My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1153: Hello there

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The man stood straight in front of the window with a one-handed trousers pocket, a dark blue shirt, black trousers, wide shoulders and narrow waist. The body's curve was strong and perfect. Like shining with a layer of gold, it glamorous.

Ye Xiaotao originally wanted to talk, but when she saw the back of the man clearly, her pupils shrank, and she froze directly in place.

If the voice just now was her hallucination, the figure in front of her could not be wrong.

It's him.

Leng Hao.

I didn't expect her to meet him so soon.

Although she was ready to see you in T city, it was so ... suddenly.

Be caught off guard.

The atmosphere in the office was solidified like this, half loud, Lenghao slowly turned over, his blue eyes stayed on Ye Xiaotao's body.

He didn't speak, his eyes were deep and his eyes glowed.

Ye Xiaotao took the lead in speaking. After all, she wanted something, otherwise, she would turn around and leave.

"Hello, this winery is yours? A friend of mine is here for a wedding. Because there are too many guests, I want to temporarily rent the next room, don't know if it is convenient or not?

She said, hello ...

Like a tone to a stranger.

In these four years, her attitude towards him again was calm and alienated.

There was no expression on Leng Hao's face, and his thin lips tilted, and he said, "That elegant room was ordered by someone."

Ye Xiaotao is a little disappointed. She is doing business with honesty. Since that elegant room was booked in advance by others, there is no reason for her to force it, but Xiao Jie ...

"Can you re-arrange the banquet in the hall to reduce the space? Gaspar two tables should not be a problem ..." she said as she thought.

"You can discuss this with your manager."

His bulging expression made Ye Xiaotao stagnate, and then it was extremely embarrassing and embarrassing. He meant ... to drive her away?

Ye Xiaotao straightened her slender back, then raised an impeccable smile, "Okay, that's bothering you, goodbye."

She turned and left.

She never thought about what it would be like to meet him, but she really fell off her glasses like she is now. He had a high-flying posture, as if she owed him eight million.

What the hell?

Ye Xiaotao wanted to leave as soon as possible, but her right earlobe was loose, and the pearl studs on her ear fell off and rolled on the carpet.

Oops, after the wedding, the earrings have to be returned to others.

She lifted her foot to chase, but after two steps, the cup was set, and the pearl earrings rolled into the gap between the sofa and the wall and disappeared.

Ye Xiaotao, ...

She turned to look at Leng Hao. The man remained in the same position as before, and he was watching her.

Ye Xiaotao embarrassedly drew a strand of hair from her cheek to her ear. "Well, my earrings have fallen off. Can I get them back?"


Ye Xiaotao pulled out her thin legs and came to the sofa. One of the legs was bent and propped up on the sofa. She bent down and tried to reach out her little ear to reach the pearl earrings in the wall.

Leng Hao stood behind and looked at her. The skirt on her body was already short. She bent down and caused the skirt to drift upwards. He had good eyesight and had seen the white lace library in her.

Leng Hao's eyes were dark, and the male's raised throat knot rolled up and down. He looked at her jade legs and the pair of crystal high heels. This taboo picture called him why he didn't want to move forward and then lie down ...

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