My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1065: His conscience was greatly broken

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A week passed, Ye Xiaotao didn't return, there was no news, Leng Hao never went to see her again, and his life was calm again.

Because Leng Zhiyu was married to the city of T, Lenghao considered buying a piece of land here to transfer some of Hong Kong's industries here. Zhiyu is a girl. She will start to let go of Hong Kong when she is married. Lenghao hopes that she will To be able to live a normal life, the industry here is the guarantee of living as a gift from his elder brother to his sister.

He bought a 6,000-square-foot plot of land. These are all poor houses. Demolition is easy as long as there is sufficient compensation. There is a small-scale welfare home here. The welfare home does not agree with the demolition.

"Master, we have communicated with the orphanage, but they refused our high compensation and they did not agree to leave there."

Leng Hao was sitting on a leather office chair, holding a pen in his hand to review the documents, and the silver nib made a "rustle" sound on the paper, with a bold and chic font.

He didn't look up, just scratched his lips indifferently. There is still no love for money in the world. "Why?"

"The director of the orphanage said that the orphans were not sound in many aspects, especially the orphans' loneliness and sensitivity. It took them five or even ten years to adjust to the environment here. If they rashly relocate, they will only cause these orphans. Panic, and the orphanage has been helping these orphans look for close relatives all these years. Once they relocate, the results of the previous years of family search will only be exhausted, so the director of the orphanage pleads with us not to let them move. "

Not moving?

Leng Hao smiled expressionlessly.

"Master, what should we do?"

"Give them a final ultimatum. Within two days, if they do not move away, we will be forced to relocate, and all injuries and losses will be borne by themselves."

"Yes, master."


In the orphanage, Ye Xiaotao and a few of her friends came with big bags. "Children, look at what delicious food your sister brought you today."

"Wow, that's great, thank you sisters." A group of orphans swarmed up. They opened the wrapped lunch box, which was filled with snacks, milk, fruits and instant meat.

The children were happy eating.

Ye Xiaotao was sitting on a small wooden bench. She reached out and hugged the little **** the bed. "Sakura, have you missed your sister, my sister fed you a little cherry."

Sakura is four years old. She was diagnosed with leukemia when she was two years old and was abandoned by her biological parents. She was adopted by an orphanage and treated successively, but the effect of the treatment was not good. Now Sakura has two legs No longer aware, she could only lie in bed all day.

Sakura is very cute, with a white face and big eyes. Her happiest time is when the night sister sees her, because her smile is very beautiful, just like an angel.

Sakura took a bite of Little Cherry and nodded her head vigorously. "Well, I really want to miss my sister, sister. Look, this is the picture you taught me to paint."

Sakura took out a picture with Ye Xiaotao's sketch on it.

Ye Xiaotao raised her lip corner, she looked down and kissed Sakura's face and said softly, "Sakura, you are very talented in drawing. My sister is going to send you to a professional school in the second half of the year."

As a professional school, Sakura knows that it is a school with a disability. She has no inferiority, but is very happy. She is very satisfied to get the opportunity to learn.

"Sister Ye, thank you. I am really happy. I will study hard and draw. I want to be a person like my sister in the future."

"Well, you can do it."

At this time, the director of the orphanage came over, "Miss Ye, you are here again. You are really good people. These kids are happy to see you coming."

Ye Xiaotao put Sakura down and stood up. She smiled sweetly, "Dean, we are very happy with our children."

The director of the orphanage nodded, but looked dignified.

"Dean, what's wrong with you?"

The dean of the orphanage sighed, "We have recently encountered a difficult situation. The land here has been bought by a wealthy merchant. They gave us a day to move us away. The forced demolition team will come tomorrow morning. Here are children. The consequences will be unimaginable. "

"What?" Ye Xiaotao was startled. "Where did the rich merchant come from, why did he want us to move out? This is a welfare home, all of them are orphans, and the conscience of that man is greatly broken!"

"Hey, this is the way of the world, they are rich people, they can do whatever they want." The director of the welfare home dignified.

All the other friends came around, and everyone was filled with indignation. Ye Xiaotao said angrily, "Dean, tell us the contact information of the rich businessman, and we will find his theory."

"I don't have his contact information, but he seems to be in that building." The director of the orphanage pointed to a new high-rise building ahead.


A large number of people came to this building. The decoration of the building was very luxurious and magnificent. The little friends were angry. "This rich businessman really enjoys it. Those orphans have difficulty going to school. He not only does not give out some money to donate. Kill everyone. "

"That is, we will have to find him a theory later."

In front of it is an office with the doorplate next to the general manager's office. Ye Xiaotao directly reached out and pushed open the office door.

There was someone in the office, there was a man and a woman on the sofa, the woman was sitting on the man's lap, and they were doing that kind of thing.

The other little friends screamed "Ah" and quickly covered her face with her hands. Ye Xiaotao stood in front of her. She didn't cover her face. Instead, she looked at the man and woman seriously ...

This pose ...

Realizing that someone had broken in, the woman got up with a scream and she yelled in panic, covering her messy clothes. "Who are you and who let you in?"

On the sofa was a middle-aged man with a big belly, that is, the manager. He quickly put on his pants and stammered reprimanded, "Bold! This is my office, what are you doing here?"

"This is your office?" Ye Xiaotao smiled sweetly. "Then we'll find you."

Hearing this crisp childish manager looked up, when looking at the little flowery face of Xiaotao in Qingye, the manager stayed awake, a beautiful and beautiful girl.

The manager suddenly became pale, but he stood upright with a cough. He instructed the woman, "Xiao Li, go out first and make me a cup of coffee."

It turned out that this was the secretary of the manager, and the two were stealing things. Ye Xiaotao suddenly understood.

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