My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1077: That's the young master of the cold home in Hong Kong

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At this time, the door of the bar was open, and a luxury business car was parked outside. The black and shiny body was completely closed, and it was difficult for people outside to see the inside.

But the people in the car could easily see the bar through the window, a group of little girls blocked by a group of hooligans, especially the leading one, her slogan was so loud --- unsuccessful will become benevolence!

Leng Hao listened to the words slightly raised his lips, he thought ... quite interesting.

He always thought that the lady of the night, who had no choice but to do nothing, did chivalry everywhere. Maybe she didn't have much chivalry, she was just bored, she just wanted to show her superiority ...

But now she made him look at her, she was not bored or vanity, she was just a word --- stupid.

Stupid like a pig.

A good lady Qianjin took risks for an irrelevant poor girl.

"Master, Ye Ye and you are unwilling to help. I did not expect that Madam Ye did not give up. She used this method to take risks and played beautifully at the bottom of the pot. She will definitely not be able to sit next night."

Leng Hao snorted. He tilted his eyelids and glanced at Achen in the driver's seat. "Why, do you appreciate her?"

"Don't dare!" Achen laughed. "It's just that Miss Qian Jin in my cognition is either rude and willful, or admires vanity. Madam is very special. She is enthusiastic, intelligent, and perseverant. Once she recognizes something, she will be full of blood Rush in, Madam ... "

Ah Chen also wanted to say, but his eyes hit the back seat Lenghao, and the man was staring deeply at him.

Ah Chen coughed immediately. "Master, I'm talking a lot."

In fact, he was quite wrong. He just talked about the matter and had no meaning. Madam Young was really special. Her vitality and energy, youthful look, he admired it.

However, his appreciation directly attracted the dissatisfaction of his young master, and Achen thought to himself, in fact, the young master was not as indifferent to the young lady as he was on the surface.

Leng Hao looked away, and he said indifferently, "Do you admire her? If we act recklessly like her, we will die a thousand times earlier."

"Yes." Achen nodded. "But Master, what do we do now? It seems that it is really going to fight."

Lenghao looked slowly into the bar.


"Ah!" Ye Xiaotao was screaming, because the gangsters rushed over, so she and her friends could only go to get the resistance weapon, they only touched some wine bottles, so they called with their eyes closed. Those hooligan smashed overhead.

But they couldn't resist for a minute, and Ye Xiaotao's clothes were dragged directly, "Qiang, this chick is over to you."

Ye Xiaotao was pushed into Qiang's arms.

"Don't touch me, hooligan!" Ye Xiaotao grabbed Qiang's face immediately, it is better to break Qiang's face.

At this moment a respectful laughter rang in my ears, "Mrs. Young!"

Ye Xiaotao froze, then she secretly opened an eye to see it, and she was surprised when she said, "Achen? It's you!"

Ah Chen nodded. "It's me."

Ye Xiaotao stood still and looked around. A group of well-trained men in black rushed in to quickly stop the gangsters, and Qiang already squatted by the corner of the wall holding his head.

Brother Qiang is foolish, and he has seen it for a while. These people in black are from the decent gangs. They are all elites. Brother Qiang immediately persuaded. He looked at Ye Xiaotao and begged, "Xiao Meimei, No, little girl, please forgive me, I will never dare. "

Ye Xiaotao snorted, "You still have to tell the police these words."

Said Ye Xiaotao looked at his friends, "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

The little friends' faces were still white, and they were clearly shocked. They patted their chests and panted, "We are fine and we are not injured."

At this time, Ling Feier, who had been hiding in the corner, ran out. She held Ye Xiaotao's little hand and asked worriedly, "Xiao Tao, are you okay, if you are injured because of me, then I won't feel at ease…"

Said Ling Feier was about to make two tears.

Ye Xiaotao patted Ling Fei's shoulder, "I'm fine, Ling Fei, I've got this strong brother, you don't need to be afraid anymore."

"Xiao Tao, thank you very much."

Ye Xiaotao nodded his head and looked at Achen, hesitated, and then she asked, "Where is your master?"

Ah Chen looked out of the door. "Where is it?"

Ye Xiaotao looked sideways, and that luxury business car had disappeared into view.

he's gone.

Ye Xiaotao's heart was soft, and the stinky stone was like that to her last night. She thought he had taken advantage of her and didn't want to help, so he still helped her.

Without him this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

In addition to the incident at the welfare orphanage last time, he has helped her twice, Ye Xiaotao raised his lips, well, she accepted his help for the time being.


The police came soon, and all of Qiang and the gangsters were taken away. Achen withdrew. Ye Xiaotao and her friends also dispersed. Only Ling Feier remained in the bar. She looked obsessively. Outside the door.

At this point, Father Ling came over, "Fairy, don't look at it again, the luxury commercial vehicle is already gone."

Ling Feier looked back, her little face was a little red.

"Mayfair, you are so good. It turns out you have such a big heart. You don't want to talk to a strong man just to climb a better man. Why, do you fancy the man in that luxury car?"

Ling Feier didn't speak. She secretly hid in a corner just to avoid injury when the scene was chaotic. She noticed when the luxury business car came. Later, Achen got out of the car and she saw the man in the back seat.

She only glanced at it and gave a glimpse of the shock. The man hidden in the luxury compartment was black, his legs were expensively crossed, and the man was handsome. The deep senses were like carving, he was like an emperor.

This is the man she dreams of, and that strong brother will only make her sick, she is so young and so beautiful, she has the capital to climb a better man.

Father Ling was very satisfied with his daughter. He said, "What's the use of looking, do you know who he is? Don't say that my father is not good for you, I have already inquired for you."

"What? Have you already inquired?" Ling Fei's eyes stared brightly at Father Ling, "Dad, you say it quickly."

"The license plate of that luxury car is unique in City T. It ’s very easy to find out. The young master from the cold family in Hong Kong has only recently come to T City. He has the right to be rich and powerful. The key is that he is still Single. Mayfair, it's up to you later, Dad will depend on you for the rest of your life. "

"Dad," Ling Feier cobbled, "What are you talking about?"

She looked in the direction where the luxury car disappeared outside the door.

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