My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1175: I have never eaten your own cake

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"Xiao Tao, let's go back." Ye Fu ended his gaze briefly, then took her by the shoulder and turned her around.

"Well." Ye Xiaotao nodded and entered the villa.


Back in his room, Ye Xiaotao came to the curtain, and stretched out his white forefinger to draw a curtain slit. The thicker the fog was outside, the figure outside the gate was somber and hazy.

He didn't leave.

At this time, the mobile phone vibrated again and came to text message.

I opened the text message and looked at it. It was issued by Lenghao.

He wanted her to go down.

Ye Xiaotao's face was a little white, and she lags for a few seconds before she put his number on the blacklist.

She turned into the shower room to take a shower, then lay on the soft big bed, turned off the light, and closed her eyes to sleep.

The man outside, she and him are already over.

There will be no intersection in the future.


Early the next morning.

Ye Xiaotao got up, and after breakfast, she went out with a small bag. Today is Miyazaki's birthday. She wants to make a birthday cake for Miyazaki herself.

There was an exclusive driver at home. Ye Xiaotao got into the back seat. The driver asked, "Miss, where are we going now?"

"Go to a nearby supermarket and I'll buy something."

"it is good."

The car drove all the way, and Ye Xiaotao looked at the scenery through the window. At this moment, she suddenly noticed that a car behind her kept following her. It was ... Leng Hao.

What does he want to do?

Ye Xiaotao smiled with a clear look and let him follow.

The car stopped at the supermarket door. Ye Xiaotao took the cart to go to the supermarket. She chose some things, low-gluten flour, butter, whipping cream ... all for cakes.

Ye Xiaotao pushed the cart to make a turn. At this time, "Make a let, please make a let!", A four-wheeled truck full of containers hurriedly pulled over, seeing that she was about to hit her.

"Be careful!" At this moment a strong arm wrapped around her thin waist, and someone was holding her firmly in her arms.

Ye Xiaotao looked sideways, it was Lenghao.

Today he changed a gray shirt, his body was tall and erect, the scar on his right face was much lighter, and he could hardly see it, but he hadn't shaved in a long time, he had a layer of green residue on his jaw, maybe he didn't sleep last night Fortunately or not, his eye sockets were sunken, revealing a bit of vicissitudes of vicissitudes.

He looked at her with distress and nervousness in his eyes.

Ye Xiaotao broke his arm and stepped back two steps, she sneered mercilessly, "Mr. Leng, when did you become a perverted follower?"

Leng Hao looked at her deeply, her outline tight, "I flew to Kyoto yesterday, and then stood downstairs waiting for you ... Did you pull my mobile phone number to the blacklist?"

"Yes." Ye Xiaotao admits generously. "I've made everything clear in City T. I don't think we need to contact any more. Mr. Leng, I would like to advise you to go back to City T. Kyoto is not your place. Don't want to make things too ugly. "

She was warning him that this was her daddy's place, and if he followed her again, she would take measures.

I'm afraid he won't end that time.

Leng Hao thinned her lips into a cold curve.

Ye Xiaotao didn't have time to ignore him, she pushed away with a cart.

Leng Hao followed her, looking at the things in the cart, he asked, "What to buy?"

"Oh, Miyazaki's birthday, I want to make a cake for him myself." Ye Xiaotao replied casually.

Leng Hao's eyes sank and he was already angry, but looking at her decisive slim back, he could not ignite with fire, his thin lips moved, and he awkwardly stiffened his mouth. "I have never eaten your birthday cake . "

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