, "It's almost the same."

"Oh." Zhou Yao laughed, he lay back into the chair, and then pressed the woman down on his chest. He kissed the woman's white earlobe, and said dumbly, "Wife, I want . "

What did he want? Bai Qi knew what he was thinking, "No, this is in the car, it will be seen." She struggled to get up.

Zhou Yao clasped her back and hurriedly blocked her lips. He went wherever she hid. She was in his arms and couldn't escape. "Sister-in-law, look at someone outside?" "

Bai Qi lifted his eyes and glanced out the window of the car. The man had parked the car in a remote alley, where even a figure could not be seen.

"Zhou Yao, you have been planning for a long time! You do not want to be serious in the head of an army admiral, think about it, are you ashamed? When you are on the battlefield, your legs will be soft!" Bai Qi scolded with a red face he.

Zhou Yao reached out and touched her little face. The woman's skin was greasy and tender, and she felt like silk in the palm of her hand. "Don't worry about my legs being soft. I don't know my physical strength. I will be able to do you when I come back from the battlefield. Two hours ... "

"Hey!" He said everything, without a limit, Bai Qi quickly covered his mouth with his little hand.

Zhou Yao closed his eyebrows tightly, his body tight. He covered her ears half-coquettishly and hurriedly and said, "Daughter, don't fret, you can touch me, I can't wait anymore, you are willing to strangle me ? "

Bai Qi couldn't hold back his soft and hard foam. He always said that this is the best. If he wants to, he must. Sometimes his physical strength is really amazing. Several times a night. If he is not given him, he will spend the whole day. The condition is not right, the outline of the pants is clear, and it does not disappear.

He walked to the street in such a way that the rate of turning back was very high. Now the girl is bold and proactive. She should see and should not. Bai Qi doesn't want him to be seen by others.

Bai Qi stretched out two small hands and hugged his neck. She closed her eyes and kissed his thin lips, and gave them, anyway ... she wanted them too.

She proactively and acridly traced his **** lip line, and then went in to deepen the kiss ...

Just a few seconds, the man who couldn't stand her initiative had hugged her slim waist and pressed her under the body, there was not enough space in the car, the man touched her a few directly to unfasten his belt ...

Bai Qi hammered him, "You ... slow down ..."

She had never been in a car, she always felt very unsafe and was afraid of being hit.

Zhou Yao held a hand on the side of her brain, her eyes were scarlet, and he leaned down and kissed her, rudely swearing, "After a while, you'll ask Lao Zi to hurry up, and spend a night ... wife, you will What do you like? Your husband is doing a great job ... "

Bai Qi closed her eyes quickly, she was scared to listen to him ... swear words.


The car stopped when Bai Qi opened her eyes again. She was too tired just now, and she was already asleep.

"Awake?" The man beside him pressed his steering wheel with one hand, rubbing her hair with a big palm.

Bai Qi wore his black coat and was sore all over. She didn't need to look to know that she was full of traces. Today, the low-necked shirt she wore today, after asking for a long time, he didn't leave traces on her neck.

She was exhausted, but the man was full of joy. The grey shirt had two loose buttons, and the black **** metal belt, black trousers and trousers were wrinkled, but this did not affect the texture of the mature man on him.

Bai Qi glanced at him and didn't want to ignore him.

Zhou Yao smiled calmly, he turned around, "daughter-in-law, didn't you meet just now? It's her husband's bad, continue at night."

"Go away!" Bai Qi pushed him.

Zhou Yao hugged her in his arms, and he loved to kiss the awkward woman in his arms. The two quarrelled, and finally Bai Qi leaned back into his arms.

So tired.

Zhou Yao held her clean forehead with a firm jaw. "Wife, can you go? I'll take you to meet someone, and the high priest found it."

Bai Qi froze, and she looked up in the man's arms.

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