My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1102: Why so careless

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Leng Hao pulled up his long legs and went upstairs. He stood in front of Ye Xiaotao and looked at the girl's pale complexion. He whispered, "Is it uncomfortable?"

The man's greeting made Ye Xiaotao's nose red, and Bai Lingyun didn't care about her. She didn't live in the eyes of others, she only cared about his attitude.

"I'm fine ..." She peeped at the man with a pair of watery eyes, "Husband, I came to Hong Kong suddenly. Are you ... unhappy?"

Leng Hao frowned at Jian Jian, "Now Hong Kong is very messy, don't you run away as a girl ..."

"Husband," Ye Xiaotao quickly stretched out his tiny white hand and grabbed his little finger. She shook coquettishly. "Husband, I miss you."

The last word "Ma" was deliberately prolonged, very soft and glutinous, Leng Hao heard the apex of his heart, the expression on Jun's face suddenly softened, raised his hand and touched her head. Staying here, I've been very busy lately, I don't have time to accompany you, you have to be good, don't go out and cause trouble for me. "

What, is she going to cause trouble?

"I see." Ye Xiaotao nodded.

"Then I'll go to the study room first, and you go back to the room." After speaking Leng Hao turned to the study room.

Ye Xiaotao wanted to call him, but she didn't say anything. He was already busy. She wanted to be a virtuous and obedient wife, but ...

There is Bai Lingyun in the study. What do he and Bai Lingyun have to do?

Shouldn't he explain it to her when he brought Bai Lingyun home?

They said they broke up, it ’s best not to even do it with friends, but he seems to be in a lot of contact with Bai Lingyun.

Ye Xiaotao's heart was full of excitement. She knew she was jealous and crazy.

She doesn't like to be jealous, and it feels out of control.

She turned around and went back to the room first, but then the servant stopped her. "Miss, you really can't enter this room again."

"Did you not hear the conversation I had with your young master just now? I'm your young lady." Ye Xiaotao said with a playful eye.

"This ..." The servant was very distressed. The young master did not officially announce her identity. They could only listen to the master, so the servant said stubbornly. "Even if you are my young lady, you cannot enter. This room. "

Ye Xiaotao stared, "What the hell?"

The servant was afraid to speak.

Ye Xiaotao was suspicious. Isn't this room really for her?

"Well, what about your master's room? I can always enter your master's room." Ye Xiaotao didn't want to embarrass these servants, so he took a step back.

"This ..." the servant refused to say.

Ye Xiaotao had to roll his eyes.

At this moment, a maid came downstairs with two cups of coffee. Ye Xiaotao's eyes brightened. She quickly stepped forward and snatched the maid's coffee.

"No ... hey!"

Ye Xiaotao had quickly walked to the door of the study, and "pushed" she raised her hand and knocked on the door. She really wanted to know what he and Bai Lingyun were doing inside.

"Come in." Lenghao's voice sounded.

Ye Xiaotao pushed in and she saw the two people at the desk at a glance.


Bai Lingyun was sitting on a black leather office chair, her two hands moved quickly on the keyboard, Leng Hao stood beside her, a big palm clasped on the back of the chair behind Bai Lingyun, and a big palm took a A document was placed in front of Bai Lingyun, and the two spoke in a low voice, very focused.

Ye Xiaotao's heart was hit hard, and her eyes were stung by the scene in front of her.

This is Leng Hao's home. Bai Lingyun not only looks like the hostess at home, she is more like Leng Hao's hostess. It can be seen by sitting alone from Bai Lingyun that Leng Hao is standing.

The details of a life can reflect the most essential problem, because it is undisguised.

Ye Xiaotao walked in. She put the coffee on the coffee table in front of the sofa. "Coffee is ready."

No one ignored her, Leng Hao was still talking to Bai Lingyun, and she didn't notice her arrival at all.

Ye Xiaotao's eyes and Yu Guang saw the two servants standing by the door, because she broke in without permission, and the two servants trembled outside, now seeing her like this, the two servants already whispered by covering their mouths .

Ye Xiaotao felt very embarrassed. She had already guessed the servant's dialogue. She repeatedly emphasized that she was their young lady, but their young master was with Bai Lingyun.

Leng Hao and Bai Lingyun have been in love for ten years, and the servants here will not know the identity of Bai Lingyun.

She is a joke.

Ye Xiaotao dropped her eyelashes lonely. She wanted to turn and leave, but she was not reconciled, and when she had a clever idea, she immediately spilled coffee on the back of her hand, and then "hissed".

Leng Hao and Bai Lingyun both looked up at the same time.


Bai Lingyun already knew the moment when Ye Xiaotao came in, but she chose to ignore it. In her opinion, Ye Xiao Tao was a third party, and it was she who destroyed her relationship with Leng Hao for ten years.

She looked down on Ye Xiaotao, how could this girl who was on the roll sheet replace her relationship with Lenghao for ten years?

Leng Hao didn't notice her at all, she was so proud, look, this girl is taking her own shame.

What awful acting skills she now spills the coffee, Bai Lingyun scratched her lips, "Hao, we are discussing very important things, what did Miss Ye break in to do? Will it be very impolite ..."

Her words were not over, the man around him had pulled his leg away, and the man walked to Ye Xiaotao and grasped the back of her hot hand. "Why are you so careless? Your hands are hot."

After speaking, Lenghao lowered his eyes and helped her blow.

Bai Lingyun Tongren shrank, and she looked at Liaohao's handsome face with blame but distressed expression in shock.

Leng Hao ... like Ye Xiaotao?


Ye Xiaotao's heart was sweet. In fact, she was the most afraid of pain, but her hot little hand was held tightly in the palm of his hand, and he helped her blow, and she felt no pain.

She knew that Leng Hao now liked her!

"Isn't it asking you to come back to your room? What coffee are you bringing?" Lenghao's tone was rather unpleasant.

"But, I don't know which room to go back to?" Speaking of Ye Xiaotao, she was still aggrieved.

"Which one you want to go back to, the room here is not your choice? When have you been so obedient and asked me about this little thing?" Leng Hao answered badly.

The two servants at the door were shocked when they saw their young master. They looked at Ye Xiaotao in fear, but they were afraid that Ye Xiaotao would sue him.

Ye Xiaotao didn't say anything, she twitched her lips sweetly, "I know."

"No, the back of the hand is still very red. You need to go back to the room to flush the cold water. Come, get the ointment!" Said Leng Hao took Ye Xiaotao's hand and walked to the door.

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