My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1115: Don't make me angry

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"Hao, what kind of person am I? You should know the best. Children are innocent. I will not curse your children, but Miss Night. Do you remember the last time she told her to lie with you to tell her that her stomach hurts? She has always liked to use children as excuses. "Bai Lingyun looked at Lenghao with a draw.

Leng Hao's eyes were deep and lonely, and he pursed his thin lips to look at Ye Xiaotao.

Ye Xiaotao's heart hurt so badly. The last time she did lie and said that she had a stomachache, because she was really afraid that he would go with Bai Lingyun, and she wanted to keep him.

Now think about how guilty she is. How can she say she has a stomachache?

Bai Lingyun was still tightly in his arms. He didn't mean to push her away at all. Ye Xiaotao felt that the scene in front of him was extremely dazzling, and she wanted to rush to separate them.

"I didn't, she was lying!" Ye Xiaotao straightened her beautiful back, she explained clearly. "I was hit by a tricycle at school this morning, and then the doctor came over to confirm the news of my pregnancy. , The principal has told me ... don't go to school ... "

Having said that, Ye Xiaotao's nose became red, and she held her clothes in front of her belly with her little hand. "This is all her conspiracy. She intentionally framed me. I asked her to come out and talk. She Call me slut, and curse our children ... "

"Yes, I can prove everything that happened in the school," Mo Zhengyu glanced at Bai Lingyun and then looked at Lenghao. "I didn't know what they talked about in the cafe, but I believe in Xiaotao. Since Xiaotao fluttered her Coffee, that only means she deserves it! "

"You!" Bai Lingyun wanted to refute, but she changed her mind quickly. "Who are you? What is your relationship with Ye Xiaotao, and you trust her so unconditionally?"

Ye Xiaotao knew that Bai Lingyun was in a trap to let her drill. She wanted to stigmatize her and Mo Xuechang and confuse the audience. This woman's shamelessness and despicableness refreshed her three views.

"He is my senior!" Ye Xiaozheng replied severely.

"Oh, it's a senior. Seeing you so close, I don't know you thought you were men and women."

Ye Xiaotao frowned.

"Enough!" Lenghao said at this time.

Bai Lingyun knew this man, and he was angry now, because what she said just hit his minefield, she just wanted to pierce a thorn in his heart.

"Ho ..."

Leng Hao stretched out his hand and pushed Bai Lingyun, "I let Achen take you home."

Bai Lingyun froze, hating to vomit blood in his heart, so he let her go?

"Miss Bai, please." At this moment, Achen stepped forward and said politely.

"Hao, I ..." Bai Lingyun wanted to talk to him, but the man's gaze was falling on Ye Xiaotao.

Bai Lingyun's eyes flashed a deep jealousy, since when he hadn't seen her in his eyes.

She was unbelieving and unwilling, and she and him had been feeling for ten years.

"Come here!" Leng Hao said in a low and unpleasant voice, and slowly stretched out her right palm to Ye Xiaotao.

Ye Xiaotao's nose was redder and she stepped forward.

"Little peach!" At this moment Mo Zhengyu clasped her slim arms, he looked at Lenghao uneasily. "Xiao Tao fell today, and his face is not good. As her husband, you must believe that she loves her Don't let her get wronged. "

Leng Hao immediately raised his eyebrows and exhaled a dangerous breath. He strode forward and held Ye Xiaotao's soft little hand, and then dragged her into his arms with a force.

Tied his eyelid and glanced at Mo Zhengyu, he said, "My woman, you better not touch, I don't want to see the next time!"

Leng Hao led Ye Xiaotao away.

The face of Mo Zhengyu who was left in place, when he called the "husband" from Ye Xiaotao, he knew that Ye Xiaotao had always been a bright white moonlight in his heart, but now this white moonlight belongs to Someone else.

Bai Lingyun was also stiff, and Leng Hao didn't look at her any more. She looked at the back of the two men and had her nails deeply in her palms.


The two got into the Lincoln car, Leng Hao sat in the driver's seat, and he passed his body to fasten Ye Xiaotao's seat belt.

Ye Xiaotao looked at his focused expression. Although his face was stink, she felt very warm. "Husband," she shook his sleeve with two fingers, "husband, do you believe me? I It's all about the facts. Two days ago I received an inexplicable text message with four words on it, and I came back ... This is clearly a challenge book that Bai Lingyun sent to me, and then something went wrong ... "

"Bai Lingyun has been in T City for half a month." Leng Hao whispered coldly.


Ye Xiaotao's whole heart fell down, and it was awful, she got Bai Lingyun's plan.

This Bai Lingyun is so motivated that Lenghao won't believe her now.

Leng Hao fastened her seat belt and started the car. Two hands pressed on the steering wheel, and the Lincoln car drove out smoothly and quickly.

"But she really cursed our children, and she said she would take you back ..."

Leng Hao glanced at her, "I have known her for ten years, and she is very proud. She said nothing to her."

"People can change, so why do you say I'm in distress at school today?"

"I'll check this." Said Lenghao ticked the corners of his cool lips, "Ye Xiaotao, you can't be so willful in the future."


These two words drove Ye Xiaotao into the abyss. She knew that he believed Bai Lingyun's words from the bottom of her heart. Maybe he didn't think she had any bad heart, but she had a big temper and was very wayward.

Ye Xiaotao felt cool in his heart, congratulations, that bet, Bai Lingyun won.

He believes in Bai Lingyun.

Nothing more, Ye Xiaotao simply turned his head and looked out the window.

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings, she called, and it was her friend.

"Hey ..." she pressed the button.

"Hey, Xiaotao, we have a lot of people just now. We didn't ask you what the **** is going on? Honestly, don't you have a child in your stomach? OK, when did you get together?"

At this time, the carriage was very quiet. The voice of the high-decibel partner passed from the mobile phone immediately, echoing clearly in the entire carriage. Ye Xiaotao heard it and couldn't wait to drop the phone.

"What are you talking about? That's it, vain!" Ye Xiaotao hung up the phone.

Putting the phone in his pocket, Ye Xiaotao carefully looked at Lenghao's complexion. He had no expression on his face, but his facial features were tightly stretched.

"Husband, listen to me explain ..."

"I don't need to explain. In the future, stay away from that Mo Zhengyu. Don't make me angry, huh?" Lenghao narrowed her eyes.

Ye Xiaotao was annoyed by his strange yin and yang voice, "You will be far away from Bai Lingyun in the future, otherwise I will be angry."

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