My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1112: you are pregnant?

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Leng Hao entered the shower room, and Ye Xiaotao hung the black coat in her arms on a hanger. She put on the tip of her nose and sniffed the smell of the coat. Alas, it was all healthy and smelling of him.

Ye Xiaotao's face turned red. What should I do if she was swollen? She was so fascinated by his taste.

She bulged her pink cheeks to suffocate herself, but at this moment, she suddenly saw a wavy long hair hanging on the coat's shoulder.

The smile on the corner of her mouth was so stagnant, she slowly reached out and took off the long hair. This is ... woman's hair.

Didn't he work overtime last night?

Working overtime with women?

Is this ... Bai Lingyun's long hair? She remembers Bai Lingyun's long curly hair, beautiful and charming.

At this moment, the door of the shower room opened, and Leng Hao came out wearing a black bathrobe. When he saw the girl standing by the cupboard in a daze, he asked, "What are you doing?"

Ye Xiaotao looked back, her long hair slipped from her plain fingertips, and she quickly turned to watch the man laugh, "No, I just want to iron the coat for you."

Lenghao wiped two drops of water on his hair with a towel. "Will you iron?"

Oh yes, she can't iron.

"Husband ..."

"Well?" Leng Hao sat beside the bed, and he saw her saying restlessly, "What's wrong? Come here!"

He reached out her hand.

Ye Xiaotao walked over and handed his soft little hand to him, "Well, I ca n’t do laundry and cooking, and cleaning. I seem to have a lot of shortcomings. Will you ... not like me anymore?"

As soon as Leng Hao pushed hard, she dragged her to sit on his thigh. He bent down and kissed her little face, "This is hard to say, so you have to behave well."

"But ... how does it behave? I'm pregnant now, and I can't satisfy you in that regard. I heard that men have to do it several times a week, we have only two times in five months. Will you ... Other women? "Ye Xiaotao blinked at his bright eyes and looked at him timidly.

Speaking of this topic, Leng Hao felt a numbness in his waist and abdomen, and some part of his body was immediately awakened. Damn, he couldn't stand the topic that came out of her mouth.

It's all because the taste of Christmas night was so wonderful. He couldn't bear to force her, tasting it and eroding his bones. He would often think about it.

"A man really wants it, so do I, in order to avoid me looking for a woman outside, so you have to satisfy me as much as possible, such as ..." Leng Hao kissed her finger with a hint.

The place where he was kissed was like a flowing current, numb, Ye Xiaotao quickly withdrew her hand. She bit her lower lip with fine teeth like fresh shells, and then boldly said, "You mean , If I am not satisfied, you will go find another woman? Well, you honestly explained that you did not return all night last night, did you date a woman? "

Looking at her delicate appearance, Lenghao rolled a knot in his throat. He blocked her red lips and said dumbly, "I was with Achen last night, where is the woman?"

Ye Xiaotao was stiff, her two small hands quickly hit his chest, and then pushed him away. She got up from his legs and took a few steps back.

Leng Hao was also stunned. He looked at her momentarily pale face and frowned his sword eyebrows. "What's the matter? Let me kiss you, you react so much?"

He was a little unhappy.

"I ... I'm going to be late, husband. I'm going to school first. You should take a good rest." Ye Xiaotao turned around and ran out quickly.

Leng Hao looked at her disappearing direction. What happened to her?

He did work overtime with Ah Chen last night. What woman, maybe a female secretary gave him a cup of coffee midway, but he didn't even look straight at him.

Looking down at the big tent that was propped up somewhere in his bathrobe, Lenghao shook his head and closed his eyes to sleep.


Ye Xiaotao walked to school holding the drawing board. The cold winter wind blew on her face like a knife, but her heart hurt even more.

He actually lied.

He had woman's long hair on his clothes, but he said he was not with the woman.

She knew she was suspicious. According to her personality, she should have pierced him aloud and questioned him in the room just now, but she didn't dare.

That's Bai Lingyun ...

The woman he guarded for ten years, in the mansion in Hong Kong, he still keeps that room for her, which is full of everything they love.

And she was just ... an intruder.

Bai Lingyun is right, what qualifications does she have?

Ye Xiaotao, are you afraid now?

She asked herself in her heart.

Ye Xiaotao thought too seriously, she looked at her toes while walking, and a scream sounded behind her, "Xiao Tao, be careful!"

Ye Xiaotao returned to her mind, but it was too late, and a cafeteria tricycle full of goods had hit her in the distance.

"Ah!" Ye Xiaotao quickly reached out to protect her belly, but the back of her hand was scraped to the side of the car, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.

With this fall, Ye Xiaotao suddenly felt a cold sweat on his forehead.

It hurts ...

Her little friends all came over, "Little peach, are you okay, did you hurt yourself?"

"Xiao Tao, can you get up? I help you get up ..."

Someone held Ye Xiaotao's arm to pull her up, but Ye Xiaotao couldn't get up, her **** seemed to have broken in half, and her stomach was hard.

The little peach inside kicked her hard.

"Xiao Tao, this won't work. I'll ask the doctor to show you."

"Don't!" Ye Xiaotao stopped quickly, "I can get up, don't call the doctor in the school, I'll go to the hospital for a check later ..."

If the doctors in the infirmary check her up, she will help with her pregnancy.

Once dressed, she may not be able to go to school.

"But Xiao Tao, can you do that?" Many students gathered around, and everyone looked at her with concern.

"I can ..." Ye Xiaotao remembered.

But at this time, a slit was opened in the crowd of onlookers, and several doctors in infirmarys in white coats have arrived. "Yes, do not move, we will check it for you."

Ye Xiaotao Hitomi shrinks, why did the doctor in the infirmary come so fast?

She looked for the tricycle that hit her in the crowd, and saw an old man pushing the tricycle and left.

"Don't go!" Ye Xiaotao tried to catch the old man.

"Ye classmate, don't move, I'll check it for you first!" The doctor in the infirmary could not help but hold Ye Xiaotao's hawk wrist.

"Doctor, what happened to Xiaotao?"

"This!" The doctor changed his face and changed his face. He suddenly looked at Ye Xiaotao and said incredulously, "Are you ... pregnant?"

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