My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1086: Husband, can you attend my parent meeting

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Ye Xiaotao shook his head. "It's okay ... Is dinner all right? I want to eat and I'm hungry."

She had a big loss at Lingfeier today, so she was in a bad mood. She urgently needed a little food to adjust her mood.

"Ma'am, dinner is over. Come and eat."

Ye Xiaotao sat into the dining room, and she shoved a white square on the table into her neckline.

At this time, the villa door was opened, and the maid's surprise came. "Master, are you back? So early today?"

Ye Xiaotao jumped in his heart, and Lenghao came back?

She looked at the timetable. It was only six o'clock. He came back ... it was too early.

"Master, Mrs. Young is back. At the restaurant, it's just that Master and Mrs. Young have dinner together."

Ye Xiaotao heard the man snoring, and then he came over smoothly.

Hearing his footsteps, Ye Xiaotao's heartbeat accelerated, and what happened last night clearly appeared in her head. Her pink face was a little red.

Leng Hao sat opposite her at this moment.

The servant was serving, "Well, Madam, why is your face so red and hot?"

This is really a pot which ca n’t be lifted. It was pierced. Ye Xiaotao was guilty of guilty. She immediately raised her eyes and looked at the opposite man.

Unexpectedly, the man was watching her. His long fingers were on the white napkin, and those blue and deep eyes were watching her small face quietly.

Ye Xiaotao's head "hummed" a bit, she straightened the small waist stick subconsciously, and stretched out her tiny white hand to fan the wind. She said to herself, "Yes, it's hot."

"Ma'am, it's not hot this day. It's going to fall. I open the window."


The dishes were ready, and the two began to eat quietly. Ye Xiaotao was still unwilling to think about it. She vigorously forkd the steak on the plate with a fork.

Leng Hao lifted his eyelids and glanced at her, "Steak offends you?"

"No. It's Lingfeier who offends me, I want to jab her!" Ye Xiaotao chewed a small piece of steak in his mouth.

Leng Hao didn't speak, just sneered.

This smirk lit Ye Xiaotao instantly, and she raised her eyes and stared at him, "What are you laughing at, are you laughing at me?"

Leng Hao took the red wine on his hand and took a sip. Without looking at her, he spit out three words, "Do you care about me?"

"You!" Ye Xiaotao finished, she lowered her head and mournfully said to herself, "You laugh at me, laugh at it, Ling Fei was the one I saved, it was all my stupidity! But this Ling Fei was really stupid! It ’s not a person, I thought about it, it must be she who caused me to fall into the water. I had planned to marry her for a fight this morning, but she was n’t there. I think she must have run away. I caught her, otherwise I would never let her go! "

The girl muttered angrily. From his angle, she could see the delicate lines on her face, the little Joan's nose, and the pink mouth. Her appearance reminded him of last night ...

He didn't have much fun last night, but he missed him all day today.

Leng Hao's throat rolled, and he muttered openly, "Ling Feier has already run away, what's the use of being angry with you now? Just have more brains in the future."

Ye Xiaotao snorted. "Of course you are not angry. What loss did you have? Ling Feier has let you take advantage."

"Cheap?" Lenghao looked up, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the girl with a smile, "Which one are you pointing at? I looked at Ling Fei's chest, or did I follow you last night ..."

What is he talking about?

Ye Xiaotao kicked him under the table.

Now Leng Hao saw her white ears burned, she stared at him coquettishly, as if thinking of something, her eyes began to dodge again, and the deer bumped.

Sure enough, she blushed just because she saw him.

Leng Haojun's facial features softened a bit, and he was in a good mood. "It seems that you are very impressed with last night."

Nonsense, can't it be deep?

Hong Kong was her first time that night, but he could only give her powerful robbery and pain. Her head was dizzy. Last night was the second time ...

People say that women will remember her first man, even if she has no emotion, she will have a little emotion when she is doing it.

Women are sensual animals.

"It seems that you are also very impressed with last night." Ye Xiaotao frowned back at him.

Leng Hao looked at her big watery eyes, "If you miss, I can take you back."

"Xingna husband, I will look for you when I miss." Ye Xiaotao said sweetly.

Leng Hao's waist was a bit crunchy. When he couldn't stand her sweet howling to call her "husband", he snorted and lowered his head to continue eating.

Ye Xiaotao thought about one thing, "Yes, my husband, I have one thing to discuss with you."


"Tomorrow our school will have a parent-teacher meeting. My dad can't catch up. The third brother is not abroad. Can you ... go to my parent-teacher meeting?"

"In what capacity am I going?"

"I'm humbling ... Oh."

Leng Hao put down the knife and fork in his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth elegantly with the restaurant. He looked at her, "I am you Shushu?"

"Yeah, yeah, just tomorrow, you pretend to be me, and how hot are you, anyway, almost ten years old, everyone will believe it." Ye Xiaotao blinked her eyes and looked at her poorly.

Leng Hao remembered that the girl was only 20 years old this year, and he was 30, and he was indeed much older than her.

Between men and women, this age difference is the proud capital of women.

"Do you like chaos?"

"What?" Ye Xiaotao didn't understand.

"Then you like to sleep with you?"

Ye Xiaotao's face flushed, "Leng Hao!"

"Then I took your turn and went to bed with you again. How could it be that you're Shu? Find someone else, eh?" Leng Hao stood up and left.

It took a long time for Ye Xiaotao to understand what he meant, and she asked him to dress up her shu, he refused, and then satirized her with hard words.

Smelly stone!


The next day, at school.

The parents' meeting began, and many parents came one after another on the campus. Those classmates were happily holding their intimate arms with their parents, and Ye Xiaotao looked at them alone.

At this moment her heart is sad. She was born with a golden key since she was a child, but she is not numb. She has a daddy who loves her very much, but Daddy only offers her the best material life. she was.

This was the case when she was a kid. Her seat in the school's parent-teacher meeting was always empty. As long as she had a phone call from the father, those school leaders nodded and other students envy her.

But she envied these children with parents in her heart. If she could, she wanted to use the current life to change the love she wanted.

She wants to grow up as ordinary and happy as these classmates.

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