My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1242: The finale of the cold night

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Breathing smoothly, Lenghao glanced down at the window sill next door. He said dumbly, "Are you asleep?"

In the next room, the dimly lit sconce sprinkled dimly, and Ye Xiaotao was lying sideways in the white silk quilt. Her small face was pretty and soft.

When she heard the man's voice, she raised her lips slightly, "Not yet."

"why did not you tell me?"

"I told you, but you are so stupid that you don't understand."

Leng Hao clenched his thin lips, he was stupid, she hinted many times, but he didn't dare to think that way.

"Hard work?"

"Well ... when you were pregnant, you didn't want me anymore, and you said you should forget me and find a girl better than me to have a big push ..."

Her soft, sweet and aggrieved voice reached his eardrum, cleared his heart, slowly closed his eyes, and his eyes were slightly moist.

"It's my fault. I'll call you tomorrow and bite."

Ye Xiaotao's eyes were bright, "Isn't I just biting you this morning, I want to be beautiful!"

Leng Hao instantly felt dry mouth, looked up, and the man's **** throat knot rolled up and down.

He didn't mean that ...

After thinking about what happened in the shower room in the morning, she bit him, but he couldn't hold it.

He was really a jerk. She was pregnant, but he was bothering her.

She is now only four months old, pregnant in October, and six months left.

He can stay with her for six months, but he can't move those minds anymore, thinking about it is suffering.

"Well, I don't want to ..."

Ye Xiaotao accident, this boring man turned to sex?

"Wait until you have a baby, we will continue."

Ye Xiaotao, ...


When sleepiness struck, Ye Xiaotao closed his eyes gently, "Lenghao, I'm going to bed, you give me ... sing a song."


Leng Hao's complexion was unnatural.

"What song is it?"

"Whatever you want, you can sing."

Leng Hao thought for a while, then lifted her thin lips ---

Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast,

One without ears and one without tail, it's strange, it's strange ...

Ye Xiaotao smiled brightly, what, let him be casual, he was really casual, just use a brother to confuse her ...

However, she likes it.

Ye Xiaotao closed her eyes sweetly.

In the room downstairs, Leng Mu listened to the two tigers upstairs. He nodded secretly in the darkness, and finally got the hang of it!

However, it's ugly.

Leng Mu found two **** of cotton in his ears and closed his eyes to sleep.


Early the next morning.

Ye Xiaotao slowly opened her eyes. It was now eight o'clock. The gorgeous sunlight outside the window hit her through the veil, quiet and beautiful.

There was an extra person behind him, who ironed her with a wide, warm embrace, her long arms locked around her waist, and her broad palms resting on her raised abdomen.

He slowly and softly fumbled her little belly ...

"Awake?" Lenghao kissed her hair.

Pu fan-like slender eyelashes trembled, and then closed again comfortably. She nodded, "Well ... daddy?"

"I was asked to take him away. The old man was too noisy."

Ye Xiaotao raised his lips and said, "Don't say bad things about father, how can a father who doesn't love his son, father loves you."

"Well, I agree with this sentence," Leng Hao patted her little belly gently, and then covered the opening in her ear, "I love you!"

Ye Xiaotao softened his body, sticking to his arms.

"we love you too!"

Leng Hao clasped her little Hong shoulder and twisted her, leaning over, he kissed her lips gently.

He kissed very tenderly and pityingly, and didn't need to say anything, all words were in this deep kiss, Ye Xiaotao was all over his body, his two little hands clasped his neck.

For a long time, the two men loosened, "This, here you are."

Ye Xiaotao opened his eyes to see, a diamond ring was added to his two fingers.

"What?" Her voice was flattering.

"Xiao Tao, marry me, be my wife, you are all to me, and I will love you and love you in the future." Leng Hao looked at her burningly.

Ye Xiaotao grumbled her red lips, dissatisfied, "Are you too simple, no kneeling without flowers, you have no sincerity."

Leng Hao immediately got up, "I am kneeling now."

"Hey!" Ye Xiaotao hugged his neck and didn't give up. She said he only did it. It was so boring. He, it was an elm cricket, and was not saved.

"This time it's fine, but I'm going to wear a wedding dress, wedding, honeymoon, my dad is still angry. After marriage, you have to go back to Kyoto and do a good job in front of my dad's ground. Also, you said you would take me Go to the yacht and the beach, don't talk to me! "

"Eun, I promised you, any more?"

"And," Ye Xiaotao buried his face in his neck, then turned over and pressed him down. "I will have another one when this is over."

"Required! It's okay to have a lifetime!" Leng Hao turned over and pressed her under her.

The two rolled from the head of the bed to the end of the bed, and then rolled from the end of the bed to the end of the bed. The soft big bed infected them, and the laughter made a sound of "giggling".

(Outside the cold night, end)


Liu Yunlong vs Li Yi

Liu Yunlong's world is no longer going, there is a voice to tell him --- I'm married, and then countless voices are repeating, his Xiaoyi is married.

I have known each other for 24 years and 7 years respectively. His Xiaoyi left him and belonged to someone else.

Everything is so unreal.

He couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it.

But this is reality.

Liu Yunlong suffocated himself in the studio for two months. No one had seen him for the past two months. His assistant, Oda, frowned. Immediately, he called Ning Qing, and Ning Qing waited.

When Liu Yunlong opened the door and came out, his first sentence was, "What are the work arrangements today?"

Oda was overjoyed, and the haze finally passed.

"Yunlong, in the past two months, your fans are going crazy, we announced that you went abroad to study to stabilize them. Later we will update Weibo to create a lot of heat. Of course, the most important thing is Dinner. "

"What dinner?"

"The entrepreneurial media you invested in will go public tomorrow. Tonight, all shareholders are gathered at the Kunsha Hotel. Among them, Darren, the largest shareholder, has come to China. You need to entertain."

Liu Yunlong nodded, "Well."


Kunsha Hotel, luxury box.

Darren sat opposite Liu Yunlong, and the two looked at each other with a polite nod.

"I've heard about Liu's name for a long time. I'll see you today. I'll be lucky." Darren is tall, handsome, and speaks fluent Chinese.

"Fortunately," Liu Yunlong replied briefly.

"Ha, ha ha, the entrepreneurial media has Mr. Liu and Mr. Darren, one who manages music and one who manages the economy. We are behind you and make a steady profit. Let's have a drink first."

Everyone toast.

"Mr. Darren, why do you have time to come to China this time? We have invited many times on weekdays, and you have no time."

"Oh, my wife came to China a while ago. I just happened to pick her up this time."


ps: From April 1st to April 7th, 2017, this book will be free for 7 days in the QQ reading client for a limited time. With a small benefit, it also counts the many years of fan support for neon clothes. Friends can download the client looks ~

In addition, the new article of Nei Sang is already in the intensive preparation stage, probably released in April or May, and the mushroom ladies can continue to pay attention.

This is the end of Leng Yefan, thank you for your company.

The next ten chapters will be briefed on Liu Yunlong vs Li Yifanwai, so, how happy the girls are. This little Fanwai is free to watch. After Liu Li ends, the official opening of the palace vs Baibeibaifan.

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