My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1231: I will follow the rules

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"Lenghao, no!" Ye Xiaotao ducked his head to avoid his kiss.

The man's kiss fell on her pink cheeks, and without stopping, he reached out to peel off her nightdress.

"Lenghao, really can't!"

"What's wrong?" The man's voice was hoarse, and he "snapped" and reached for the light on the wall.

The little woman's face was red like a blooming rose, and the three thousand green silk was scattered on the pillow, her bright apricot eyes glanced at him in a charming and alarming manner.

Leng Hao felt itchy.

Standing up straight, her rough palm flexed her knees, and lowered her eyes as he watched and moved.

Jianshuo's chest was panting, and he knew he was going to die on her.

Ye Xiaotao held his strong arm tightly, and his sight was his handsome face, his eyes were down, and the soft forehead of his forehead was moistly covered on his eyelid. She dragged a few of them, exposing a large slab of wheat-colored strong skin, and she was beautiful.

She wanted to refuse, but her eyes were fascinated by his appearance.

Soon she was white again.

Leng Hao leaned down, and the sweat on her forehead dripped onto her face, uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" Ye Xiaotao asked him in a charming voice.

Leng Hao kissed her earlobe turbidly, "No, I can't bear to ..."

Unwilling to end, so control their feelings.

"I won't do it anymore ..."

"I lightly."

"No, really not!" Ye Xiaotao resolutely reached his chest.

Leng Hao stood up and looked down at her. His scarlet eyes were full of hot feelings. He hadn't approached a woman for more than three months, not enough.

The last time she was in traditional Chinese medicine, it was the four years ahead, and the whole four-year window period.

He was also a fierce-blooded body, and tolerated very hard.

He didn't speak, looking at her with those gentle eyes.

Ye Xiaotao was so surprised by the whole thing he looked at that he couldn't stand the charm of him in the bottom of the bed. He really wanted to promise him, but it really didn't work.

"Lenghao, get out!" Yingyu's little feet kicked his casual trousers and pushed him out.

Leng Hao stayed still and asked lowly, "What happened?"

She also wanted it. She had a strong feeling under him. Besides, it was she who made him strong. He still wanted it, but she let him out.

Ye Xiaotao struggled to get up, "I can't ... anyone else knows how to make a joke, how can I be a human ..."

Leng Hao heard it, and froze, as if there was a basin of cold water poured from the top of his head into the soles of his feet.

The feeling in my eyes receded quickly.

He stepped out.

Ye Xiaotao got out of bed quickly, her trembling hand picked up the nightdress on the ground, put it on, and she ran away without turning back.


Ye Xiaotao returned to his room and took a hot bath.

Thinking of what just happened, she felt ashamed.

What she did, he was really charming and charming, but she didn't need to rush people down so eagerly.

Reaching out to touch her lower abdomen, she is biting her lower lip, baby, are you kidding Mummy, isn't Mummy very ... color ...

Um, okay, who makes your dad so attractive, Mummy can't help it ... Besides, this kind of thing, after all, your dad takes advantage, you don't see how he is hungry, I do n’t know how long it has been ... woman ...

Baby, when you are born, Daddy and Mummy will work harder and give you a little brother or sister ...

Ye Xiaotao smiled happily.

Outside the door.

Leng Hao is also stingy.

He wanted to reach out and knock on the door, but his hand was stiff in the air again, and wanted to look at her. She was deeper in that position just now, and she was in a hurry, not knowing that she was not injured.

But remembering the words before she left, it would be embarrassing and embarrassing if he went in. She and him were like ... stealing.

She was Mrs. Gong, but she did with him.

She said that others would know a joke.

indeed so.

He thought his dream should be awake, and he shouldn't have taken over her so selfishly.

Leng Hao returned to his master bedroom, ignited a cigarette, and smoked half a cigarette with his brows frowned. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.



In the bar, the crowd was partying.

Gong Yan put a bunch of wine bottles in front of him, and he continued to drink wine, and his little friends surrounded him ---

"Go boss, stop drinking. Since it's so painful, why are you fleeing marriage? Haven't you waited for Miss Night for twenty years, what happened that you want to do?"

"Boss, you honestly, does Miss Ye like other men?"

"Yes, boss. I was at Rosewood Hotel some time ago. I think Miss Night and the president of Rosewood Hotel are wrong. There must be something between them. Boss, Miss Night, are you sorry?"

Miyazaki waved a slap, "Don't say bad things about her! I will hear another word in the future, then our brothers don't have to do it!"

The little friends looked at each other. The boss was completely planted on a woman and was not saved.

"Okay, boss, let's stop talking, come, drink."

"Yes, who hasn't loved a few wrong people, we will come back again tomorrow."

"There are many good girls in this world. We are looking for a better one." ...

Miyazaki was drunk, and the friends sent him into a luxurious suite.

Putting him on the soft big bed, the little friends walked out quickly.

In the corridor, companion A, "Is it really good for us, if the boss knows that we are taking medicine in his wine and give him a girl, he will kill us tomorrow."

Little friend B, "Dead to death, what are you afraid of? We just sent a girl to the boss!"

Little friend C, "That is, the boss has a heart on Miss Night. We must let the boss know that there are other women in this world besides Miss Night."

Little friend D, "Why didn't that girl come?"

At this moment there was a petite and timid figure in the corridor, white dress, delicate and tender features, and white skin. It was worth 18 years old.

Like a begonia bud that has not yet bloomed.

Bai Beibei came in front of them, her soft little hand dragged her clothesline helplessly, her eyes were like her person, black and white like a newborn baby, she didn't understand anything.

Partner A pushed B and whispered, "Will it be too small?"

Partner B, "Small, so clean."

Bai Beibei looked at them uneasily. The immature voice sounded like an oriole. "I want money. I promised a million. Can you give me half and wait for me to do good things, then you give me the other half? "

She was afraid they would cheat.

"It's all for you." The companion passed a million checks, and at the same time passed a ribbon. "Blindfold your eyes, don't allow your employer to see, this is a rule."

"Thank you, thank you!" Bai Beibei was so grateful that she quickly placed the check carefully in a small bag, and then took the ribbon. "I know, I will follow the rules."

She pushed open the door and went in.

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