My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1165: Ok i go to jail

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Ye Xiaotao's eyes widened, frightened or repelled, but she could not escape his clutches four years later.

However, she didn't want to do it with him.

She could no longer do such things with him.

Two little hands stabbed his healthy arm, Ye Xiaotao bit his bite on his thin lips, and wished to bite him, *** she gritted her words, "Lenghao, I did not lie to you, if Dare to touch me, I will really sue you! "

Leng Hao didn't open his eyes, he raised his lips and laughed, "OK, sue me, I'll go to jail, I'm willing."

He clasped her back of his head, and pierced his long tongue.

Ye Xiaotao suddenly felt that she couldn't breathe. He took all the air from her and turned the river in her mouth, as always, he was domineering and strong.

He wanted her to live on his breath.

Ye Xiaotao was unwilling and unwilling. He was crazy, but she didn't want to be hurt again.

Two thin legs pounced on him, and two small hands made a few blood marks on his shoulder, and she pushed him hard.

Leng Hao did not resist, and with his skill, he wanted to stop her easily, but he let her vent.

Ye Xiaotao stared at his closed eyes. Although they didn't do much, his tight brows, muddy breath and hot body temperature all conveyed his innocence.

He was immersed in her sweetness.

"Leng Hao!" She avoided her head, then bent her knees and pushed him down.

This time without success, the man's thick big palm quickly clasped her knee and pressed it on the bed sheet. Leng Hao raised his body and looked at her with hot eyes, like a delicious sweetheart.

"Don't struggle, huh? You can't escape, I want to!" He seemed to be sentenced.

Lenghao reached out to untie his metal belt.

Can't escape?

Ye Xiaotao stared at the crystal chandelier above her head. Suddenly his nose turned red and broke his palm. She rolled over and crawled over to the bed.

"Come, help! Sister Leng, Si Leng ..."

A piece collapsed on the side of the bed, Leng Hao went to bed, the metal belt was untied, he pulled down his pants, two big palms clasped the girl's waist and placed her under him, and he began to lie on her. Jeans.

"Don't call it. The sound insulation here is very good. Even if you call your throat broken, no one will come. Be nice, but you haven't done it, I remember you like it before." Leng Hao said evilly.

Her legs were cold, her jeans were back a large part, her body was very heavy, and Leng Hao pressed them up, the hem of the sweater was lifted, and his big palm came in.

Ye Xiaotao trembled, so he was like a demon.

She was haunting his breath all over her, a healthy male smell and a faint smell of tobacco. The terrible thing was that at this time, she didn't even feel his smell.

Before ...

She did like it before, he was so fascinated by him, as long as he would touch her, she would be confused, like a kitten in the spring.

How ridiculous she used to be!

Her eyes were red, and crystal tears kept falling down. She reached out her hand and covered her mouth.

She didn't want to cry.

At this time, a string of mobile phone rings rang, and Ye Xiaotao called.

The cell phone landed on the pillow. Ye Xiaotao reached out to get it, and glanced at the screen to show that it was Miyazaki's phone.

The man behind him probably saw it too. He hugged her thin waist and let her kneel down on the bed. He tried to possess her and leaned down to kiss her soft little earlobe.

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