My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1041: Goodbye Han Xuan

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Did anyone see it?

"Who saw it?" The man spit out two words.

So the two Red Flame soldiers who had ran a distance in front didn't dare to return, and stood in a salute and saluted, "Return to Admiral, we didn't see anything!"

The two red flame soldiers really ran away.

Now Bai Qi's entire face was red, and she reluctantly said softly, "Why are you like this, so jealous? Your vinegar is stronger than a woman."

The man buried in her hair and sniffed. He narrowed his eyebrows and said, "Do you think I like to be jealous? If this thing can be controlled, do you think I like to rub like a woman?"

Bai Qi raised her lip corner, and she put her body down and put it in his arms. Today the weather is fine and Yunjuan Yunshu feels comfortable, she feels relieved.

Zhou Yao hugged her tightly. He just felt uncomfortable. Ye Ziyi did not love the world but loved her alone. He fought with Ye Ziyi for so long and argued for so long. Instead, he did n’t want Ye Ziyi to die. She missed it.

"My daughter-in-law, I completely forgot Ye Zi, huh? You are mine, and your heart is mine. I don't want any man to have a place in your heart, even if the geese have left marks!"

"Why are you so overbearing?"

"I'm such a person. You didn't know when you were good to me!"

Is he right?

Bai Qi laughed. She stretched out two small hands and hugged his two healthy arms around her slim waist. "Zhou Yao, I know, so there is no Ye Ziyi, I am yours, you are the complete one. Yes, a dead person, he has done good or bad to me, the only thing I can do is not to hate, everything is a dream. "

Zhou Yao's ruthless facial features suddenly softened, his **** lips evoked a pleasant arc, and kissed Bai Qi's face hard. He smiled, "Trust you! Let me go!"

Here is blue and white, she dare not talk with him here, she yelled, "Okay, our words are clear, can you let me go, Admiral?"

"Let it go!" Zhou Yao kissed her face again.

Bai Qi laughed. "Admiral Zhou, you seem to be getting more and more ... sticky? Don't be afraid of jokes when you pass it on!"

Zhou Yao was in a good mood. He raised his eyebrows. "I'm not afraid of spreading it out. I hurt my wife and my wife and their children and hindered them. Ask them to stay away!"

Well, Bai Qi is helpless, but she just likes him to be strong and overbearing.

The two hugged with affection, then Xiaozhi hurried over, "Admiral, there is something."

Zhou Yao released Bai Qi, and he turned to look at Xiaozhi.

"Admiral, sister-in-law, we have found Han Xuan ..."


The army green jeep stopped, and Zhou Yao took Bai Qi's little hand to make her jump from the back seat. The two stood in place and looked forward. This was a mountain, and there was a nun in the mountain.

Han Xuan has been in this nun's concubine for the past four years.

The two went into the nun's hand in hand, and a zen room was surrounded by the Chiyan soldiers. When Zhou Yao came, the Chiyan soldiers immediately saluted a military salute.

Zhou Yao looked at Bai Qi, "You stay here and wait, I go in to see Han Xuan."

Bai Qi shook her head, "I'll go in with you ..."

"No, Han Xuan will only be irritated when you see you. I'll go and talk to her. Don't worry, I will let her change your face back."

Han Xuan was irritated when she saw her. Was Han Xuan unstimulated when she saw him? I'm afraid that Han Xuan used to have a stubborn love for him, and how much extreme hatred she has now.

Han Xuan will not easily change her face back, she will definitely make him difficult.


"No, but ..." Zhou Yao pursed her thin lips, then reached out and rubbed her hair, "I will listen to you at home later, but I will listen outside."

Zhou Yao pulled out his long legs and entered the zen room.

Bai Qi wants to call him, but the decision he made is difficult to change. Forget it, Han Xuan and he have a period of time, let him solve it by himself.


In the zen room.

Han Xuan was sitting in a wheelchair. She put her hair up and wore a nun hat. She had a plain nun clothes on her body. I haven't seen her for a long time, and she has been very gloomy for a long time, like she hasn't seen the sun for a long time.

Zhou Yao walked in. He looked at Han Xuan on the wheelchair with his hands in his pants pockets.

Han Xuan also looked at him. She had deep-seated hatred in her eyes, and she laughed, "Today is really the sun hitting the west, and General Zhou came to see me, a rare visitor, haha."

Zhou Yao calmly, he said openly, "Han Xuan, we did not expect that we have reached this step today."

Han Xuan stopped laughing immediately, her gloomy eyes wrapped around Zhou Yao like a poisonous snake, "Did you think of it? Zhou Yao, it was you who pushed us into despair!"

Zhou Yao narrowed his eyebrows, "It's not me who pushed us into despair, but you, it's your greed and selfishness."

"Huh, what's the point of saying these now, Zhou Yao, I hate you, I hate the cold kite, I think of you every year in the past four years, I feel a knife dangling in my heart, I pray to the Buddha every night Give you punishment, I want you to never be together! "

Zhou Yao looked up at the buddha statue facing forward. The man's sturdy waist rod stood up like a green pine. He slowly said, "The Buddha has bright eyes. The black and white music in this world is straight and straight. After 16 years, my hands are stained with blood, but I kill those who should be killed. I bear that faith and I am ready to sacrifice for the country at any time. I am a man of the Zhou family, and my life is in the sky, but I Zhou Yao has never asked for more than that woman and a family. If my Buddha is truly compassionate, we will never be separated again and again, and your prayer is bound to fail. "

Han Xuan was trembling with anger, she looked at the man's handsome figure with tenderness and tenderness. For four years, he was still like this, like he whispered at that woman in Yunnan that year, he still spoiled her like that.

Time can't take away his love.

Han Xuan was secretly thinking that if he would do this to her, no, even if he would look at her right, maybe she wouldn't take this step with him. He knew that her lifelong request was nothing but her request. One him.

But no one fulfilled her.

He gave the woman all his pets, and she could only look secretly in the dark corner.

"Enough Zhou Yao. Will you show your love in front of the Buddha this time, say, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Yao looked at Han Xuan. "Why turn around? I'm here."

"Ha, ha ha," Han Xuan raised her head and exaggeratedly laughed. She even laughed with tears. "General Zhou, aren't you a cold kite, which face is she, she is ugly and beautiful, Why do you care? "

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