My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1235: This time i stop and wait for you

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The front desk summoned the courage and shouted at Leng Hao's back, because this was her last hope.

The voice had just fallen, and a strong wind was blowing around her, and the paper ball in her hand had been taken away.

Leng Hao quickly opened, and a small line of Juan Xiu on the note --- I was not married to Miyazaki, and I returned to Kyoto.

"Where is she?" Leng Hao asked frantically.

The front desk stuttered, "Well, leave early ..."

"Why didn't you call me when she came?"

"I hit, but ... Manager Achen hung up."

"Let Achen pack up and roll back to Africa!"

Leng Hao came out.

The front desk stayed in place, so the president ran away like a gust of wind?

Obediently, this note is so powerful.

The Amitabha meditation in the front desk, it seems that the beautiful and ridiculous woman is really the wife of the president.

The front desk returned to her seat. She picked up the phone and said, "Hey, Manager Achen."

"Why are you calling again? Do you really want to stop tomorrow?"

"Well, Manager Achen, it seems that you don't have to do it tomorrow. The president just said that you should pack up and roll back to Africa.

Ah Chen at the other end, "God horse?"

"Manager Achen, I didn't finish talking on the phone. The woman is called Ye Xiaotao."

Chen, ...

Nima, that is the Buddha!

He is so bad!

The president of his family was under her firm control in the five fingers, and he turned her out. People like him deserve three episodes!

However, the stool under his buttocks is not yet hot!

It's hot in Africa, and when he returns, he must be a sunspot!


The Lincoln luxury car was galloping on the road at a flying speed. In the car, Lenghao took out his mobile phone and said, "Hey, help me check today's flight to Kyoto."

"President, the flights to Kyoto today are at 2.30 in the afternoon and at 6 in the evening."

"Got it."

Soon, Lincoln stopped outside the airport gate, and Leng Hao opened the door and flew in.

He looked around nervously, but there was no one he was looking for.

I glanced at the precious steel watch on my wrist, and it was now 2:35.

The flight to Kyoto has already taken off.

It's just five minutes away.

she left!

Leng Hao stood in place, her eyes gasped, she was still one step late, and she was gone!

Looking at these strange faces around, Lenghao turned and walked forward.

After taking a step, his feet stopped because Ye Xiaotao was standing in front of him.

She looked at him with a red nose and teardrops on her delicate face.

"Little peach!" Lenghao strode forward, and then stretched out his long arms to pull her in his arms. He buried her hair and kissed strongly, "Good, you didn't leave."

"It's been five minutes. I won't let you go. I'm planning to fly to Kyoto to find you."

Ye Xiaotao choked, "I'm ... going to leave, and I know ... you'll fly to Kyoto to find me, but ... for the past four years ... you're chasing me, this time ... I'll just wait for you ... "

Leng Hao was full of joy and let go of her. He held her little face with two big palms and coaxed softly. My heart is crying ... "

Ye Xiaotao looked up at him. Her clear eyes were covered with a layer of bright water, soft and delicate, and any man wanted to hold her in his arms. I saw pity.

"Cheat! You left me alone at home, you avoided me, your heart is so hard, you don't want me at all." She complained.

He didn't want her at all, but she missed him and wanted to go crazy.

As long as she thought of his nosebleeds, she wished to put wings on him.

"I miss you, I really think, my head, my heart, is full of you. As long as I think of you with Gong Ai, I'm jealous and crazy, I'm afraid I will lose control, Xiao Tao, I don't know I don't know you ... aren't married. Are you really not married? You didn't lie to me, isn't this a dream? "

Ye Xiaotao hammered him with a pink punch, and she raised her lips. "You've slept with me, why would Miyazaki want me? He doesn't want me!"

Leng Hao rubbed her pink fist in the palm of her hand, kissed her by the mouth, "He doesn't want you, I want! I will be responsible for you, you will always be my Leng Hao woman!"

"Well, you can find another woman. I heard that many women in Hong Kong like you and want to marry you ..." She was jealous after all.

"They like me and it's their business. What does it have to do with me? I don't want anyone, as long as you!"

Ye Xiaotao pulled back his little hand, "Who wants you, I haven't decided to be with you, it depends on your future performance."

"Eun En, I must perform well!" After speaking Leng Hao held her in her arms, wishing to rub them into the blood.

As long as he thought he almost lost her, she waited for him while crying in the airport lobby, and he wanted to kill himself.

"Little peach, little peach ..." He whispered her name drunk, then leaned down and kissed the teardrops on her face.

She really didn't marry Gong Yan, this is not a dream!

After receiving her note, he thought he was dreaming.

After all these years, he didn't know if God had begun to care for him. He didn't dare to think about it. His beloved girl just came to him.

"Little peach." Lenghao wanted to kiss her lips.

"Don't!" Ye Xiaotao reached his wide and warm chest and refused.

"What's wrong, are you still angry?" He rubbed her chin with a rough thumb.

There are tears on Yexiaotaopu fan-like slender eyelashes, and she is very beautiful when she trembles. "Not angry, but everyone is watching us."

Leng Hao raised his lips, and sure enough the people in the airport lobby were peeking at them.

The next second, the body volleyed, and Ye Xiaotao was struck horizontally and hugged.

Afraid of falling, she quickly pulled the white shirt on his chest with two little hands, and the corners of her mouth were raised, she smiled sweetly.

"Wow!" At this moment someone was pumping around, and the little girl was drooling with envy, "Oh my god, this man is so handsome and man, look at his muscles!"

Ye Xiaotao immediately clasped his neck tightly with two small hands. The man was her!


Leng Hao held her in the co-pilot seat, got around the car, and leaned over to fasten her seat belt.

"No more crying, huh?"

"Well." Ye Xiaotao pumped her red nose and nodded.

At this time, the two were close together, the sun outside the window was refracted from the glass window, and the man's sharp and handsome beauty was warm and charming, and her senses were filled with the clean and healthy masculinity of his body.

She rarely saw him in a white shirt. He was the best-looking man she had ever seen in a white shirt.

"Are you still bleeding?" She whispered.

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