My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1218: Set her free

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Two months later.

Yejia and Miyajia held an unprecedented grand wedding in the Imperial City of Kyoto.

In the dressing room.

Aunt Miao combed Ye Xiaotao's hair with a comb. She said softly, "Xiao Tao, Aunt Miao has no children in this life. You are my child. Today I marry my daughter and I am happy."

Ye Xiaotao held Aunt Miao's hand, and put her cold face on her hand. She closed her eyes and squinted.

Aunt Miao shed tears in her eyes, "Xiao Tao, there is no one in this world who can't be replaced. From today, forget the past, and be a Mrs. Palace with peace of mind. I believe Aunt Miao, you will be happy.

Ye Xiaotao nodded.

"Come, Xiao Tao, Aunt Miao will wear a wedding dress for you."

Ten minutes later, Ye Xiaotao stood in front of the mirror, and her white and holy wedding dress lined her skin like a jade, a delicate and soft body, and a delicate and delicate face, which made her beautiful.

Aunt Miao admired, "Xiao Tao, you look so beautiful in a wedding dress. Today you are definitely the most beautiful bride in the world."

"Well." Ye Xiaotao nodded.

At this moment someone was knocking on the door. "Mrs. Master is looking for you, it seems that Master can't find his gloves."

Aunt Miao covered her mouth and laughed, "Xiao Tao, let me go. Your father is so excited. Later you will take his arm to walk the red carpet. He was so excited that he did n’t even know where to drop his gloves. I went there once. . "

"it is good."

Aunt Miao went out.

Ye Xiaotao was left in the dressing room, and the arc of Ling Ling's lips slowly flattened out. She sat alone in front of the dressing table and was still in a daze.

"Miss." Then someone knocked on the door again.

"Come in."

The maid came in. "Miss, someone just sent a parcel and said it was an old man's wedding gift for you."

The maid put the parcel in front of the dresser and went out.

Old man ...

Which old man?

Ye Xiaotao slowly reached out his hand and touched the parcel.

It took a few minutes before she unpacked the package.

A pair of crystal high heels are placed in the delicate gift box.

34 yards.

The size she wears.

Ye Xiaotao's beautiful black and white eyes quickly lost focus. She knew who sent it, but she had already guessed it.

Leng Hao.

He gave her a pair of 34-yard princess crystal shoes on her wedding day.

With a slam, Ye Xiaotao reached out and waved all the crystal shoes and boxes to the floor.

Is this his blessing?

She doesn't need it!

What qualifications does he have to bless her?

Is he laughing at her?

Ye Xiaotao's apricot eyes showed deep hatred, but soon, she got up and squatted on the ground. She reached out her little hand and held the crystal shoes in her palm.

The corners of her eyes were wet, and she reached out her hand, and her face was full of tears.

She cried and laughed holding crystal shoes.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside the door, "Song Palace, according to custom, you cannot see the bride before entering the church."

"Don't stop it, Gong Shao can't wait to see his little wife, we can't stop it." ...

The dressing room door was pushed open, and Gong Yan's laughter sounded. "You will all have a big red envelope later."

"Thank you, Gong ... Oh, bride, why are you squatting on the ground and why are you crying?"

"Bride, you can't cry on your wedding day, not auspicious."

Xi Niang panicked and stood up Ye Xiaotao.

Ye Xiaotao looked at Miyazuki with tears in her eyes, and Miyazaki froze by the door.

"Bride, hurry up, I'll dry your tears for you, and I'll make up again later." Xi Niang took a donation to help Ye Xiaotao wipe her tears.

"Come on, you all go out." Miyazaki took the donation.

"Good." Everyone retreated.

There were only two of them in the dressing room. Gong Yue gently and mercifully wiped off all the crystal tears hanging on her face, then he squatted down and picked up the crystal heels on the floor in the gift box.

"Miyazaki," Ye Xiaotao held his hand, "I'm sorry, I just ... couldn't control it."

Gong Yan looked at her, and her delicate makeup couldn't cover her pale complexion. She used to have big and eye-catching big eyes, but now these eyes are only empty and struggling.

She is in pain.

Miyazaki is thinking, is he right to hold her like this?

Being able to marry her can make her stay with him for a long time. This is his happiness, so is she happy?

He is confident that he can give her a lifetime of happiness, but happiness is not happiness. He may not make her happy all his life.

Leng Hao hurt her once, why didn't he hurt her?

For so long, all he did to her was a moral abduction.

She's so sorry and guilty about him, she's trying to compensate him, she wants everyone around them to be satisfied and rest assured, but what about herself?

Her whole heart was given to the man.

Miyazaki held her little hand and kissed him. He smiled warmly, "Don't say sorry, you're not sorry to anyone."

"But ..." Ye Xiaotao lowered her eyelashes.

"Xiao Tao, are you ready, the time is here!" Then Aunt Miao pushed in the door, "Yeah, Gong Shao, why are you here, go out and go out now, you can't see Xiao Tao, all the guests are outside Your father is dizzy and faint. Go and help him. "

Aunt Miao pushed Gong Yan out.

So Miyazaki stood outside the door, and he stared at Ye Xiaotao tenderly through the door that was about to be closed. This girl, who had spent the whole 20 years waiting to be guarded, might be the last look.

The three-man game, he, Xiao Tao, Leng Hao, are all paranoid.

Who you fall in love with at first glance is a matter of life and cannot be changed.

Then let him solve this deadlock, he is willing to sacrifice and fulfill.

This was his last guard of her.

Set her free!


This wedding gathered all the best in Kyoto, and naturally there are no shortage of big stars.

Liu Wenlong is among the invitations.

He wore a black shirt and black trousers, he was tall and strong, and his eyebrows were thick without losing his spirit. His facial features, Zhou Zhengqingyue, were very eye-catching.

His appearance caused a big sensation ---

"Isn't that Liu Wenlong? Oh my gosh, I saw his true face!"

"He won the Golden Melody Award at the age of 30. He is known as the youngest king in the music industry. He heard that in the past two years he has also invested in record, film, and company.

"No, my heart beats so hard, I'm looking for his signature!"

So a group of famous Shuyuans surrounded Liu Wenlong, "Can you sign for me?"

Liu Wenlong looked firm, nodded politely, and he began to sign.

"Thank you."

"you are welcome."

At this time, Liu Wenlong broke into a graceful figure, and the woman was wearing a pale yellow cheongsam, and she looked like the smoky rain of Jiangnan in February.


His face changed suddenly, and he immediately pulled out his long legs to chase.

He walked too fast, accidentally knocked over the wine plate in the waiter's hand, and the red liquor spilled on his shirt. The waiter was horrified. "Sir, I'll wipe it for you."

Liu Longwen has run away.

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